[R.O. 1985 § 14-86; Ord. No. 20, § 55, 12-13-1949; Code 1965, § 52.60]
No person shall drive, move, park or be in custody of any vehicle or combination of vehicles on any street or highway during the times when lighted lamps are required by law or this Chapter unless such vehicle or combination of vehicles displays lighted lamps and illuminating devices as required by Sections 307.020 to 307.127 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri.
[R.O. 1985 § 14-87; Ord. No. 20, § 56, 12-13-1949; Code 1965, § 52.61]
Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a horn, directed forward, capable of emitting a sound adequate in quantity and volume to give warning of the approach of such vehicle to others using the street and to pedestrians. Such signal and device shall be used for warning purposes only and shall not be used for making any unnecessary noise. No other sound-producing signaling device shall be used at any time. Emergency vehicles of the Fire Department and underwriter salvage corps and vehicles being used by Police Officers in discharge of duty may use either a siren or bell; all other authorized emergency vehicles may use a bell or a horn only.
[R.O. 1985 § 14-88; Ord. No. 20, § 56, 12-13-1949; Ord. No. 368, § 1, 5-21-1957; Code 1965, § 52.62]
Required. Mufflers on motor vehicles must be so constructed that no discernible noise or sound from the motor shall emit therefrom, and it shall be unlawful for any person to alter or in any way change a muffler on a motor vehicle so as to cause a discernible noise or sound. It shall be the duty of operators of motor vehicles in the City at all times to keep and have mufflers in good working order, and the type of mufflers popularly known as the "Hollywood" muffler and similar types of mufflers are expressly prohibited.
Cutouts. Muffler cutouts shall not be used and no vehicle shall be in such manner or condition that excessive and unnecessary noises shall be made by its machinery, motor, signaling device or other parts, or by any improperly loaded cargo. The motors of all motor vehicles shall be fitted with properly attached mufflers of such capacity or construction as to quiet the maximum possible exhaust noise. Any cutout or opening in the exhaust pipe between the motor and the muffler on any motor vehicle shall be completely closed and disconnected from its operating lever, and shall be so arranged that it cannot automatically open or be opened or operated while such vehicle is in motion.
[R.O. 1985 § 14-89; Ord. No. 20, § 56, 12-13-1949; Code 1965, § 52.63]
All motor vehicles, except motorcycles and motortricycles, shall be provided at all times with two sets of adequate brakes, kept in good working order, and motorcycles and motortricycles shall be provided with one set of adequate brakes kept in good working order.
[R.O. 1985 § 14-90; Ord. No. 20, § 56, 12-13-1949; Code 1965, § 52.64]
All vehicles which are so constructed or loaded that the operator cannot see the road behind such vehicle by looking back or around the side of such vehicle shall be equipped with a mirror so adjusted as to reveal the road behind and be visible from the operator's seat.
[R.O. 1985 § 14-91; Ord. No. 20, § 56, 12-13-1949; Code 1965, § 52.65]
Any vehicle carrying poles or other objects which project more than five (5) feet from the rear or front of the vehicle shall, during the period when lights are required, carry a red light at or near the rear end of the pole or other object projecting. At other times a red flag or cloth, not less than sixteen (16) inches square, shall be displayed at the end of such projection.
[R.O. 1985 § 14-92; Ord. No. 20, § 56, 12-13-1949; Code 1965, § 52.66]
When one vehicle is being towed by another, they shall be coupled by a line so that the two vehicles will be separated by not more than 15 feet and there shall be displayed on the tow line a white cloth or paper so that the same will be clearly visible to other users of the street. During the time lights are required, the required lights shall be displayed by both vehicles.
[R.O. 1985 § 14-93; Ord. No. 3025, § 1, 9-8-1987]
"Passenger Car" Defined. As used in this Section, the term "passenger car" means every motor vehicle designed for carrying ten (10) persons or fewer and used for the transportation of persons; except that the term "passenger car" shall not include motorcycles, motorized bicycles, motortricycles and trucks.
