The intent of this article is to acknowledge that the reasonable display of signs is appropriate as a public service and necessary to the conduct of competitive commerce and industry. Provisions of this article are intended to establish minimum standards which regulate the design, erection and display of signs based on land use, public safety, neighborhood values and aesthetic quality.
Permit required. No sign shall be erected, replaced, relocated or structurally modified unless a permit is first obtained by the owner or his agent from the Building Inspector. A permit shall not be required for real estate signs, construction and subdivision development signs, building nameplates, building markers, window signs, flags, and political signs.
Exceptions. The provisions of this article shall not apply to signs erected and maintained pursuant to and in discharge of any function of government, or required by law, including public or quasi-public signs which are intended to welcome visitors to the City of Fond du Lac or advertise the City, provided that such signs are designed, erected and maintained in a manner so as to be compatible with the surrounding development.
Sign projections. No sign and/or awning shall extend beyond a property line except as specified by § 720-11C(2).
[Amended 3-25-2015 by Ord. No. 3575]
Painted signs. Signs shall not be painted on the exterior wall of any building. Existing painted wall signs shall not be repainted and shall be removed at such time as new signage permitted by this article is installed.
Illumination. An illuminated sign or lighting device shall not employ flashing, rotating or moving light. In no event shall an illuminated sign or lighting device be situated to direct or beam light onto adjacent residential land or onto a public right-of-way, waterway or air corridor, or premises adjacent to any of these, so as to cause glare or reflection that may constitute a nuisance or traffic hazard. The use of neon lighting and tubing and similar decorative lighting shall be restricted to properties located in the C-2 District. Neon and other decorative lighting shall be permanently affixed to a building or structure; a permit is required. Neon and other similar decorative lighting shall not be utilized on the facade of any building, structure or canopy that is oriented to face or abut a residential district or property used for residential purposes and/or within 200 feet of a residential district or property used for residential purposes.
[Amended 6-25-2014 by Ord. No. 3552]
Vision clearance triangle. Ground signs within the vision triangle shall include not more than two posts or standards eight inches or less in diameter. The minimum clearance for all signs (ground, wall, projecting) shall be not less than eight feet above the grade of the intersection of the street center lines, and signs shall be situated so as not to obscure the vision of motorists approaching the street intersection.
Removal. In any district all signs and/or sign structures must be removed when the business or activity identified or advertised by such sign(s) has not been conducted for a period of six months or more, or when a sign structure remains unused for a period of six months or more. The owner or lessee of the premises on which said sign(s) and/or sign structures are located shall accomplish removal within 60 days from the date of mailing of a notice by the Building Inspector. If not removed within said period, such signs may be removed by the City at the owner's expense.
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish special regulations for signs within the C-1 District, plus property located in the North Main Street Historic District and the South Main Historic District, the boundaries of which may be amended from time to time. The provisions of this sign district are intended to reflect the need to preserve, protect and promote the unique historic character and architecture of downtown Fond du Lac. The regulations shall apply to any new sign and/or the restoration, relocation, replacement or modification of any existing sign or sign area.
The business owner, property owner, and/or sign contractor shall submit photographs and/or a rendering of the affected building and details of the proposed sign, including design, size, location, materials and color, to the Community Development Department for review and approval by the Downtown Architectural Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit as may be required by this section. Certain minor actions that do not affect the character of the Downtown Design Overlay District may be approved by the Community Development Department, such as the repair, modification or replacement of an approved sign. Community Development staff shall determine if a structure and/or site is of historic or architectural significance, and if so, whether requirements of Chapter 374, Historic Preservation, apply. Where a property is a City-designated historic site or structure, the Historic Preservation Commission shall review new signage and, if compatible, approve; review by the Downtown Architectural Review Board is not required.
Where an applicant wishes to contest the decision of the Downtown Architectural Review Board, the applicant may submit a written appeal to the Board of Appeals. The Board of Appeals shall consider the regulations of this section and § 720-42, the Downtown Fond du Lac Partnership Design Guidelines, and the particular circumstances of a proposed sign as it relates to the property and surrounding area, in action to affirm, modify or deny an appeal of a decision of the Downtown Architectural Review Board.
Sign design. Sign shape, color, materials and illumination shall be complementary to the character and architecture of the building for which it is affixed. Signage shall reflect, to the extent practical and appropriate, the Downtown Fond du Lac Partnership Design Guidelines, as may be amended from time to time.
