[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
The Interchange District is intended to provide for, under explicit
conditions and standards, limited personal and business service uses,
retail and hospitality uses, light industrial and manufacturing uses,
and distribution and warehousing uses within Shrewsbury Township.
Specifically, it recognizes the existing uses and likely uses of land
and the appropriateness of that area for such uses, and provides the
flexibility to respond to the long-term evolution of development trends.
It permits new uses which are compatible with the existing uses and
with the Township's overall character and pattern of land use.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
1. A structure may be erected or used, and a lot may be used or occupied,
for any of the following purposes and no other; providing, however,
that all new uses shall utilize municipal or public sewer and water
services provided such service or capacity exists within 1,000 feet
of the proposed use and can feasibly be served by both municipal sewer
and municipal public water. The applicant shall provide documentation
to the Township that said service is not feasible. On-site sewage
disposal systems and on-site wells may be utilized until such public
systems become available or are located within 1,000 feet from the
proposed use.
2. In addition to the provisions set forth in this Part, the following
uses shall meet all applicable supplementary and general regulations
found in Parts 14 and 15 of this chapter.
3. Supplementary regulations accompany the uses below and are listed
in Part 14.
4. Permitted Uses.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2023-05, 11/1/2023]
Automotive dealership, service and repair (see § 27-1404)
Beverage distribution/sale (see § 27-1404)
Business and professional office (see § 27-1404)
Business service establishment (see § 27-1404)
Communications facility or tower (see § 27-1404)
Equipment service and sale (see § 27-1404)
Farm equipment sales and service (see § 27-1404)
Financial institution (see § 27-1404)
Heavy equipment sales, service and storage (see § 27-1404)
Lodge, recreational or vacation
Manufacturing, light (see § 27-1404)
Medical laboratory or clinic (see § 27-1404)
Personal services facility (see § 27-1404)
Public service office (see § 27-1404)
Public utility building (see § 27-1404)
Self-storage (see § 27-1404) [Amended by Ord. No. 2020-01, 8/5/2020]
Veterinarian office or animal hospital (see § 27-1404)
Warehousing and distribution (see § 27-1404)
5. Permitted Accessory Uses.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2022-01, 3/2/2022]
Alternative energy system (private use) (see § 27-1404)
Buildings and uses customarily incidental to a permitted principal
Caretaker or watchman dwelling (see § 27-1404)
Detention or retention pond
No-impact home-based business (see § 27-1404)
Portable storage unit (see § 27-1404)
6. Principal Uses Permitted as Special Exceptions by the Zoning Hearing
[Amended by Ord. No. 2020-01, 8/5/2020; and by Ord.
No. 2022-01, 3/2/2022]
Adult-oriented facility (see § 27-1404)
ATV/ORV recreation area or facility (see § 27-1404)
Child day-care center (see § 27-1404)
Correctional facility (see § 27-1404)
Entertainment facility (see § 27-1404)
Electric generation facility (commercial use) (see § 27-1404)
Gaming establishments (see § 27-1404)
Laundry and dry-cleaning establishment (see § 27-1404)
Recreational facility (indoor and outdoor) (see § 27-1404)
Shopping center or mall (see § 27-1404)
Transportation, motor freight terminal (see § 27-1404)
7. Accessory Uses Permitted by Special Exception by the Zoning Hearing
Temporary structure or use (see § 27-1404)
Buildings and uses customarily incidental to any of the principal
uses permitted by special exception
8. Prohibited Construction.
A. No permanent buildings may be constructed or placed in the Critical
Environmental Area as defined in Part 13.
B. Slopes in excess of 25% may be graded for uses allowed in the Interchange
Zone, except within a stream buffer area as provided for in this chapter.
9. Collector Roads.
A. For proposed uses fronting on roads not qualifying as collector roads,
the road may be upgraded to meet collector road criteria at the developers'
cost for the length of the property being developed.
All road improvements shall conform to Shrewsbury Township Subdivision
and Land Development Ordinance and to applicable Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
All roads upgraded to meet collector criteria shall connect
to a collector or arterial roadway.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
In this district, any structure hereafter erected or any lot
hereafter used or occupied for any lawful purpose shall provide the
minimum dimensions specified below. Should these requirements conflict
with the requirements of Part 14, as applicable, for any specified
use, the requirements of Part 14, as applicable, shall take precedence.
1. Principal and Accessory Use Dimensions:
[Amended by Ord. No. 2020-01, 8/5/2020]
All Uses
Minimum lot area
20,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
80 feet
Minimum front setback, all uses
10 feet*
Minimum side setback
15 feet*
Minimum rear setback
10 feet*
Minimum vegetative coverage
Maximum lot coverage
Maximum building height*
45 feet***
Residential buffer strip
75 feet/50 feet****
Accessory buildings and structures: side/rear setback
5 feet
Add five feet for every 20 feet of height over 45 feet in building
Percentages may be transferred between lots within a complex
provided the transferred area enhances the transportation connectivity,
enhances the pedestrian environment or creates a public space containing
rest areas, picnic areas, and/or recreational facilities.
