[Adopted as Secs. 6.05 through 6.055 of the Codification]
[Amended by Ord. No. 1160; Ord. No. 1166; Ord. No. 1177; Ord. No. 1178; Ord. No. 1181; Ord. No. 1184; Ord. No. 1203; Ord. No. 1207; Ord. No. 1213; Ord. No. 1215; Ord. No. 1226; Ord. No. 1234; Ord. No. 1235; Ord. No. 1239; Ord. No. 1240; Ord. No. 1241; Ord. No. 1248; Ord. No. 1249; Ord. No. 1250; Ord. No. 1270; Ord. No. 1281; Ord. No. 1282; Ord. No. 1288; Ord. No. 1290; Ord. No. 1300; Ord. No. 1304; Ord. No. 1306; Ord. No. 1320; Ord. No. 1351; Ord. No. 1363; Ord. No. 1380; Ord. No. 1382; Ord. No. 1391; Ord. No. 1393; Ord. No. 1396-A; Ord. No. 1406; Ord. No. 1409; Ord. No. 1412; Ord. No. 1413; Ord. No. 1416; Ord. No. 1423; Ord. No. 1449; Ord. No. 1466; Ord. No. 1469; Ord. No. 1485; Ord. No. 1505; Ord. No. 1507; Ord. No. 1509; Ord. No. 1513; Ord. No. 1514; Ord. No. 1517; Ord. No. 1520; Ord. No. 1524; Ord. No. 1532; Ord. No. 1554; Ord. No. 1556; Ord. No. 1565; Ord. No. 1570; Ord. No. 1572; Ord. No. 1573; Ord. No. 1577; Ord. No. 1582; Ord. No. 1585; Ord. No. 1586; Ord. No. 1587; Ord. No. 1592; Ord. No. 1594; Ord. No. 1598; Ord. No. 1601; Ord. No. 1603; Ord. No. 1604; Ord. No. 1606; Ord. No. 1608; Ord. No. 1610; Ord. No. 1614; Ord. No. 1617; Ord. No. 1618; Ord. No. 1619; Ord. No. 1620; Ord. No. 1623; Ord. No. 1658; Ord. No. 1673; Ord. No. 1673-A; Ord. No. 1683; Ord. No. 1716; Ord. No. 1767; Ord. No. 1776; Ord. No. 1812; Ord. No. 1815; Ord. No. 1816; Ord. No. 1829; 8-14-2017 by Ord. No. 1834; 11-6-2017 by Ord. No. 1835; 12-18-2017 by Ord. No. 1836; 8-27-2018 by Ord. No. 1842; 1-21-2019 by Ord. No. 1847; 4-15-2019 by Ord. No. 1850; 5-20-2019 by Ord. No. 1851; 6-3-2019 by Ord. No. 1852; 8-5-2019 by Ord. No. 1853; 8-5-2019 by Ord. No. 1854; 10-5-2020 by Ord. No. 1873; 11-16-2020 by Ord. No. 1874; 2-15-2021 by Ord. No. 1880; 7-12-2021 by Ord. No. 1886; 7-12-2021 by Ord. No. 1887; 8-2-2021 by Ord. No. 1888]
Official Parking Map. Unmetered parking regulations, metered parking regulations, and permit required zones shall be shown on an Official Parking Map maintained by the Village. The Official Parking Map (as amended from time to time by the Village Board) is adopted and incorporated into this section.[1] Failure to observe the restrictions shown on such map shall be violation of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Said map is on file in the Village offices.
Overnight parking.
The Department of Public Works shall post signs in compliance with § 349.13(2), Wis. Stats., at or reasonably near the corporate limits of the Village on all state and county trunk highways and connecting streets informing motorists that night parking regulations are in effect. No person shall park any vehicle on any street or alley between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. of any day except under the following conditions:
As granted by overnight parking permit in § 6-9B(4).
As granted by single-night parking permission in § 6-9B(5).
A physician responding to a call.
Emergency calls.
No person shall park any vehicle anywhere in the public parking areas located adjacent to the tennis courts and at the south end of Klode Park between 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to the operator of any vehicle which is disabled while on the highway in such manner or to such extent that it is impossible to avoid stopping or temporarily leaving such vehicle in such position.
