[Ord. No. 135, 5-1-2005; Ord. No. 142, 8-1-2005]
Pursuant to Public Act No. 255 of 1998 (MCL 62.2), there is hereby established the office of Ordinance Enforcement Officer within the Village.
[Ord. No. 135, 5-1-2005; Ord. No. 142, 8-1-2005]
The Village Council is hereby authorized by resolution, at any meeting of the Council, to appoint any person to the office of Ordinance Enforcement Officer for such term as may be designated in said resolution. The Village Council may further, by resolution, remove any person from said office, at the discretion of the Council.
[Ord. No. 135, 5-1-2005; Ord. No. 142, 8-1-2005]
The Ordinance Enforcement Officer is hereby authorized to enforce all ordinances of the Village, whether heretofore or hereinafter enacted, and whether such ordinances specifically designate a different official to enforce the same or do not designate any particular enforcement officer. Where a particular officer is so designated in any such ordinance, the authority of the Ordinance Enforcement Officer to enforce the same shall be in addition and supplementary to the authority granted such other specific officer. The authority of such Ordinance Enforcement Officer shall also be in addition and supplementary to the authority vested in the Village President by state statute. The ordinance enforcing authority of the Village President and other officers specifically designated in any Village ordinance shall continue in full force and effect and shall in no way be diminished or impaired by the terms of this division.
[Ord. No. 135, 5-1-2005; Ord. No. 142, 8-1-2005]
The Ordinance Enforcement Officer's duties herein authorized shall include, among other things, the following: investigation of ordinance violations; serving notice of violations, serving appearance tickets as authorized by Public Act No. 76 of 1999 (MCL 764.9c), appearance in court or other judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings to assist in the prosecution of ordinance violations, and such other ordinance enforcing duties as may be delegated by the Village President or assigned by the Village attorney.
[Ord. No. 135, 5-1-2005; Ord. No. 142, 8-1-2005]
The Ordinance Enforcement Officer is hereby declared to be a public servant under the authority of MCL 764.9c.