Required; Exceptions. Each driver, except persons employed by the United States Postal Service while performing duties for that Federal agency which require the operator to service postal boxes from their vehicles, or which require frequent entry into and exit from their vehicles, and front seat passenger of a passenger car manufactured after January 1, 1968, operated on a street or highway in this City, shall wear a properly adjusted and fastened safety belt that meets Federal National Highway, Transportation and Safety Act requirements; except that, a child less than four (4) years of age shall be protected as required in § 14-94 of this Code. Each driver of a motor vehicle transporting a child four (4) years of age or more, but less than sixteen (16) years of age, in the front seat of the motor vehicle shall secure the child in a properly adjusted and fastened safety belt. No person shall be stopped, inspected or detained solely to determine compliance with this Subsection. The provisions of this Section shall not be applicable to persons who have a medical reason for failing to have a seat belt fastened about his or her body.
Violation; Penalty. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Section shall be guilty of an offense and, upon conviction, may be punished by a fine of not more than ten dollars ($10). No court costs may be imposed for such violation if court costs have been assessed on any other charge arising out of the same occurrence.
[R.O. 1985 § 14-94; Ord. No. 3025, § 2, 9-8-1987; Ord. No. 4588, § 1, 10-27-2015]
As used in this Section, the following terms shall mean:
CHILD BOOSTER SEAT — A seating system which meets the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards set forth in 49 CFR 571.213, as amended, that is designed to elevate a child to properly sit in a federally approved safety belt system.
CHILD PASSENGER RESTRAINT SYSTEM — A seating system which meets the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards set forth in 49 CFR 571.213, as amended, and which is either permanently affixed to a motor vehicle or is affixed to such vehicle by a safety belt or a universal attachment system.
DRIVER — A person who is in actual physical control of a motor vehicle.
Every driver transporting a child under the age of sixteen (16) years shall be responsible, when transporting such child in a motor vehicle operated by that driver on the streets or highways of this City, for providing for the protection of such child as follows:
Children less than four (4) years of age, regardless of weight, shall be secured in a child passenger restraint system appropriate for that child.
Children weighing less than forty (40) pounds, regardless of age, shall be secured in a child passenger restraint system appropriate for that child.
Children at least four (4) years of age but less than eight (8) years of age, who also weigh at least forty (40) pounds but less than eighty (80) pounds, and who are also less than four (4) feet, nine (9) inches tall, shall be secured in a child passenger restraint system or booster seat appropriate for that child.
Children at least eighty (80) pounds or children more than four (4) feet, nine (9) inches in height shall be secured by a vehicle safety belt or booster seat appropriate for that child.
A child who otherwise would be required to be secured in a booster seat may be transported in the back seat of a motor vehicle while wearing only a lap belt if the back seat of the motor vehicle is not equipped with a combination lap and shoulder belt for booster seat installation.
When transporting children in the immediate family when there are more children than there are seating positions in the enclosed area of a motor vehicle, the children who are not able to be restrained by a child safety restraint device appropriate for the child shall sit in the area behind the front seat of the motor vehicle unless the motor vehicle is designed only for a front seat area. The driver transporting children referred to in this Subsection is not in violation of this Section. This Subsection shall only apply to the use of a child passenger restraint system or vehicle safety belt for children less than sixteen (16) years of age being transported in a motor vehicle.
Any driver who violates Subsection (b)(1), (2), or (3) of this Section is guilty of an offense and, upon conviction, may be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50) and court costs. If a driver receives a citation for violating Subsection (b)(1), (2), or (3) of this Section, the charges shall be dismissed or withdrawn if the driver, prior to or at his or her hearing, provides evidence of acquisition of a child passenger restraint system or child booster seat which is satisfactory to the court or the party responsible for prosecuting the driver's citation.
Any driver who violates Subsection (b)(4) of this Section shall be subject to the penalty in Section 307.178, Subdivision 5, RSMo., which provides that the driver shall be guilty of an offense and may be punished by a fine of not more than ten dollars ($10). No court costs shall be imposed and in no case shall points be assessed for violating Subsection (b)(4).
The provisions of this Section shall not apply to any public carrier for hire. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to students four (4) years of age or older who are passengers on a school bus designed for carrying eleven (11) passengers or more and which is manufactured or equipped pursuant to Missouri Minimum Standards for School Buses as school buses are defined in Section 301.010, RSMo.