Overnight parking permit.
Overnight parking permit, December 1 to March 31: Overnight parking, where permitted, from December 1 to March 31 shall require an overnight parking permit and be restricted to the even-numbered side of the street on those nights with an even calendar date before midnight, and to the odd-numbered side of the street on those nights with an odd calendar date before midnight. Permitted vehicles shall be parked at a location abutting or across the street from the property of the overnight parking permit holder unless an exception applies under § 6-9B(4)(h).
Overnight parking permit, April 1 to November 30: Overnight parking, where permitted, from April 1 to November 30 shall require an overnight parking permit. Permitted vehicles shall be parked at a location abutting the property of the overnight parking permit holder unless an exception applies under § 6-9B(4)(h).
Overnight parking permits may be requested by residents only.
Ineligible vehicles. Motor trucks, motor buses, motorcycles, motor delivery wagons, trailers, semitrailers, cabin trailers and tractors shall not be eligible for an overnight parking permit.
Application and permit.
The application form shall contain the name and address of the owner of the vehicle, the license number, make and year of the vehicle, the name of the month of issuance, and the date of expiration.
The permit shall contain the number of the permit, the name and address of the owner of the vehicle, the make, year and license number of the vehicle, the location where the vehicle is to be parked, the month of issue and date of expiration. All permits shall be numbered consecutively.
Permit fee. The overnight parking permit fee shall be as set from time to time by the Village Board. The overnight parking permit may be issued for a period not to exceed four consecutive months from December 1 to March 31 or not to exceed eight consecutive months from April 1 to November 30. The overnight parking permit includes sales tax.
Every vehicle issued an overnight parking permit shall vacate the parking space at least once in every twenty-four-hour period. The Village Manager or designee may permit parking in a specific Village-owned automobile parking lot on a special permission basis if a permitted vehicle must be left longer than a twenty-four-hour period.
Unavailability of certain areas during construction and/or of certain sides of certain streets.
On Lydell Avenue, Village residents shall park on the Whitefish Bay side of the street.
On School Road, Village residents shall park on the Whitefish Bay side of the street.
On Oakland Avenue, where addresses on the west side of the street are not in Whitefish Bay, Village residents shall park on the Whitefish Bay side of the street. This pertains to 4606 N. Oakland Avenue south to 4512 N. Oakland Avenue.
Where parking is allowed on only one side of the street, vehicles parking overnight shall follow these parking guidelines and park only on the side of the street where parking is permitted.
When the request for a permit is at a time when such parking may interfere with scheduled street improvements, the Village Manager or the Chief of Police may order alternate locations for parking the vehicle for which the permit is issued.
Guest overnight parking permits.
A guest overnight parking permit may be issued from April 1 through November 30 where off-street parking space is not available for guests or members of the family of a property owner or lessee and where such guest or member of the family will be staying at the home of said owner or lessee for a period exceeding seven consecutive days.
Guest overnight parking permits shall comply with and be subject to Subsection B(4)(b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), and (h), and to all other restrictions regulating traffic.
Single-night parking permission.
Single-night parking permission may be obtained from the Police Department. Each request shall be for one vehicle only for up to five nights per request.
Single-night parking permission may be requested for a maximum of 25 nights per calendar year per vehicle.
Single-night parking permission may be requested by residents only.
From April 1 to November 30, the vehicle shall be parked at a location abutting the property of the resident making the request unless an exception applies under § 6-9B(4)(h).
From December 1 to March 31, the vehicle shall be parked on the even-numbered side of the street on those nights with an even calendar date before midnight, and on the odd-numbered side of the street on those nights with an odd calendar date before midnight. The vehicle shall be parked at a location abutting or across the street from the property of the resident making the request unless an exception applies under § 6-9B(4)(h).
