[Adopted by Ord. No. 1411 (Sec. 15.08 of the Codification)]
[Amended by Ord. No. 1596]
Permission may be obtained for fireworks displays upon application and issuance of a permit by the Village. Written notice shall be given by the Village to all property owners within 500 feet of the site of the display of either a Village Committee or Village Board meeting at which the issuance of the permit is considered. Approval may be granted by the Village Board if it is fully satisfied as to all aspects of the display, including safety, appropriateness and the effect on other residents and the community. If so approved by the Village Board, the permit is to be issued by the Village Manager only upon his full and complete satisfaction as to all safety factors.
Upon the issuance of a permit for a fireworks display under the provisions of this article, the provisions of §§ 8-3A and 9-2D(6) of this Code shall be superseded but only to the extent of the activities expressly provided for in said permit.
No fireworks display permit shall be issued nor shall the Village enter into any contract with a fireworks display company unless the Village is assured that the contract with the fireworks display company expressly binds the fireworks display company to cause its employees to search the grounds of the fireworks display for any combustible material or other dangerous material left by the fireworks display company, and to remove all of said combustible and dangerous material, said search and removal to be completed by one hour after sunrise the day following the display.
[Amended by Ord. No. 1596; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 17, Village Code and Ordinances, Art. I)]
The applicant for the fireworks display permit shall pay a permit fee within five working days of the approval by the Village Manager. The permit fee shall be the estimated costs of the event to the Village, including salary and benefits for police officers and DPW workers, as determined by the Village Manager, plus an administrative fee. The permit fee may be waived by the Village Manager for events which are conducted by charitable nonprofit organizations or are of a civic nature.