[Ord. No. 183, 8-3-2015]
It is the purpose of this division to prevent, reduce or eliminate blight or potential blight in the Village of Baroda by the prevention or elimination of certain environmental causes of blight or blighting factors which exist or which may in the future exist in the Village of Baroda.
[Ord. No. 183, 8-3-2015]
It is the intent of these regulations to establish reasonable guidelines and standards concerning the storage of materials and/or vehicles on properties, that if not regulated would have the potential to cause blight and devalue property. The exercise of these regulations in the Village of Baroda shall give full consideration to the property's neighborhood environment, the intention of the landowner with respect to materials stored, the period of time that the storage is to be maintained, the zoning classification of the property, the environmental features of the property and adjoining properties, the impact on tourism, and in general, the impact on the character of the Village of Baroda.
[Ord. No. 183, 8-3-2015]
It is hereby determined that the following uses, structures and activities are causes of blight or blighting factors which, if allowed to exist, will tend to result in blighted and undesirable neighborhoods. On and after the effective date of this division, no person, firm or corporation of any kind shall maintain or permit to be maintained any of these causes of blight or blighting factors upon any property in the Village of Baroda owned, leased, rented or occupied by such person, firm or corporation.
Junk automobiles. The storage upon any property of junk automobiles, except in a completely enclosed building or shielded from public view by one or more of the following which has been approved by the Village Code Enforcement Officer: being plantings, natural vegetation, topography or a structure. For the purpose of this division, the term "junk automobiles" shall include any motor vehicle which is not licensed for use upon public roads and shall also include, whether licensed or not, any motor vehicle which is inoperative for a period of three months or longer.
Automobile parts, equipment and machinery. The storage upon any property of any automobile parts, equipment or machinery in disrepair, boats or trailers in disrepair, except to the extent such items are kept in a completely enclosed building or are shielded from public view by one or more of the following which has been approved by the Village Code Enforcement Officer: being plantings and/or landscaping, natural vegetation, topography or a structure approved by the Village.
Building materials. In any area of the Village of Baroda the storage upon any property of building materials unless there is in force a valid building permit issued for construction upon said property and said materials are intended for use in connection with such construction. Building materials shall include but not be limited to, lumber, bricks, concrete, cement, cinder blocks, plumbing and drainage materials, electrical wiring or heating ducts or equipment, roofing materials, builder's hardware, or any other materials made to be used in constructing any structure. Neatly piled building materials, however, may be stored on property on a temporary basis, if the Village Code Enforcement Officer determines in writing (1) that the materials, as stored, will not be unsightly or cause blight and (2) how long such materials can be stored at such property.
Junk, trash and rubbish. The storage or accumulation of junk, trash, rubbish or refuse of any kind, except in a completely enclosed building or completely shielded from view from adjoining properties or a public road by means of one or more of the following which has been approved by the Village Code Enforcement Officer: being plantings, natural vegetation, topography or a structure approved by the Village. The term "junk" shall include stoves, refrigerators or other appliances, remnants of wood except firewood neatly stacked and those materials approved by the Village Ordinance Enforcement Officer, metal or other cast off or scrap materials of any kind stored in the open, whether or not such materials could be put to any reasonable use.
Incomplete building. The existence of any partially completed structure unless such structure is in the course of construction or demolition in accordance with a valid existing building or demolition permit.
Damaged or unused buildings. The existence of any structure or part of structure which because of fire, wind, natural disaster, or physical deterioration, which in the judgment of the Village building inspector is an unusable structure as defined in the International Property Maintenance Code, and is no longer habitable as a dwelling or useful for any other purpose for which it may have been intended.
Dangerous building. The existence of any structure which has one or more of the following characteristics:
The building is damaged such that the structural strength or stability is appreciably less than before damage and does not meet minimum requirements of the International Property Maintenance Code.
Part of the building is likely to fall, become detached, dislodged or collapse and injure persons or damage property.
Part of the building has settled to the extent that the walls have materially less resistance to wind than new construction.
The building or part of the building is likely to collapse or fall.
The building is manifestly unsafe for the purpose for which it is used.
The building is damaged and deteriorated and it has become an attractive nuisance for children, vagrants, or a place for committing nuisance or unlawful activity.
The building is in a condition that is unsanitary or unfit for human habitation and is in a condition that is likely to cause sickness or injure the safety, health or general welfare of people living or doing business in the structure.
Any building which is defined as a "dangerous building" under the State Construction Code or the International Property Maintenance Code.
House trailers, mobile homes, campers, or recreational vehicles. House trailers, mobile homes, campers, or recreational vehicles in disrepair or not in normal use for a period of 60 days.
[Amended 12-5-2017 by Ord. No. 183]
[Ord. No. 183, 8-3-2015; amended 12-5-2017 by Ord. No. 183]
This division shall be enforced by the Ordinance Enforcement Officer, acting under the authority of the Village Council.
The owner, if possible, and the occupant of any property upon which any of the causes of blight or blighting factors set forth in § 12-33 above is found to exist may be notified, in writing, to remove or eliminate such causes of blight or blighting factors from such property within 30 days after service of the notice upon such owner or occupant. Such notice may be delivered personally or sent by first-class mail, and a copy of the notice posted or attached to the building, structure or vehicle. Additional time may be granted by the approval of the Village Ordinance Enforcement Officer where bonafide efforts to remove or eliminate such causes of blight or blighting factors are in progress.
A violation of this division is a municipal infraction, for which the fine shall be not more than $500, in addition to all other costs, damages, expenses, and other fees and remedies provided or allowed by law. Each day that a violation occurs shall be considered a separate violation.
The issuance of a citation for a municipal infraction shall not in any way limit the Village from seeking enforcement of this division in any other manner, including, but not limited to, an action to abate any nuisance created by a violation of this division and to recover any costs, expenses, damages, and fees, including attorney fees, that may be permitted or allowed by law in connection with such abatement and the enforcement of this division.