[Amended by Ord. No. 1294; Ord. No. 1393; Ord. No. 1608; Ord. No. 1670; Ord. No. 1710; Ord. No. 1776; Ord. No. 1796; 8-5-2019 by Ord. No. 1853; 8-30-2021 by Ord. No. 1889; 8-7-2023 by Ord. No. 1906]
Daytime permit parking in residential permit parking districts. Residents living on blocks with time zone parking or parking by residential permit only restrictions shall be allowed to park by permit under the provisions hereinafter set forth regardless of otherwise applicable time limits. Permit parking shall allow residents to park regardless of daytime or nighttime parking limitations, not including areas of no-parking zones, any areas where parking is not allowed by state law or by specific reference in the Traffic Code, any metered zone areas, or parking violation of the all-night parking provisions.
Parking restrictions and residential parking permits. Except for residential parking pursuant to permits under this section, all parking restrictions will remain the same on streets with time zone parking restrictions as set forth in other sections of the Traffic Code. Appropriate signs giving notice of the prohibition shall be posted on those streets restricting all parking beyond allowable time limitations, except for parking by holders of residential parking permits. Permits may be issued to persons who reside on a particular block, and such residential parking permit shall be restricted to the one block in which the resident resides. The permits shall be coded to identify the various blocks.
Issuance of permits.
The Village shall issue one residential parking permit for each vehicle registered to a person living at the residential unit on streets with time zone or parking by residential permit only restrictions. Such permits will be restricted to use only for the vehicle it was issued to.
In addition, the Village shall issue two residential parking permits for visitors to any residence with time zone or parking by residential permit only restricted parking. Visitor parking is limited to the time that the person driving the visiting vehicle is actually at the residence or on the property being visited.
Application forms shall be those as established by the Chief of Police and issued by the Police Department.
Nontransferability. Only the resident or their guest may use a permit. Any unauthorized use of a permit shall constitute a violation of this section.
Unlawful holding of permits. It shall constitute a violation of this section for any person to falsely represent himself or herself as eligible for a residential parking permit or to furnish any false information in an application to the Police Department in order to obtain a residential parking permit. Whenever the conditions allowing a permit to be issued no longer exist, the person holding such permit shall surrender it to the Police Department. It shall be unlawful for any person to represent that he or she is entitled to such permit when he or she is not so entitled, to fail to surrender a permit to which he or she is no longer entitled, or to park a vehicle displaying a permit when the holder of such permit is not entitled to hold it.
Revocation. The Police Department is authorized and directed to revoke the residential parking permit of any person found to be in violation of this section, and, upon written notification thereof, the person shall surrender such permit to the Police Department. Failure, when so requested, to surrender a residential parking permit so revoked shall constitute a violation of this section.
Duration of permit. No permit issued hereunder shall be valid for more than five years but may be renewed upon expiration, provided the conditions for continuation exists. All permits shall, however, be automatically revoked in the event that § 6-10 of the Traffic Code is repealed. In addition, permits for individual parking areas shall be revoked in the event that said parking areas on a particular street are no longer time zone restricted.
Authority. Residential parking permits issued under this section shall be granted pursuant to the authority of § 349.13(1g), Wis. Stats.
[Amended by Ord. No. 1342; Ord. No. 1385]
Intent and purpose. The Village Board finds and declares that the provisions of this section are enacted for the following reasons:
To promote an orderly system of parking for employees of businesses in the nearby business district;
To reduce hazardous traffic conditions resulting from the use of streets within residential districts for vehicles parked by persons not residing within the residential districts;
To protect those residential districts from polluted air, excessive noise, and refuse caused by the entry of such vehicles;
To promote efficiency in the maintenance of streets in a clean and safe condition;
To promote traffic safety and the safety of children and other pedestrians;
To lessen the impact of automobile use on the environment of the community;
To alleviate traffic congestion, illegal parking and related health and safety hazards;
To promote the peace, comfort, convenience and welfare of all inhabitants of the Village.
Prior proceedings. In order to accomplish the above-stated purposes, the Village Board and the Village staff, at the direction of the Village Board, have previously investigated the parking situation in the areas involved, have conducted surveys of parking in the areas, and have held various meetings open to the public in consideration of the parking situation generally, and in consideration specifically of the employee daytime parking permit procedure set forth in this chapter.
