A person seeking an earth change permit shall make written application for the same to the Building Inspector. Such application shall contain the following information:
Identification of the owner of the parcel upon which the earth change is proposed and identification of the applicant and all other persons involved in the operation of the earth change;
The residence and business addresses of the applicant, owner, and operator;
The street address and legal description of the property where the earth change is proposed;
The specific nature and extent of the proposed earth change, the type of ground involved in the proposed earth change, and a fair estimate of the number of cubic yards involved in the proposed earth change. This estimate shall be made by a registered civil engineer or land surveyor;
A description of the contour and condition of the lands before commencement of the proposed earth change and as they shall appear upon completion of the earth change;
A statement of any landscaping and ground stabilization controls to be employed to ensure that the lands are left in a stable, safe, and usable condition and to prevent ground erosion, ground blowing, dust or unsightly conditions;
A drainage plan to indicate anticipated drainage from the earth change site and what, if any, effect the runoff will have on adjoining properties;
A statement of the manner in which the earth change project is to be performed, including a statement of the slope of the sides, level of the floor, finished grade and condition of the property following the completion of the project and the kind and amount of equipment proposed to be employed.
All applications filed with the Building Inspector for earth change permits shall be accompanied by application fees in such amounts as may be determined by the Township Board.