No customer shall willfully waste water, either through leakage due to imperfect service pipes or fixtures or in any other manner. Taps at sinks, wash basins, water closets, baths, urinals, sprinklers and other uses must be kept closed without leakage when not in actual use. The Water Department may terminate water service until the customer repairs the defect.
No customer supplied with water shall supply water to other customers or to sell water whether through a separate meter or not. No multiple-customer service shall be permitted on the same property except where each customer is provided with a separate meter.
All hydrants owned by the Town of Macedon are under the jurisdiction of the Water Department and shall not be opened or used for any purpose other than extinguishing fires, periodic drills or periodic tests of the fire protection system by the Macedon Fire Department, unless specifically approved by the Water Department, in writing.
Except as may be otherwise resolved by the Town Board, no person without the prior authorization of the Water Department shall turn on or off the water to any premises.