[Comp. Ords. 1995, § 20.251; Ord. No. 69, 11-7-1960]
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Those things, acts or failure to act, or uses of property which:
Shall annoy, injure, or endanger the safety, health, comfort or repose of the public.
Shall offend the public decency.
Shall interfere with, obstruct, or render dangerous any street, alley or public place.
Shall in any way render the public insecure in life or property.
[Comp. Ords. 1995, § 20.252; Ord. No. 69, 11-7-1960]
It shall be unlawful for any owner, possessor or occupier of any lot or premises, occupied or vacant, within the Village limits, or any person having charge of such lot or premises to cause or permit to continue unabated any condition, as defined in § 12-21, which, in the judgment of the township Fire Chief, county Health Officer or Village President, may constitute a public nuisance.
[Comp. Ords. 1995, § 20.253; Ord. No. 69, 11-7-1960]
The following represents a partial list of the conditions referred to in § 12-20 which may, in the judgment of the Fire Chief, Health Officer or Village President, be declared to be public nuisances and as such subject to abatement as hereinafter provided for:
Accumulation of junk, trash or rubbish causing unsightly appearance for adjoining properties.
Buildings, structures or things in such condition as to cause a fire hazard or otherwise be dangerous to public health or safety.
Dense smoke, noxious fumes, gas or soot, or cinders, in unreasonable quantities.
The pollution of any well or cistern, stream or body of water by sewage, industrial wastes, or other substances.
Maintaining a privy or outdoor closet.
Garbage cans with lids that are not tightfitting and that are not emptied at least once a week.
[Comp. Ords. 1995, § 20.254; Ord. No. 69, 11-7-1960; amended 12-5-2017 by Ord. No. 183]
It shall be the duty of the Village President, upon complaint made to him, and if the condition investigated is deemed to be a fire hazard, health menace, or other nuisance, as the case may be, to direct the Chief of Police or Ordinance Enforcement Officer to give such general notice to the owner or occupier, or the person responsible for creating or maintaining such conditions or performing such acts, or both, as set forth in §§ 12-19 through 12-21. Said notice shall describe in detail the conditions which are deemed to be a public nuisance and which require abatement thereof within a period of not more than 10 days or less in the discretion of the Health Officer or the Village President, if the public health is endangered, from the date of said notice. Said notice shall further state that failure to comply with its terms within the specified period shall subject said person to prosecution for a civil infraction as provided in § 12-23 and shall further make said lot or premises (where a lot or premises are involved) liable for the necessary expenses incurred by the Village in abating said nuisance as defined in the aforesaid notice.
[Comp. Ords. 1995, § 20.255; Ord. No. 69, 11-7-1960; Ord. No. 103, 10-4-1982]
Any person violating this article shall be responsible for a municipal civil infraction.
[Comp. Ords. 1995, § 20.256; Ord. No. 69, 11-7-1960]
In the event that the person doing or omitting to do anything herein declared to be a nuisance shall not discontinue doing or omitting to do and wholly abate the same within the time stated in the notice provided in § 12-22, it shall be the duty of the Village President, or such Village official as he shall designate, to take the necessary steps to wholly abate and remove such nuisance so set forth in the notice served, which may remain unabated at the end of the time stated.
[Comp. Ords. 1995, § 20.257; Ord. No. 69, 11-7-1960]
Any expense incurred by the Village in the abatement or removal of any nuisance as a result of the failure of any person causing same to wholly abate or remove such nuisance within the time stated, shall be charged against the lot or premises upon which the nuisance was maintained and from which it was removed, as a special assessment and shall become a lien against such lot or premises at the same time and of the same character and effect, and collectable in the same manner as the lien created by the Village taxes assessed against such lot or premises, until paid.