Projecting signs.
One projecting sign for each exterior entrance of a building, where such entrance provides direct public access to a commercial use(s), shall be permitted. Allowable area per sign shall not exceed the maximum (per sign) allowed by Schedule VIII.[1]
[Amended 7-22-2015 by Ord. No. 3586; 4-27-2016 by Ord. No. 3604]
Editor's Note: Schedule VIII is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The supporting arm/bracket of a projecting sign shall use a decorative design. A uniform sign size and sign design shall be used for buildings with more than one projecting sign. Where an awning(s) with or without signage and a projecting sign(s) are utilized on the same facade, wall signage is not allowed on that particular building frontage.
[Amended 7-22-2015 by Ord. No. 3586]
The top of a projecting sign shall not be installed above the window sill of the second story or 18 feet above grade, whichever is less.
No projecting sign shall interfere with public fixtures installed within the right-of-way, including, but not limited to, street trees, street lights, directional signs, traffic devices or streetscape elements.
No projecting cabinet sign installed prior to September 1, 2012, shall be modified, altered, refurbished or replaced, including the replacement or refacing of sign panels. Special consideration may be given to modification or replacement of a projecting cabinet sign that is architecturally or historically significant, or unique in design or structure to complement the building to which it is affixed. A nonconforming projecting cabinet sign shall be removed prior to the installation of any new signage for a property.
Wall signs.
[Amended 2-24-2016 by Ord. No. 3598]
No sign shall be affixed to a building or installed so as to obscure the architectural features or openings of the building.
A wall sign shall be placed no higher than the bottom window sill of the second floor or 18 feet, whichever is less. No sign shall obstruct any window, door, fire escape, stairway or any opening intended to provide air, egress or ingress for any building or structure. Signs shall not obscure the prominent architectural features of a building, such as ornamental masonry.
No wall cabinet sign installed prior to September 1, 2012, shall be modified, altered, refurbished or replaced, including the replacement or refacing of sign panels. Special consideration may be given to modification or replacement of a wall cabinet sign that is architecturally or historically significant, or unique in design or structure to complement the building to which it is affixed. A nonconforming wall cabinet sign shall be removed prior to the installation of any new signage for a property.
Wall signage on a building facade that directly abuts a public street or private parking lot that serves the affected property: refer to Schedule VIII.[2]
Editor's Note: This schedule is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Wall signage on a building facade that directly abuts a public parking lot:
Where a facade provides a door for public entry to the building, one wall sign shall be permitted. Allowable sign area for a single occupancy building shall not exceed 10 square feet. Allowable sign area for a building with one to four-plus tenants shall not exceed 20 square feet. Sign illumination, if desired, shall be external.
Where a facade does not provide a door for public entry to the building, one wall sign shall be permitted. Allowable sign area for a single occupancy building shall not exceed six square feet. Allowable sign area for a building with one to four-plus tenants shall not exceed 10 square feet. Sign illumination, if desired, shall be external.
[Added 2-24-2016 by Ord. No. 3598[3]]
Projection into the airspace of a public street (i.e., public right-of-way): see § 720-11C(2).
Awning sign area: see § 720-84G.
Projection into the airspace of a private parking lot that serves the affected building.
Awning sign area: see § 720-84G.
Projection into the airspace of a City park or pocket park:
Single-tenant building. An awning, with lettering and/or graphics, shall be allowed on a building facade that provides a public entry door, provided the detail on the awning does not exceed eight square feet in area.
Where an existing awning(s) is/are in place on another facade of the building, the new awning shall match the color and design of the existing awning(s). Where an awning(s) is/are not present on another facade of the building, the color and design of the new awning shall complement the color and design of the building. Awning width shall correspond to the width of the door, with a maximum projection of three feet.
Multiple-tenant building. An awning, without lettering or graphics, shall be allowed on a building facade that provides a public entry door for common access to the building. An awning, with lettering and/or graphics, shall be allowed on a building facade that provides a public entry door for access to only one tenant, provided the detail on the awning does not exceed eight square feet in area.
