[1980 Code § 4-83]
This article shall be known as the "Rules of Procedure" and may be referred to herein as the "Rules."
[Ord. No. O-35-01]
In even-numbered years the Town Council shall meet annually for reorganization on the first day in the month of January beginning at 12:00 noon. In odd-numbered years such annual reorganization meeting shall be on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in the month of January beginning at 7:30 p.m., prevailing time.
[1980 Code § 4-84A]
The Town Council shall, at its annual reorganization meeting by resolution, designate the time of holding regular meetings, which shall be at least monthly. All regular meetings shall be held in the Municipal Building in the Town or at some other suitable public place designated by resolution of the Council.
[1980 Code § 4-84B]
The Mayor may and, upon request in writing of the majority of the Town Council, shall call a special meeting of the Council. In the call he shall state the purpose of the meeting, and no other business shall be discussed. The Mayor shall deliver the call for a special meeting to the Municipal Clerk, who shall promptly deliver copies to each Councilmember at his residence or at such other place as he may designate at least 24 hours prior to the time the meeting is called. Upon written consent executed by all of the members of the Council, a special meeting may be held without prior written notice, notwithstanding the above provisions of this subsection.
[1980 Code § 4-84C]
All regular and special meetings of the Town Council shall be open to the public. Regular and special meetings of the Council shall be attended by the Business Administrator, Municipal Clerk, Municipal Attorney and such other Town officials or employees as may be required pursuant to Subsection 2-2.2.
[1980 Code § 4-84D]
An adjourned meeting shall be considered a continuation of the preceding meeting, and the business of the Town Council shall be resumed where it was left at the last adjournment.
[1980 Code § 4-84E]
The President of the Town Council may call meetings of the committee of the whole of the Council in advance of any regular or special meeting to discuss such matters as may require consideration by the Council.
[1980 Code § 4-85A]
The presiding officer of the Town Council shall be the President, who shall be elected at the organizational meeting for a one-year term. The President shall:
Preside at all meetings of the Town Council.
Appoint such special committees of the Council as may be required and permitted by law.
With the advice of the Parliamentarian, rule on all questions of order, subject to appeal to the Council.
Sign all resolutions adopted in his presence.
Have such other functions, powers and duties as the Council may, from time to time, prescribe or as provided by law.
[1980 Code § 4-85B, Ord. No. O-2-08]
A Vice President of the Town Council shall be elected for a term of one year and shall preside at all meetings of the Council in the absence of the President and sign all resolutions adopted in his presence. The Vice President shall preside at all meetings of the Committee of the whole.
[1980 Code § 4-86; Ord. No. O-2-08]
The Municipal Clerk shall serve as Clerk of the Council in accordance with this chapter. In the absence of the Clerk, the Deputy Clerk shall serve as Clerk of the Council. In any other event the President shall appoint a Clerk Pro Tempore.
[1980 Code § 4-87; Ord. No. O-18-93; Ord. No. O-2-08]
An agenda for each regular meeting of the Town Council shall be prepared by the Municipal Clerk under the supervision of the President of the Council. The agenda shall be completed not later than 4:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding each regular meeting of the Town Council, except for emergency matters, which may be added to the agenda at any time before the meeting by the President of the Council. The agenda for each regular meeting shall include only such matters of Council business as have been presented or delivered to the Clerk, by any member of the Town Council or by the Mayor, the Business Administrator or the Municipal Attorney not later than 4:00 p.m. on the day before the agenda is to be prepared. As soon as the agenda for each meeting has been prepared, the Municipal Clerk shall make a copy available to each Councilmember, the Mayor, the Business Administrator and the Municipal Attorney.
[1980 Code § 4-88; Ord. No. O-2-08]
The President of the Town Council shall call each meeting to order. In his absence, the Vice President shall call the meeting to order and shall preside during the absence of the President. The President shall assume the chair as soon as he is in attendance at any meeting which may have been called to order in his absence, and the Vice President of the Council shall thereupon relinquish the chair. In the absence of both the President and the Vice President, the Municipal Clerk shall preside and immediately call for the nomination and election of a President Pro Tempore.
[1980 Code § 4-89]
At the opening of each meeting of the Town Council, the Municipal Clerk shall call the roll, and the names of those present shall be recorded in the minutes. Four members of the Council shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present 1/2 hour after the appointed time for any meeting, the presiding officer shall declare the meeting adjourned.
[1980 Code § 4-90; Ord. No. O-33-95; Ord. No. O-2-08]
The order of business at each meeting of the Town Council shall be as follows:
Moment of Silence.
Flag Salute.
Consent Agenda.
Public Hearing.
Reports of Mayor and of Town Officials.
Council Liaison Reports.
Introduction and Adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions.
Unfinished Business.
New Business.
[1980 Code § 4-91]
The Municipal Clerk shall, so far as practicable, prepare and distribute to the Town Council the minutes of each meeting promptly after the meeting. The minutes of any meeting may be approved without reading whenever they have been distributed at least 48 hours prior to the time of approval.
[1980 Code § 4-92]
Committees for legislative purposes may be appointed by the Council President pursuant to resolution. No committee shall proceed to the consideration of any matter referred to it unless a majority of the members of the committee shall be present. No committee shall report on a matter referred to it at the same meeting at which the reference is made, except by unanimous consent of the members of the committee. The Town Council may establish such advisory committees, from time to time, as it believes desirable and abolish any committee which it believes is no longer necessary. Membership on advisory committees shall be open to any individual designated by the Council.
