When any vehicle is parked or abandoned on any highway or public parking lot within this Town during a snowstorm, flood, fire or other public emergency which affects that portion of the public highway upon which said vehicle is parked or abandoned, said vehicle may be removed by the Highway Superintendent.
When any vehicle is found unattended on any highway or public parking lot within this Town where said vehicle constitutes an obstruction to traffic, said vehicle may be removed by the Highway Superintendent.
When any vehicle is parked or abandoned on any highway or public parking lot within this Town where stopping, standing or parking is prohibited, said vehicle may be removed by the Highway Superintendent.
After removal of any vehicle as provided in this article, the Highway Superintendent may store such vehicle in a suitable place at the expense of the owner. Such owner, or person in charge of the vehicle, may redeem the same upon payment to the Town Police Department of the amount of all expenses actually and necessarily incurred in effecting such removal, all as established by the Town Board from time to time by resolution. The Town of Lyons shall not be liable for damage or loss of property as a result of the removal or storage of an impounded vehicle.
The Town Police Department shall have the duty to ascertain, to the extent possible, the owner of the vehicle or a person having charge of same, and to notify him or her of the removal and disposition of said vehicle and of the amount which will be required to redeem same.
A truck route system, upon which all trucks, tractors and tractor-trailer combinations having a total gross weight in excess of five tons are permitted to travel and operate, shall consist of the following highways:
Geneva Street.
Lawrence Street between its intersection with Geneva Street and Phelps Street.
Phelps Street between its intersection with Lawrence Street and the northerly Town line.
State Highway Route No. 31 between the westerly Town line and the easterly Town line.
Cole Road.
Manhattan Street from Cole Road to 500 feet south of the intersection of Canal Street.
Paliotti Parkway.
All trucks, tractors and tractor-trailer combinations having a total gross weight in excess of five tons are hereby excluded from all highways within this Town, except from those highways listed in Subsection A, except that this exclusion shall not be construed to prevent the delivery or pickup of merchandise or other property along the highway from which such vehicles and combinations are excluded.
All vehicles in excess of 20 tons are hereby excluded from the Montezuma Street bridge.