Where an existing awning(s) is/are in place on another facade of the building, the new awning shall match the color and design of the existing awning(s). Where an awning(s) is/are not present on another facade of the building, the color and design of the new awning shall complement the color and design of the building. Awning width shall correspond to the width of the door, with a maximum projection of three feet.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided for the redesignation of former Subsections F and G as Subsections G and H, respectively.
Hand painted signs.
Where a projecting sign and/or wall sign is permitted, the sign composition may include commercial or professional hand painted art work (text, graphics, backgrounds, etc.).
Hand-painted signs shall be kept in good condition for the life of same, taking care to address color fading, degradation of materials and vandalism. A hand-painted sign shall be removed when it becomes unsightly and/or is not maintained.
Murals. See § 720-84R.
Prohibited signs:
Electronic message center signs; manual changeable message signs.
Inflatable, moving, animated and revolving signs.
Sheet metal, plastic and thin plywood (less than 3/4 inch thick) and other thin, flat materials, including adhesive vinyl lettering except when such material is used as backing panels.
[Amended 5-14-2014 by Ord. No. 3546; 7-22-2015 by Ord. No. 3586]
Location. In addition to the requirements of this section, the following conditions shall apply to any special sign and/or sign device:
No sign or sign device shall be sited, placed or displayed to encroach into or over the public right-of-way unless otherwise allowed by this section.
Signs and/or sign devices shall not be mounted on a roof, attached to fences, trees, traffic signs, directional signs or utility poles, and shall not be illuminated or situated to impair the view or visibility of the operator of any motor vehicle, obstruct or impair the movement of any pedestrian or motor vehicle, or in any manner create a nuisance, hazard or disturbance to the health and welfare of the general public.
Signs and/or sign devices shall be located entirely on the property to which they relate. Off-site signs shall be prohibited except for civic events or special events, marches, or public assemblies, as defined in Chapter 562 of the Code of the City of Fond du Lac.
[Amended 2-13-2019 by Ord. No. 3684]
Real estate. One sale or lease sign per street frontage is permitted for a residential property. No other type of advertising or promotional device, including pennants, streamers, flags, banners, etc. shall be permitted. Real estate sale or lease signs shall not exceed six square feet in size for properties in one- and two-family residential zoning districts and 32 square feet in multifamily districts. Maximum height for a ground sign or ground-mounted banner shall not exceed 10 feet. Sign size in commercial and industrial districts is not restricted, provided such signage is proportionate to the size of the building and/or land it serves.
Development. Three signs to identify the construction or future development of a lot or subdivision, to provide information related to the project, shall be permitted, to be removed upon final occupancy of the affected building(s). Aggregate sign area shall not exceed 64 square feet.
Building identification. An identification sign to denote the name and/or address of occupants of the premises shall not exceed two square feet in area for each residential building or for each nonresidential tenant or space.
Directional. Four on-premises directional signs to provide general information related to the property or use shall be permitted, each not to exceed 4.5 square feet in area and four feet in height. The siting of a directional sign shall reflect the vision clearance requirements of this chapter and the setback requirements of the affected zoning district. Refer to Schedule VIII.
[Amended 5-27-2020 by Ord. No. 3708]
Building marker. A building name and construction date may be cut into a masonry surface or permanently affixed to an exterior wall when said sign is constructed of bronze or a noncombustible material, up to four square feet in area.
Awnings and canopies. Lettering and/or pictorial matter affixed to an awning or canopy attached to and/or part of a building shall constitute a wall sign; such sign area shall be charged to the total area permitted for a use or property.
Freestanding canopy. Signage shall be limited to canopy facades which face a public right-of-way, not to exceed 25% of the area of the facade to which the signs are affixed. Canopy signage shall not be charged to the allowable sign area of a use.
Window signs. Signs affixed to or painted on the interior of a window surface shall not exceed more than 25% of the window area.
Political signs. Political signs shall be placed in accordance with § 12.04, Communication of political messages, of the Wisconsin Statutes and any subsequent amendments thereafter.
Athletic scoreboards. One board per athletic field; permit required. No signage shall be affixed to the back of the scoreboard; ancillary advertising shall not be oriented to be viewed from outside the event area. Illumination shall be limited to the time period of an athletic event.
