Penalties. Unless otherwise specified, any violation of this chapter shall be a municipal infraction. The penalty for such violation shall be a $50 fine for an initial offense and $100 for each repeat offense. Each day any violation continues shall be a separate offense.
It shall be a misdemeanor to violate § 12-25A of this chapter punishable by a $1,000 fine and/or 30 days in prison.
Abatement. Any person or entity causing or allowing any of the conditions outlined above in Article 3, Property, Article 4, Buildings, and Article 5, Graffiti, on property owned or occupied by the person or entity shall be notified by the Town that they are in violation and that they must remove or correct such violation within 10 days after the date of the notice and that upon failure to remove or correct such violation, it shall be corrected or removed by the Town and the cost thereof be charged to him, her or them, unless cause to the contrary be shown by filing objections in writing with the Town Clerk on or before the expiration of the ten-day notice period. Thereafter the Commission or its designee shall hear the objections and promptly decide the matter. This decision shall be final. In the event any person or entity fails to abide by the decision, or if the violation was not corrected or removed pursuant to the notice with no written objections being filed, or are filed and overruled, the Town may cause the violation to be removed and may incur the necessary expense in so doing, and shall place a charge against the proper person or persons for such cost and proceed to collect same by entering same on the tax records as a tax upon such real estate, or by such if deemed necessary, or both. This above procedure shall be in addition to any citation or a municipal infraction.
Cease and desist orders:
It shall be unlawful for any person(s) or entity to conduct any work or construction with regards to meeting the minimum standards or requirements set forth in this chapter, or do any act for which a permit is required by Prince George's County or the Town, without first obtaining a permit from the Town issued by the Clerk thereof. Whenever any person(s) or entity is found to be engaging in any such work without the proper permits, the Town may order the person(s) or entity to cease and desist all or part of the business or work until the violation is corrected. An oral cease and desist order shall be followed by a written cease and desist order within 24 hours (excluding Saturday, Sunday or holidays).
It shall be unlawful to carry on any business or work in violation of a cease and desist order except as necessary to prevent injury to persons or property. A violation of a cease and desist order shall be considered a municipal infraction, distinct from the violation that cause the cease and desist order and the fine for such shall be $500. Each day that work continues shall be a separate offense.