[R.O. 1985 § 13-195; Ord. No. 4629, § 1, 2-23-2016]
The purpose of this Division is to promote the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City by permitting mobile food vendors and providing regulations for their operation on public and private property in the City of Crestwood.
[R.O. 1985 § 13-196; Ord. No. 4629, § 1, 2-23-2016]
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this Division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
The providing of food and/or drinks which have been prepared in one (1) location and which are subsequently transported to another location to be served at a special event on private or public property.
Mobile food vendors typically known as "ice cream truck" vendors whose sales are limited to that of ice cream, frozen desserts, sherbets and ices.
Any person, whether owner, agent, consignee, or employee who, for any period of time, operates a vehicle from which food is served to patrons in exchange for payment or donations.
Any instance in which a mobile food vendor truck, trailer, or cart is parked and offering, or preparing to offer, food for sale and immediate consumption.
[R.O. 1985 § 13-197; Ord. No. 4629, § 1, 2-23-2016]
All mobile food vendors which operate in the City shall comply with the following regulations:
Mobile food vendors shall be permitted to operate within all zoning districts of the City, except for residential districts (R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, and R-5), however mobile food vendors may travel through residential districts in connection with catering or operating as a caterer. No food may be dispensed from the vehicle in a residential district as part of any catering event. Mobile food vendors may park in the street in connection with catering. Ice cream truck vendors shall comply with all regulations of this Division except that they may operate in all zoning districts in the City of Crestwood.
No mobile food vendor shall operate, conduct business, or have merchandise, equipment, or other materials visibly present on any property within the City before 8:00 a.m. and after 11:00 p.m.
No merchandise, equipment, or materials shall be located on a public sidewalk, street, right-of-way, or any other public property.
Any City-owned park area upon which a temporary mobile food vendor operates shall not consist of more than two (2) parking spaces or two hundred (200) square feet. No mobile food vendor shall occupy any designated parking spaces for the disabled.
Mobile food vendors shall not place any freestanding signs further than ten (10) feet from the truck, trailer, or cart. Signs shall be confined to those already attached, affixed, or applied to the truck, trailer, or cart used by the mobile food vendor. Under no circumstances shall any signs be permitted which violate any portion of the Municipal Code of the City of Crestwood.
Canopies, awnings, or umbrellas attached to the mobile food vendor's truck, trailer, or cart shall be permitted. However, tables, chairs or other customer seating provided by the mobile food vendor shall not be permitted.
Mobile food vendors operating on private property shall obtain, in writing, the express permission of the property owner and shall provide proof of permission to operate upon request from any City employee charged with enforcement of the regulations in this Division.
Mobile food vendors shall be responsible for keeping the area in and around the mobile food vendor's truck, trailer, or cart clean and orderly. A receptacle for trash shall be provided by the mobile food vendor. The mobile food vendor shall be responsible for cleaning up all trash, litter and spills within a twenty-foot radius of the mobile food vendor's truck, trailer, or cart. Mobile food vendors shall be given a reasonable opportunity to remedy any violation of this Subsection prior to the issuance of any summons.
[Ord. No. 5127, 1-26-2021]
Mobile food vendor merchandise, equipment and other materials shall be arranged in such a manner that vehicular and pedestrian traffic is not impeded.
No permanent improvements shall be constructed or installed on the site to accommodate a mobile food vendor.
The mobile food vendor shall comply with all applicable local, county, City, and State ordinances and other laws and regulations, and shall not cause any nuisance or allow the presence of any deleterious condition.
The mobile food vendor shall provide motorized food truck vehicle insurance information [at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) liability insurance shall be provided] and shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Crestwood.
The City may, from time to time, advertise for, solicit, or otherwise make arrangements with one (1) or more mobile food vendors for City or City-owned business-sponsored food truck events to be held in City-owned parks or make arrangements with property owners for same.
[R.O. 1985 § 13-198; Ord. No. 4629, § 1, 2-23-2016; Ord. No. 5127, 1-26-2021]
All mobile food vendors shall be required, prior to operation within the City, to obtain an annual mobile food vendor license. An annual mobile food vendor license shall permit operation of a food truck for the current calendar year, expiring on December 31 of said year. The required license fee for an annual mobile food vendor license shall be twenty dollars ($20).
[R.O. 1985 § 13-199; Ord. No. 4629, § 1, 2-23-2016]
All applications for a temporary mobile food vendor license or annual mobile food vendor license shall be submitted along with the required fee to the City Clerk as set forth in Section 13-18 of this Code. All persons or entities granted a license under this Division shall be subject to the regulations, not inconsistent with this Division, of Sections 13-16 through 13-26 of this Code.