Limit shall not apply to spires, belfries, cupolas, antennas,
water tanks or cooling towers, ventilators, chimneys, widow's walks,
turrets, elevator bulkheads, mechanical penthouses, stacks, stage
towers, scenery lofts, domes, steeples and spires, or other appurtenances
usually required to be placed above the roof level and not intended
for human occupancy, which may exceed the maximum building height
provided such structures do not exceed 25 feet in height above the
roof line.
Any lot adjoining land within a residential zone or containing
residence(s) shall maintain a seventy-five-foot setback for buildings
and structures and a fifty-foot setback for off-street parking lots
and loading areas from the residential area. Such areas shall contain
a fifty-foot-wide landscape strip.
2. Setback regulations for laterally supported extensions:
A. Canopies, sills, belt courses, eaves, cornices, bay windows, roof
overhangs or other ornamental features may extend a maximum of 12
inches into any minimum front, side or rear setbacks.
B. Open or enclosed fire escapes, fireproof outside stairways and balconies
opening upon fire towers may extend a maximum of five feet into any
minimum front, side or rear setbacks.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
1. The applicant must describe his proposed use in detail and establish
that his proposed use will not:
A. Cause dust, smoke, fumes, gas, any air pollution, or offensive odors to be disseminated beyond the boundaries of the lot in violation of §
27-1516 of this chapter; or
B. Cause vibration beyond that permitted by §
27-1512 of this chapter; or
C. Cause noise exceeding that permitted by §
27-1511 of this chapter; or
D. Cause glare observable from beyond the boundaries of the lot in violation of §
27-1515 of this chapter; or
E. Cause any pollution, degradation, contamination or discoloration
of any underground or surface waters of the Township, or neighboring
municipalities; or
F. Constitute a fire or explosion hazard.
2. In addition to the above, the applicant for a use permitted in this
district must establish the following:
A. Connection to an existing public water supply system. The applicant
shall establish the execution of an agreement committing the public
water supply system to providing such water as will be utilized by
the proposed use for such period of time as the public water supply
system provides water service elsewhere in its service area.
B. That there is safe, clearly identified and adequate access to the
site of the proposed use, using PennDOT approved criteria, and taking
into consideration the amount and type of additional traffic movement
likely to result from the location of the proposed use on the site
proposed, and that the additional traffic movement likely to result
from the proposed use will not cause nearby intersections to function
at PennDOT Highway Capacity Manual (2000) Levels of Service (d), (e)
or (f) with capacity analysis calculated based on that manual.
C. That the drainage requirements of the Township Subdivision and Land
Development Ordinance will be complied with.
D. That adequate fencing pursuant to §
27-1507 of this chapter shall be provided to prevent children from having access to any dangerous facilities and/or materials.
E. That the buffer requirements of §
27-1506 of this chapter will be complied with.
3. In the event a permit and use certificate are issued by the Township
Zoning Officer, the permit and use certificate shall be revoked and
the use shall terminate immediately if it is established to the satisfaction
of the Shrewsbury Township Board of Supervisors that the use is in
fact causing:
A. Dust, smoke, fumes, gas or offensive odors to be disseminated beyond the boundaries of the lot in violation of §
27-1516 of this chapter; or
B. Vibration beyond that permitted by §
27-1512 of this chapter; or
C. Noise exceeding that permitted by §
27-1511 of this chapter; or
D. Glare observable from beyond the boundaries of the lot in violation of §
27-1515 of this chapter; or
E. Any pollution, degradation contamination or discoloration of any
underground or surface waters of the Township or neighboring municipalities;
F. An unusual fire or explosion hazard; or
G. An adverse effect upon water supplies utilized by neighboring properties.
4. In addition, such permit and use certificate shall be revoked and
the use shall terminate immediately if it is established to the satisfaction
of the Board of Supervisors that the permit or certificate holder:
A. Has failed to construct and/or landscape buildings as provided in
the proposal; or
B. Has failed to comply with the drainage requirements of Part 600 of
the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance; or
C. Has failed to fence facilities or materials dangerous to children;
D. Has failed to comply with the buffer requirements of §
27-1506 of this chapter and applicable Township regulations.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
In addition to the standards set forth in this Part, all uses
permitted within the Interchange District shall also comply with:
1. Landscape, Buffering and Screening. As required in the Shrewsbury
Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
2. Off-Street Parking and Loading. All uses in the Interchange District shall provide off-street parking spaces and off-street loading space according to the provisions set forth in Part
16 of this chapter. Such areas shall be designed to include adequate snow storage per Shrewsbury Township.
3. Signs. Signs may be erected and maintained only when in compliance
with the provisions of the Shrewsbury Township Sign Ordinance and landscaping requirements in the Subdivision and Land
Development Ordinance.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2020-01, 8/5/2020]
4. All proposed subdivisions and developments shall satisfy the requirements
of Part 13, Critical Environmental Areas and Wellhead Protection.
5. Environmental Performance Standards. All uses in the Suburban Residential District shall comply with the environmental protection standards provided for in Part
15 of this chapter.