Temporary signs. To advertise a grand opening, sale, promotional event or special event, temporary signage may be utilized on the property where the use or event is located. A portable changeable message or electronic message center to advertise a community or charitable event may be utilized off-site on private property that is not occupied by a residential use. Temporary signs and sign devices shall be permitted quarterly for a fifteen-day period, upon issuance of a permit from the Building Inspector. An outdoor display may include two of the following temporary elements: streamers, pennants, one banner or one wave banner, one portable sign, one inflatable or three-dimensional sign device. Ground-mounted banners shall not exceed 32 square feet; banners affixed to any part of a building shall not exceed 50% of the business or store frontage.
Milestone banner. One wall-mounted banner associated with a milestone event such as rebranding, acquisition, anniversary, or a community-related award shall be permitted for an institutional, educational, commercial or manufacturing location (one or more properties that comprise a campus) that exceeds five acres in size. A milestone banner shall be permitted for a one-year period, upon issuance of a permit from the Building Inspector. Banner size shall not exceed 50% of the linear frontage of the building to which it is affixed; the installation of lighting for the banner shall be prohibited.
[Added 1-24-2018 by Ord. No. 3651]
Flags. Flags displayed for commercial and/or noncommercial purposes shall be permitted for a nonresidential use when pole-mounted on a building wall or affixed to a permanent freestanding flag pole or privately owned light pole. Flags shall be maintained in good condition.
Electronic message center. One electronic message center may be allowed per property, integral to and part of an allowable ground sign as permitted by Schedule VIII.[1] The use of an electronic message center as a primary sign is not permitted. The total area of a message center shall not exceed 50% of the allowable area of a ground sign; where a proposed sign is less in area than the allowable permitted, the message center shall not exceed 50% of the total sign area proposed.
The minimum interval between copy changes shall be not less than two seconds. Video displays are prohibited.
No part of a message or background shall in any way be similar to traffic signals and/or emergency signals.
The use of an electronic message center as part of a permanent ground sign for a property shall prohibit the use of a temporary portable electronic sign on that site.
An electronic message center shall not display off-premises commercial advertising.
A special use permit shall be approved by the Plan Commission for an electronic message center for property located in a residential district or for a commercial property that is adjacent to or faces a residential district or property used for residential purposes.
[Amended 4-27-2016 by Ord. No. 3604; 11-28-2018 by Ord. No. 3680]
Editor's Note: Schedule VIII is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Sandwich board sign.
One sign for each exterior building entrance shall be allowed for use by a nonresidential tenant/occupant of the building during business hours, placed within the frontage of the affected building and not more than 20 feet from an entrance of the building. Signs shall be stored within the interior of the building at the close of business each day.
The dimensions of the sign/supporting structure shall not exceed 30 inches wide by four feet high. Height shall be measured from the sidewalk to the top of the structure when the sign is in place.
A five-foot clearance shall be provided to allow unobstructed use of the sidewalk. The sign shall not hinder the ability of persons to exit/enter vehicles parked along the curb and/or hinder exit/entry to a building.
No sign shall have moving parts or illumination.
The sign shall have no more than two sides and it shall be neat in appearance, constructed of finished all-weather materials, and well maintained.
The sign shall not be secured, tethered or installed on traffic devices, utility equipment, street trees, street furniture, streetlights, parking meters, or any other public fixture.
Murals. All proposed murals shall be subject to review and approval of the Plan Commission; following Plan Commission approval, a sign permit is required. The Plan Commission shall approve, conditionally approve or deny a proposal for a mural. Any person who is aggrieved or affected by the decision of the Plan Commission may appeal the decision to the City Council. An appeal request shall be submitted within 30 days of the date of the Plan Commission's decision. Commencement of an approved mural shall begin within six months from the date of Plan Commission approval or the approval shall be null and void. The following shall apply to any mural, whether existing at the time of adoption of this chapter or proposed:
The mural has attributes that enhance visual enjoyment.
The mural exemplifies high artistic quality.
The mural does not create a public safety issue, such as a distraction to drivers.
The mural content will not adversely affect the public welfare or morals, or include hostile or negative connotations or representations.
The content of a mural may not include graphics or text to advertise a business, product, brand, or service, except for the bona fide historic recreation of vintage advertising.
The location of the mural shall consider the nature of adjacent land uses.
Lighting in any manner shall be prohibited.