Daytime employee permit parking. No person shall park any vehicle on any of the locations or blocks of the streets hereinafter enumerated between the times listed for the specific locations in Subsection D of any day, except Sundays, except pursuant to the employee permits as provided herein. Employees and owners of businesses located in the Silver Spring Business District shall be allowed to park by permit under the provisions hereinafter set forth during the daytime hours listed for each location in Subsection D, Monday through Saturday. An employee parking permit shall, however, not allow a person to park in an area of no-parking zones, or in any other area where parking is not allowed by state law or by specific reference in this Traffic Code.
[Amended 7-24-2023 by Ord. No. 1903]
Employee parking permit locations:
[Amended 7-24-2023 by Ord. No. 1903]
North side of Silver Spring Drive from North Bay Ridge Avenue to North Santa Monica Boulevard. Daytime employee permit required between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
West lot of the Consaul Commons Parking Lot designated as ten-hour parking zones. Daytime employee permit required between 6:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m.
That part of the Marlborough Parking Lot designated as ten-hour parking zone. Daytime employee permit required between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
East Beaumont Avenue from Consaul Place to North Santa Monica Boulevard. Daytime employee permit required between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
Employee parking permits. Permits may be issued to employees or owners of businesses located in the Silver Spring Drive Business District. Appropriate signs giving notice of the prohibition against parking except by those holders of employee parking permits shall be posted on those areas enumerated above.
Issuance of permits. Criteria for issuance and regulation of issuance shall be established by the Village Manager. Permits shall be issued to owners of business for distribution to their employees who drive to work. Permits shall be displayed on the left side of rear bumper of vehicle. Improper display of the permit shall constitute a violation of this section.
Nontransferability. Any transference of, or use of, this permit on a vehicle utilized by an individual not employed or owning a business in the Silver Spring Drive Business District shall constitute a violation of this section.
Unlawful holding of permits. It shall constitute a violation of this section for any person to falsely represent himself or herself as eligible for an employee parking permit. Whenever the conditions allowing such permit to be issued no longer exist, the person holding such permit shall report same to the Police Department and remove the permit from the vehicle. It shall be unlawful for any person to represent that he or she is entitled to such permit when he or she is not so entitled, or to park a vehicle displaying a permit when the holder of such permit is not entitled to hold it.
Duration of permit. Permits shall be issued for a period of time as established by the Village Manager at the time of issuance and may be renewed, provided the conditions for continuation exist. All permits shall, however, be automatically revoked in the event that § 6-11 of the Traffic Code is repealed.
Revocation. The employee parking permit of any person found to be in violation of this section shall not be renewed. Any person found to be in violation of this section shall, upon written notification thereof, remove such permit. Failure to remove, when so requested, an employee parking permit so revoked shall constitute a violation of this section.
[Amended by Ord. No. 1607]
Intent and purpose.
To promote an orderly system of parking for employees of the Whitefish Bay High School in the especially crowded area surrounding the high school;
To reduce air pollution and other environmental effects of automobile commuting, to encourage reliance on car pools and mass transit;
To enhance the quality of life in residential areas by reducing noise, traffic hazards and litter;
To reduce hazardous traffic conditions resulting from the use of streets within residential districts for vehicles parked by persons not residing within the residential districts;
To promote traffic safety and the safety of children and other pedestrians; and to promote efficiency in the maintenance of streets in a clean and safe condition;
To lessen the impact of automobile use on the environment of the community; and to thereby alleviate traffic congestion, illegal parking and related health and safety hazards;
To promote the peace, comfort, convenience and welfare of all inhabitants of the Village.
Prior proceedings. In order to accomplish the above-stated purposes, the Village Board and the Village staff, at the direction of the Village Board, have previously investigated the parking situation in the area involved, have conducted surveys of parking in the area, and have held various meetings open to the public in consideration of the parking situation generally, and in consideration specifically of the employee parking permit procedure set forth in this chapter.
Employee permit parking. No person shall park any vehicle on any of the locations or blocks of the streets hereinafter enumerated between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. of any school day, except pursuant to the employee permits as provided herein. Employees of the Village of Whitefish Bay High School shall be allowed to park by permit under the provisions hereinafter set forth during the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on school days. An employee parking permit shall, however, not allow a person to park in an area of no-parking zones, or in any other area where parking is not allowed by state law or by specific reference in the Traffic Code.
Employee parking permit locations.
