[Ord. 1995-6, 12/28/1995, § 1]
As used in this Part, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings set forth below:
Any industrial, commercial or other business property owned by an individual partnership, association or corporation and located in an investment opportunity area, as hereinafter provided, or any such property which has been the subject of an order by a governmental agency requiring the property to be vacated, condemned or demolished.
Repair, construction or reconstruction, including alterations and additions, having the effect of rehabilitating a deteriorated property so that it becomes habitable or attains higher standards of safety, health, economic use or amenity or is brought into compliance with laws, ordinances or regulations governing such standards. Ordinary upkeep and maintenance shall not be deemed an improvement. No residential homes, apartments or other living establishments will be included.
All property within the commercial and industrial zones of the Township of Vernon.
The Township of Vernon and Crawford Central School District and the County of Crawford or any other governmental entity having the authority to levy real property taxes within the Township of Vernon.
The Township of Vernon.
[Ord. 1995-6, 12/28/1995, § 2]
From and after the effective date of this Part and subject to the limitations hereinafter stated or provided for by law, there is hereby exempted from real estate taxation levied, assessed or imposed by the Township of Vernon the assessed valuation of industrial, commercial or other business property located in an investment opportunity area of the Township of Vernon or such other property which has been the subject of an order by a governmental agency requiring the property to be vacated, condemned or demolished by reason of noncompliance with laws, ordinances or regulations.
[Ord. 1995-6, 12/28/1995, § 3]
The exemption granted herein shall be subject to the following limitations:
Exemption from real property taxes shall be limited to:
The exemption schedule established in this Part.
That portion of the additional assessment attributable to the actual cost of improvements to the deteriorated property.
The assessment valuation attributable to the cost of construction of a new industrial, commercial or other business unit.
In all cases the exemption from taxes shall be limited to that portion of the additional assessment attributable to the improvements or new construction, as the case may be, and for which a separate assessment has been made by the Crawford County Board of Assessment Appeals and for which an exemption has been separately requested.
No tax exemption shall be granted if the property owner does not secure the necessary and proper permits prior to improving the property.
In any case, after the effective date of this Part, when deteriorated property is damaged, destroyed or demolished by any cause or for any reason and the assessed valuation of the property affected has been reduced as a result of the said damage, destruction or demolition, an exemption from real property taxation authorized by this Part shall be limited to that portion of the new assessment attributable to the actual cost of improvements or construction that is in excess of the original assessments that existed prior to the damage, destruction or demolition of the property.
[Ord. 1995-6, 12/28/1995, § 4]
The following real estate tax exemption schedule shall be in effect when the owner or lessor shall commence use of said property for five years immediately following completion of new construction or completion of an improvement to an existing structure the following real estate tax exemption shall be in effect:
Portion Exempt
1st year
50% of the eligible assessment
2nd year
40% of the eligible assessment
3rd year
30% of the eligible assessment
4th year
20% of the eligible assessment
5th year
10% of the eligible assessment
After the fifth year, the exemption shall terminate absolutely, and the entire assessed value of the property, including all improvements previously subject to exemption pursuant to the terms of this Part, shall be fully taxable.
The exemption from taxes granted under this Part shall be on the property excepted and shall not terminate upon the sale or exchange of the property but shall continue for the full time originally granted.
If an eligible property is granted tax exemption pursuant to this Part the improvement shall not, during the exemption period, be considered as a factor in assessing other properties.
If the use of the property at the time the exemption is granted is modified, terminated or changed during the five-year period and in any way which would have affected the exemption if the property had been so used when the exemption was granted, then, at the option of the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township, the exemption shall terminate as of the date the use was modified or terminated if the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township determines that continuation of the exemption would be inconsistent with the purposes of this Part and the enabling Act of Assembly.
[Ord. 1995-6, 12/28/1995, § 5]
All building permit applications within the Township of Vernon shall, from and after the effective date hereof, be accompanied by a written notice to the applicant of the existence of this Part, the exemption granted hereby and of the procedures necessary to obtain exemption in accordance with the terms of this Part.
[Ord. 1995-6, 12/28/1995, § 6]
Any person desiring tax exemption pursuant to this Part shall apply to the Township of Vernon at the time the building permit is secured for construction of the improvement. The application shall be in writing upon forms specified by the Township of Vernon setting forth the following information:
The date the building permit was issued for said improvements.
Location of the property to be improved.
The nature of the property to be improved (i.e., industrial, commercial, etc.).
The type of improvement.
The cost of the improvement.
If the property has been inspected and verified by the Township Manager or his agent.
Such additional information as the Township of Vernon may require.
A copy of the exemption request shall be forwarded to the County Board of Assessment by the Township Manager. The Board shall determine and it shall assess separately the improvements and calculate the amounts of the assessment eligible for the tax exemption in accordance with the limit established by this Part and notify the taxpayer and local taxing authorities of the reassessment and amount of the assessment eligible for tax exemption. In the case of new construction, the Board shall assess separately the unit and land upon which the new construction stands and shall otherwise perform its duties as above provided for construction of improvements to properties.
The cost of improvements to be exempted and the schedule of tax exemption existing at the time of the initial request for tax exemption shall be applicable to that exemption request and subsequent amendments to this Part shall not apply to requests initiated prior to their adoption.
Appeals from reassessment on the amount eligible for the exemption may be taken by the Township of Vernon or by the taxpayer as provided by law.
[Ord. 1995-6, 12/28/1995, § 7]
No amendments to this Part shall be effective unless consented to by resolution or ordinance of each local taxing authority which has consented to be bound by the terms of this Part.
[Ord. 1995-6, 12/28/1995, § 8]
This Part shall automatically terminate five years following the effective date hereof; provided, however, that any taxpayer who has received or applied for the exemption granted by this Part prior to the expiration date herein provided shall, if said exemption is granted, be entitled to the full exemption authorized herein. This section shall not prevent the Township of Vernon, however, from repealing this Part or any section thereof before the five years upon proper action of the Vernon Township Board of Directors.
[Ord. 1995-6, 12/28/1995, § 9]
Any exemption made permissible under this Part shall not be applied to any residential homes, apartment buildings or other living establishments except hotels and motels which rent rooms to travelers on a short-term basis.