The mural shall be kept in good condition for the life of same, taking care to address color fading, degradation of materials, and vandalism. Where a mural becomes marked with graffiti, the property owner is responsible for the prompt removal of the graffiti as required by City Code § 500-6. The mural shall be removed when it becomes unsightly and/or is not maintained. Where the mural is not maintained, the City of Fond du Lac can require that the mural be covered with opaque paint in a color complementary to the building on which the mural is located or some other appropriate material.
[Added 4-25-2018 by Ord. No. 3663]
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish special regulations for large-screen video display signs for athletic facilities. The Special Sign Overlay District affects properties with an enclosed athletic field or court at a university, technical college, private athletic/recreational facility, or a public park.
Procedure. The installation and use of a large screen video display (LSVD) sign will require review and approval of the Plan Commission; following Plan Commission approval, a sign permit is required. The Plan Commission may approve, conditionally approve or deny a proposal for a LSVD sign. Any person who is aggrieved or affected by the decision of the Plan Commission may appeal the decision to the Board of Appeals. An appeal request shall be submitted within 30 days of the date of the Plan Commission's decision. The installation and use of an approved LSVD sign should begin within six months from the date of Plan Commission approval or the approval will be null and void.
Requirements. The following requirements apply to any large screen video display (LSVD) sign:
One LSVD per facility or property is permitted. The sign should be designed for view from spectator areas and displayed on the interior-facing wall of a building, fence or other structure located within the enclosed athletic facility. No signage may be affixed to the back of the LSVD.
Siting of the sign should consider existing and proposed landscape elements and topography to screen the view from abutting streets and from nearby residential development.
The surface area of a LSVD shall be limited to one sign face. The maximum surface area, including the frame and trim, is 560 square feet for an athletic facility with a permanent seating capacity for 1,500 or more persons. The maximum surface area, including the frame and trim, is 280 square feet for an athletic facility with a permanent seating capacity for less than 1,500 persons.
Maximum sign height is 30 feet. Sign height is measured from the average height at road grade elevation to the highest point of the sign.
Minimum sign setback from any lot line is 15 feet. Setback distance is measured from the lot line to the outermost physical extension of the sign.
Audio speakers and all forms of pyrotechnics are prohibited.
A large screen video display sign may be used only for the duration of an event. The hours of operation are limited to the time period between 10:00 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. When not in use as permitted, the sign may not be illuminated or used for any purpose, including advertising or promotions.
A large screen video display sign should be kept in good condition and good repair for the life of its use. In the event of damage or disrepair, the condition of the sign must be promptly addressed by the owner thereof. Examples of disrepair may include, but are not limited to, failed or intermittent lighting, missing or exposed parts, peeling paint, structural poles or framing, graffiti, or other evident damage.
Purpose. The intent of this section is to provide minimum standards to protect the life, health, safety, property, welfare, convenience and enjoyment of the general public by regulating and controlling the location, use and maintenance of outdoor advertising signs and sign structures. The provisions of this section are intended to mitigate the aesthetic impact on a neighborhood that affects the visual environment, and to contribute to the development and maintenance of an attractive visual environment for the community while facilitating the communication of information to the public. The provisions of this section do not apply to properties located within 500 feet of either side of the center line of United States Highway 41 or United States Highway 151, except that existing off-premises signs may be replaced if mitigated in accord with the provisions of this section.
Existing signs. Off-premises signs in existence prior to February 22, 2012, shall be considered a nonconforming use and shall represent the maximum number of off-premises signs permitted within the City of Fond du Lac.
Digital multiple message or static off-premises advertising signs may be permitted in the C-2, CR and M-1 Districts upon City Council approval of a special use permit.
The mitigation credit for removal/replacement of an existing off-premises sign shall be one new sign permitted for the removal of two existing signs. An existing sign must be a minimum area of 200 square feet per face to qualify for a mitigation credit. Each sign face shall constitute one sign.
A replacement sign installed on an existing structure that does not meet the requirements of Subsection D(2) and (3) for height and setbacks may be allowed upon approval of a special use permit without necessity of a variance.
A new sign shall be installed within one year after issuance of a building permit.
A demolition permit is required for the removal of an off-premises sign in mitigation of a new sign. A sign permit shall not be issued for a new/replacement sign until all conditions of the demolition permit have been met.
General requirements.
The maximum surface area per face of an off-premises sign is 300 square feet, including the frame and trim. Each sign face shall constitute a sign.
