Res. 1961-5
Recommending to the Vernon Township Sewer Authority that they engage the services of Arthurs, Lestrange and Company in connection with financing the cost of construction of a sewage disposal system in the Fredericksburg sewer district
Approving the construction and estimated costs of a sanitary sewerage system in the Township of Vernon and charging the construction costs against the properties benefited
Authorizing the execution and delivery of a sewer service agreement between the Meadville Area School District and Vernon Township Sanitary Authority and the Township of Vernon covering sewer furnished the Fredericksburg School
Authorizing Vernon Township Sanitary Authority to maintain, repair and replace sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto in certain streets, roads, alleys and rights-of-way in the Township
Authorizing the execution and delivery of an agreement of lease between Vernon Township Sanitary Authority and the Township of Vernon for a system of sanitary sewers and the establishment of the Sewer System Fund
Authorizing the execution and delivery of a management agreement between the Vernon Township Authority and the Township of Vernon for the sewer system serving the Fredericksburg area of the Township
Res. 1967-37
Resolving that the Township of Vernon agrees that the planning requirements of Act 537 should be accomplished at the County level and will cooperate in the preparation of such plan
Approving the construction and estimated costs of certain sanitary collector sewers to be constructed in the Township of Vernon by Vernon Township Sanitary Authority and approving the charging of the costs of construction according to the front-foot method
Authorizing the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority to lay, construct, maintain, repair, and replace sanitary sewer lines and the appurtenances thereof in streets, roads, alleys and rights-of-way of the Township of Vernon
Authorizing the execution and delivery of an agreement of lease between Vernon Township Sanitary Authority and the Township of Vernon for Sewer System-II to serve certain areas of the Township and the establishment of the Sewer System-II Fund
Authorizing the execution and delivery of a management agreement between Vernon Township Sanitary Authority and the Township of Vernon covering the Sewer System-II and establishing the Authority's Sewer System-II operating fund
Establishing rates to be charged for the furnishing of sewer service by the Sewer System-II to customers in the Township
Changing the rental rate for sewer service in the Fredericksburg area, Vernon Township
Changing and revising the rental rate for sewer service in the areas served by Sewer System-II in Vernon Township by adopting a revised Schedule A
Changing and revising the rental rate for sewer service in the areas served by Sewer System-II in Vernon Township by adopting a revised Schedule A
Res. 1975-1
Adopting the plan known as Hager Heights #2 providing for sewage disposal by a community sewage system as a part of the Official Plan of the Township
Res. 1976-3Schedule A
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Plan of the Township the parcel of land known as Moose Lodge #850 to be served by individual sewage systems
Changing and revising the rental rate for sewer service in the areas served by Sewer System-II prior to construction under Contracts 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Vernon Township by adopting a revised Schedule A
Changing and revising the rental rate for sewer service in the areas served by Sewer System-II prior to construction under Contracts 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Vernon Township by adopting a revised
Res. 1985-9
Adopting the recommendations of the Act 537 Sewage Planning Study, dated April 1985, insofar as the recommendations pertain to the proposed expansion of the South Watson Run Sewage Treatment Plant
Res. 1986-2
Adopting the "Plan and Schedule to alleviate hydraulic overloading of the Watson Run STP" submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources and conditionally approved by said Department
Changing and revising the rental rate for sewer service in the areas served by Sewer System-II prior to construction under Contracts 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Vernon Township by adopting a revised Schedule A
Changing and revising the rental rate and sewer service in the areas served by Sewer System-II prior to construction under Contracts 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Vernon Township by adopting a revised Schedule A
Res. 1986-8
Adopting the recommendations of the Act 537 Sewage Planning Study dated October 1986, as amended by Addendum dated November 6, 1986, which was prepared for the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority as an amendment to the Township's Official Plan for Sewage Facilities
Establishing sewer service rates for sanitary sewage collection, transportation and treatment service furnished by Sewer System-I and Sewer System-II within the Township of Vernon
Res. 1988-2
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Plan of the Township the parcel of land known as West End Elementary School to be served by Vernon Township Sanitary Authority sewage systems
Res. 1988-4
Amending the Township's Official Plan for Sewage Facilities
Res. 1988-5
Resolving that the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority and the Vernon Township Supervisors adopt and submit to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the schedule for Chapter 94 Wasteland Management Rules and Regulations under Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act for the Watson Run Treatment Facility and recognizing that the new West End Elementary School will be connected to the affected service area on approximately September 1, 1989
Res. 1988-7
Formally requesting a grant from the Department of Community Affairs under the provisions of the Fiscal Year 1988 Community Development Block Grant Program to be used for the proposed sewer system rehabilitation and replacement project
Res. 1989-1
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Plan of the Township the parcel of land known as Avtex Complex to be served by Meadville sewage systems
