[Adopted as Secs. 18.16 and 18.17 of the Codification]
[Amended by Ord. No. 1267; Ord. No. 1781]
Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall be subject to a penalty as provided in Chapter 17, Village Code and Ordinances, Article III, General Penalty, of the Code of the Village of Whitefish Bay, in addition to any specific penalty provided herein. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day on which a violation of any provision of this chapter occurs or continues. As and for a further penalty for any violation of this or any other provision in the Municipal Code, the Village Board hereby empowers the Village Manager or designee to, after providing notice in person or via United States mail to the last known owner of the property at least two business days in advance, perform such work on said property as is required to render the property compliant with the Municipal Code. The reasonable cost of such work shall be billed to the last known property owner and such bill shall be due and payable within 15 days after it has been mailed. Amounts due after said period of time shall be delinquent and shall become a lien upon the property and may be placed on the tax bill of the property in question as a special charge for current services as provided in § 66.0627, Wis. Stats.
If any section or subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or any other part of this chapter is for any reason held to be void or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of the chapter. The Village Board hereby declares that it would have passed this chapter, each section, subsection, clause, sentence and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentence, clause or phrase or other parts be declared as void or invalid.
In the event of a conflict between this chapter and another section of the Village Code, the more restrictive provision shall prevail.