Maximum sign height shall not exceed 30 feet. Sign height shall be measured from the average height at road grade elevation to the highest point of the sign.
Minimum sign setback from the front lot line shall be not less than 15 feet. Setback distance shall be measured from the lot line to the outermost physical extension of the sign.
Digital multiple message signs. Signs shall meet applicable regulations of the State of Wisconsin and all regulations of this section, including:
The duration that a digital message remains in a fixed position shall be eight seconds or more before changing to the next message.
The transition time, or the time it takes to change a message, shall be one second or less.
No sign shall interfere with the visibility or the operation of any traffic signal or railroad control device.
Movement, flashing, blinking, scrolling and/or animation is prohibited.
Audio speakers and all forms of pyrotechnics are prohibited.
Digital signs shall be equipped with automatic dimming capability; light shall not exceed 0.3 footcandle over ambient light levels.
No sign shall exhibit or convey statements, words, photographs, silhouettes, drawings or other pictorial representations of any manner of an obscene or pornographic nature, or that depict specified anatomical areas or specified sexual activities as described in § 720-6.
No sign shall display advertising matter which is untruthful.
No sign shall employ visible moving parts or any portion of which moves.
No sign shall emit audible sound, odor or visible matter.
No sign shall imitate or resemble an official traffic sign or signal, or bear the words "stop," "go slow," "caution," "danger" or similar commands.
Roof signs are not permitted in any district.
No person shall park any vehicle or trailer on a property so as to be seen from a public right-of-way which has attached thereto or located thereon any sign or advertising device for the basic purpose of providing advertisement of products or directing people to a business activity located on the same or nearby property or any other premises. This does not include vehicles used in the day-to-day operations of a business, grand opening displays, temporary advertising, or portable signs as described in § 720-84M and N.
No temporary or permanent sign or sign device shall be placed in the public right-of-way except as specified by §§ 720-11C(2) and 720-84O.
[Added 3-25-2015 by Ord. No. 3575; amended 9-11-2019 by Ord. No. 3697]
Construction standards.
Ground signs shall be self-supporting and permanently attached to a foundation. For signs over eight feet in height, foundations shall be installed below the frost line.
No sign shall be suspended by chains or other devices that will allow the sign to swing due to wind action. Signs shall be anchored to prevent any lateral movement that could cause wear on supporting members.
Ground signs shall be installed to withstand wind of at least 90 miles per hour.
All signs and their supporting members shall be constructed of standardized, durable, all-weather sign materials that is installed in a workmanlike manner.
[Added 2-28-2024 by Ord. No. 3783]
Sign materials shall be compatible with the design of the face of the facade where they are placed and shall contribute to the legibility of the sign. Sheet metal, plastic and thin plywood (less than three-quarter-inch thick) and other thin, flat materials, including adhesive vinyl lettering, except when such material is used as backing panels, are prohibited.
[Added 2-28-2024 by Ord. No. 3783]
All signs shall be kept clean, in good order and repair, and maintained in a safe condition so as not to be detrimental to the public health or safety.
In the event the Building Inspector determines that any sign regulated by this article is unsafe or is a hazard to the public, the owner of the sign and the owner of the premises upon which the sign is erected shall be served notice to remove or repair said sign. Removal or repair shall be accomplished within 14 days from the mailing date of the Building Inspector's notice. If not removed or repaired by the owner within said fourteen-day period, such signs may be removed by the City at the owner's expense. The Building Inspector may cause any sign which is a source of immediate peril to person or property to be removed summarily and without notice. If not removed by the owner, such sign may be removed by the City at the owner's expense.
Nonconforming signs. The replacement or restoration of a nonconforming sign shall comply with the requirements of Article XII of this chapter, except as may be otherwise specified by §§ 720-84 and 720-86. "Altered," "replaced," "restored" or "reconstructed" shall not include normal maintenance, the changing of surface sign space or advertising message, or the addition, construction, installation or changing of electrical wiring or electrical devices.
In the event of a violation of any of the foregoing provisions, the Building Inspector shall give written notice specifying the violation to the named owner of the sign and the named owner of the premises on which the sign is located. The sign shall thereupon be brought into conformance by the owner or removed within 30 days from the mailing date of said notice. In the event the violation is not corrected within said thirty-day period, the sign shall be removed by the owner or by the City at the owner's expense.