Name of Street
East Fairmount Avenue
From a point 219 feet west of the west curbline of North Ardmore Avenue extended to a point 287 feet west of the west curbline of North Ardmore Avenue extended
East Fairmount Avenue
From a point 30 feet west of the west curbline of North Ardmore Avenue extended to a point 150 feet west of the west curbline of North Ardmore Avenue extended
East Fairmount Avenue
From a point 80 feet east of the east curbline of North Marlborough Drive to a point 281 feet east of the east curbline of North Marlborough Drive
North Ardmore Avenue
[Amended 2-6-2023 by Ord. No. 1899]
From a point 320 feet north of the north curbline of East Fairmount Avenue extended to a point 400 feet north of the north curbline of East Fairmount Avenue
Employee parking permits. Permits may be issued to employees of the Whitefish Bay High School. Appropriate signs giving notice of the prohibition against parking except by those holders of employee parking permits shall be posted on those areas enumerated above.
Issuance of permits. The ministerial administrative actions of the issuance of the permits, including the production of the permits and all recordkeeping, shall be done by the Whitefish Bay High School administrative staff, in strict compliance with the provisions of this section. The Whitefish Bay High School shall bear all costs for the administration of this section. The permit shall be of a different size, shape, color and design as those used pursuant to §§ 6-10 and 6-11. Permits shall be displayed on the left side of the rear bumper of the vehicle. Improper display of a permit shall constitute a violation of this section.
Nontransferability. Any transference of, or use of, this permit on a vehicle utilized by an individual not employed by the Whitefish Bay High School shall constitute a violation of this section.
Unlawful holding of permits. Whenever the conditions allowing such permit to be issued no longer exist, the person holding such permit shall remove the permit from the vehicle. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle displaying a permit when the holder of such permit is not entitled to hold it.
Duration of permit. Permits shall be issued for a one-year period from August 1 of one year to July 31 of the next succeeding year, and may be renewed, provided the conditions for continuation exist. All permits shall, however, be automatically revoked in the event that § 6-12 of the Traffic Code is repealed.
Revocation. The employee parking permit of any person found to be in violation of this section shall not be renewed. Any person found to be in violation of this section shall, upon written notification thereof, remove such permit. Failure to remove, when so requested, an employee permit so revoked shall constitute an additional violation of this section.
[Added 4-1-2024 by Ord. No. 1909]
Definition. An electric vehicle is defined according to Wis. Stats. 341.25(1)(L)1.c as a vehicle that is propelled solely by electrical energy and that is not capable of using gasoline, diesel fuel, or alternative fuel to propel the vehicle.
Purpose. The Village of Whitefish Bay has created electric vehicle charging stations using public parking spaces to address the growing use of electric vehicles and enable thc public to charge their electric vehicles for a fee.
Designation of electric vehicle parking spaces. Parking spots designated as electric vehicle charging stations shall be marked with signage indicating that only electric vehicles are allowed to park while actively charging and violators will be ticketed or towed. All electric vehicle parking spaces shall have access to an electric vehicle charging station.
Operation of electric vehicle charging stations. When any vehicle shall be parked in any parking spot designated for electric vehicle parking, the operator shall immediately deposit or cause to be deposited payment at a rate of $2/hour with a $2 minimum in the electric vehicle charging station.
Maximum parking time. It is intended, to maximize the amount of vehicles able to use the electric vehicle parking spaces throughout the day, to limit the time allowed to two hours for each respective spot. Merely depositing additional payments into the electric vehicle charging stations will not make parking legal which is otherwise illegal as being beyond the stated maximum time. It is the specific intention of this chapter that no electric vehicle shall park longer than two hours in an electric vehicle parking space.
Violations. An individual is not allowed to stop, stand, or park a motor vehicle within any parking space specifically designated as an electric vehicle parking space unless the motor vehicle is an electric motor vehicle as defined by Wis. Stats. 341.25(1)(L)1.c, is plugged into the adjacent electric vehicle charging station, and is actively charging. It shall also be a violation to allow a vehicle to be parking beyond the maximum allowed time for each designated spot.
Editor's Note: Former § 6-13, Silver Spring Business Area parking regulations, as amended, was repealed 8-2-2021 by Ord. No. 1888.