Res. 1989-5
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Plan of the Township the parcel of land known as Super 8 Motel, Inc., to be served by Meadville sewage systems
Res. 1989-6
Resolving to request a grant from the Department of Community Affairs under the provisions of the Fiscal Year 1989 Community Development Block Grant Program to be used for the construction of handicapped facilities at Roche Park and the Kerrtown Community Building and the rehabilitation and/or replacement of sanitary sewers in the Kerrtown and Fredericksburg areas of the Township
Res. 1989-9
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision of the Official Plan of the Township the parcel of land known as Crawford County Redevelopment Authority to be served by Meadville sewage systems
Res. 1990-7
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Plan of the Township the parcel of land known as Free-Col Laboratories, Inc., to be served by community sewage systems
Res. 1990-15
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Plan of the Township the parcel of land known as Red Lobster Restaurant to be served by sewer tap-ins
Res. 1992-4
Accepting the Joint Act 537 Plan between the City of Meadville, West Mead Township and Vernon Township
Fixing and altering existing sewer service rates in Sewer System-I and Sewer System-II
Res. 1993-13
Approving CDBG Competitive Funds for Sanitary Authority Sewer Project
Res. 1993-17
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Plan of the Township the parcel of land known as Sanray Corporation to be served by the sewage system
Res. 1994-1
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Plan of the Township the parcel of land known as William Bradley Subdivision to be served by a new treatment facility
Res. 1994-10
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Plan of the Township the parcel of land known as Whispering Pines Subdivision to be served by a sewer extension
Res. 1994-11
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Plan of the Township the parcel of land known as Grocery Store to be served by sewer tap-ins
Res. 1994-13
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Plan of the Township the parcel of land known as Monorwood Village Subdivision to be served by the sewer system
Res. 1996-4
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Plan of the Township the parcel of land known as Woodland Chase to be served by a sewer extension
Res. 1996-6
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Plan of the Township the parcel of land known as Meadville Inn and Restaurant to be served by sewer tap-ins and a sewer extension
Res. 1996-11
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Plan of the Township the parcel of land known as Sanray Corporation Motel site to be served by sewer tap-ins
Res. 1997-6
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Plan of the Township a Facility Plan to be implemented as required by § 5, Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act, as amended
Res. 1998-1
Revising the procedures for the assessment and payment of municipal sewer service provided to the residents of the Dean Allotment by the Meadville Area Sewer Authority and further adopting the Meadville Area Sewer Authority Rules and Regulations and the billing provided by the Meadville Area Sewer Authority to the residential customers in the Dean Allotment
Res. 1998-6
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the "Official Sewage Facilities Plan" the small flow treatment facility (SFTF) in a subdivision of land identified as Hamilton Subdivision
Authorizing the execution and delivery of a 1998 bank loan guaranty agreement between the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority and the Township of Vernon for the Kerrtown pump station and force main project of the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority
Authorizing the execution and delivery of a 1998 Pennvest Guaranty agreement between the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority and the Township of Vernon for the development of the Kerrtown pump station and force main project of the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority
Res. 1998-12
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the "Official Sewage Facilities Plan" a new treatment facility in a subdivision of land identified as Robert and Nancy Maxwell
Res. 1998-16
Adopting and submitting to the "Department of Environmental Resources" for its approval as a revision to the Official Plan of the Township for a plan for the extension of an existing public sanitary sewer to permanently serve the residents of Conneaut Drive
Res. 1999-7
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the "Official Sewage Facilities Plan" a new treatment facility on the subdivision of land identified as Donald K., Jr., and Kelli L. Granda
Res. 1999-11
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Protection for its approval as a revision to the Official Sewage Facilities Plan the Coon subdivision #1 sewage facilities planning module
Res. 2001-9
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Protection for its approval as a revision to the Official Sewage Facilities Plan the King SFTF sewage facilities planning module
Res. 2001-10
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Protection for its approval as a revision to the Official Sewage Facilities Plan the Smith SFTF sewage facilities planning module
Res. 2001-11
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Protection for its approval as a revision to the Official Sewage Facilities Plan the Last Minit Mart sewage facilities planning module
Res. 2002-5
Delegating the authority to administer the duties and responsibilities of the Sewage Enforcement Officer to the French Creek COG
Res. 2002-6
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Protection for its approval as an amendment to the Official Sewage Facilities Plan the Northwestern REC Act 537 Plan Amendment
Approving the construction and estimated cost of an extension to the sanitary sewer system in the Township and approving the charging of the cost of construction against the properties benefited