[Adopted as § 2-3-3 of the 2012 compilation of ordinances, as amended through 5-22-2013]
In order to provide the Village of Winneconne with a more efficient, effective and responsible government under a system of a part-time President and part-time Village Board (hereinafter referred to as "Board") at a time when Village government is becoming increasingly complex, there is hereby created the Office of Village Administrator-Economic Development Coordinator for the Village of Winneconne (hereinafter referred to as "Administrator").
The Administrator shall be appointed on the basis of merit with due regard to training, experience, administrative ability and general fitness for the office by a majority vote of the Board. The Administrator shall hold office for an indefinite term subject to removal at any time by a majority vote of the Board. This article, however, shall not preclude the Board from establishing other employment terms and conditions not inconsistent with the provisions of this article or this Code of Ordinances.
The Administrator, subject to the limitations defined in resolutions and ordinances of the Village of Winneconne and Wisconsin Statutes, shall be the chief administrative officer of the Village, responsible only to the President and the Board for the proper administration of the business affairs of the Village, pursuant to the Wisconsin Statutes, the ordinances of the Village of Winneconne, and the resolutions and ordinances of the Village of Winneconne, and the resolutions and directives of the Board. The Administrator shall have such powers and duties as prescribed in this article.
The Village Administrator shall:
Carry out directives of the President and Board which require administrative implementation, reporting promptly to the President and Board any difficulties encountered herein;
Be responsible for the administration of all day-to-day operations of the Village government, including the monitoring of all Village ordinances, resolutions, Board meeting minutes and Wisconsin Statutes;
Prepare a plan of administration, including an organizational chart, which defines authority and responsibility for all nonstatutory positions of the Village, and submit it to the Village Board for adoption as the official organization and administrative procedure plan for the Village;
Establish when necessary administrative procedures to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Village government according to current practices in local government, not inconsistent with Subsection C above or directions of the President and Board;
Serve as ex officio nonvoting member of all boards, commissions and committees of the Village, except as specified by the Board, Wisconsin Statutes, or this Code of Ordinances.
Keep informed concerning current federal, state, and county legislation and administrative rules affecting the Village and submit appropriate reports and recommendations thereon to the Board;
Keep informed concerning the availability of federal, state and county funds for local programs. Assist department heads and the Board in obtaining these funds under the direction of the President and the Board;
Represent the Village in matters involving legislative and intergovernmental affairs as authorized and directed as to that representation by the President and Board;
Act as public information officer for the Village with the responsibility of ensuring that the news media are kept informed about the operation of the Village and that all open meeting rules and regulations are followed;
Establish and maintain procedures to facilitate communications between citizens and Village government to ensure that complaints, grievances, recommendations and other matters receive prompt attention by the responsible official, and to ensure that all such matters are expeditiously resolved;
Promote the economic well-being and growth of the Village through public and private sector cooperation; develop positive working relationships with the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services, Forward Wisconsin, and other economic development agencies; maintain good communications with the commercial and industrial sectors of the Village; coordinate business development and retention efforts with the Chamber of Commerce; and initiate other economic development activities when opportunities arise;
Act as compliance officer for the Village with responsibility for compliance with applicable state and federal regulations and program requirements;
Act as Zoning Administrator and perform various zoning and land use, planning, permit issuance and code compliance functions as directed by the Village Board.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Attend all meetings of the Board, assisting the President and the Board as required in the performance of their duties;
In coordination with the President, the Board and the Clerk-Treasurer, ensure that appropriate agendas are prepared for all meetings of the Board, all Board committees, and all other appropriate committees and commissions of the Village, together with such supporting material as may be required; with nothing herein being construed as to give the Administrator authority to limit or in any way prevent matters from being considered by the Board, or any of its committees and commissions;
Assist in the preparation of ordinances and resolutions as required by the President or the Board, or as needed;
Keep the President and Board regularly informed about the activities of the Administrator's office by oral or written report at regular and special meetings of the Board;
In the event that action normally requiring Board approval is necessary at a time when the Board cannot meet, the Administrator shall receive directives from the President.
The Village Administrator shall:
Be responsible for the administrative (and operational) direction and coordination of all employees of the Village according to the established organization procedures.
Recommend to the Board the appointment, promotion, and when necessary for the good of the Village, the suspension or termination of department heads;
In consultation with the appropriate department head, be responsible for recommending to the Village Board the appointment, promotion, and when necessary for the good of the Village, the suspension or termination of employees below the department head level;
Serve as personnel officer for the Village with responsibilities to see that complete and current personnel records, including specific job descriptions, for all Village employees are kept; evaluate in conjunction with department heads the performance of all employees on a regular basis; recommend salary and wage scales for Village employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements; develop and enforce high standards of performance by Village employees; ensure that Village employees have proper working conditions; work closely with department heads to promptly resolve personnel problems or grievances;
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Assist in labor contract negotiations and collective bargaining issues;
Work closely with department heads to ensure that employees receive adequate opportunities for training to maintain and improve their job-related knowledge and skills and act as the approving authority for requests by employees to attend conferences, meetings, training schools, etc., provided that funds have been budgeted for these activities.
The Village Administrator shall:
Be responsible for the preparation of the annual Village budget, in accordance with guidelines as may be provided by the Village Board and in coordination with department heads, and pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes, for review and approval by the President and the Board;
Administer the budget as adopted by the Board;
Report regularly to the Board on the current fiscal position of the Village;
Supervise the accounting system of the Village and ensure that the system employs methods in accordance with current professional accounting practices;
Serve as the purchasing agent for the Village, supervising all purchasing and contracting for supplies and services, subject to the purchasing procedures established by the Board and any limitation contained in the Wisconsin Statutes;
All officials and employees of the Village shall cooperate with and assist the Administrator so that the Village government shall function effectively and efficiently.