[1980 Code § 4-93]
The vote upon every motion, resolution and ordinance shall be taken by roll-call, and the yeas and nays shall be entered in the minutes. The minutes of each meeting shall be adopted by the Town Council and signed by the Clerk.
[1980 Code § 4-94]
Nominations by the Mayor. Nominations submitted by the Mayor may be considered in the committee of the whole and may be confirmed at the meeting at which they are submitted or may be acted upon at the next regular meeting. Any member of the Town Council may move a nomination, and no second shall be required.
Nominations by the Town Council. With respect to appointments to be made by the Town Council, any member of the Council may nominate as many candidates as there are offices to be filled, and no second shall be required. The Council may consider such nominations in the committee of the whole, and may act upon the appointment at that meeting or the next regular meeting of the Council. Where there is a single office to be filled, the consensus of the Council on the appointment shall be taken as to each nominee in alphabetical order, and the first nominee to receive a majority shall be deemed appointed. Where there is more than one office to be filled, such as on a board, commission or authority, the same procedure shall be followed with respect to each office separately until the total number of appointments to be made has been completed. In the discretion of the chair, a group of nominations may be considered at once where there is no apparent division in the Council as to the nominees included in the group.
[1980 Code § 4-95]
Except as otherwise specifically provided in these rules, the proceedings of the Town Council shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order.
The President of the Council or, in his absence, the Vice President may move, second and debate from the chair and shall not be deprived of any right to vote or of any other rights, powers or duties of a Councilmember by virtue of occupying the office of the President or Vice President of the Council.
A member of the Council shall be entitled to the floor only upon recognition by the chair. Once a member has been recognized and taken the floor, he shall not be interrupted for any reason other than a call to order, and in such case the chair shall rule promptly on the point of order, and the speaker shall be allowed to proceed if he is in order.
The Councilmember who has made a motion shall be entitled to the privilege of being the final speaker on the motion.
A motion to reconsider may be made by a member of Council on the prevailing side, and such motion may be made only at the meeting or at an adjournment thereof at which the action was taken.
A Councilmember, with the consent of Council, shall be entitled to have his remarks included in the minutes.
The President, with the consent of Council, may direct a synopsis of the debate on any question to be included in the minutes.
[1980 Code § 4-96]
When the roll is called upon any question, the silence of a Member of Council shall constitute an affirmative vote unless he states that he abstains.
[1980 Code § 4-97]
Persons other than Councilmembers may be permitted to address the Town Council in the proper order of business. A person present may, upon recognition by the chair, be heard:
During the public portion of the meeting.
During public hearing upon any ordinance.
At such other times as the Town Council may, by affirmative vote of a majority of the quorum, permit.
No person shall address any remark or question to any specific Council-member except by permission of the President of the Council. A Councilmember may, through the chair, respond to any communication or address received pursuant to this subsection.
Except upon consent of the Council, each person addressing the Council shall be required to limit his remarks to five minutes, and no person shall at any time engage in any personally offensive or abusive remarks. The chair shall call any speaker to order who violates any provision of this rule.
[1980 Code § 4-98]
Each member of the Town Council shall cooperate with the chair in preserving order and decorum, and no member shall, by conversation or otherwise, delay or interrupt the proceedings of the Council or disturb any member while speaking or fail to abide by the orders of the Council or its President, except as specifically permitted by these rules.
Any person who shall disturb the peace of the Town Council, make impertinent or slanderous remarks or conduct himself in a boisterous manner while addressing the Town Council may be promptly barred by the presiding officer from further audience before the Council, except that if the speaker shall submit to proper order under these rules, permission for him to continue may be granted by a majority vote of the Town Council.
[1980 Code § 4-99]
Ordinances and resolutions shall be prepared or reviewed for the consideration of the Council by the Municipal Attorney:
Upon motion of the Council; or
Upon request of the Mayor.
Prior to the introduction of an ordinance which requires or permits administrative action, a summary of the ordinance shall be submitted for review of the Business Administrator and the Department Director concerned.
An ordinance or resolution may be introduced by any Member of the Council. The Clerk shall promptly provide each Member of the Council with a copy. Each resolution and ordinance shall be limited to a single subject, which shall be expressed in its title.
[1980 Code § 4-100]
All ordinances shall be introduced, read, heard and enacted in the manner provided by general law. Each ordinance passed by the Town Council shall be promptly delivered by the Municipal Clerk to the Mayor. Each ordinance shall be returned by the Mayor to the Municipal Clerk after the Mayor has affixed his signature thereto or after the expiration of 10 days from the date of its delivery to the Mayor in any event.
No ordinance shall take effect less than 20 days after its final passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor, where such approval is required, unless the Council shall adopt a resolution declaring an emergency and at least 2/3 of all the members of the Council vote in favor of such resolution.
[1980 Code § 4-101]
The Town Council may reconsider any ordinance returned by the Mayor within the time permitted by the Charter, together with a statement setting forth his objections. The recommendations of the Mayor shall be reconsidered at the next meeting of the Council which occurs not less than three days following the return of the ordinance by the Mayor. Whenever an ordinance has been reconsidered by the Council following a veto by the Mayor, the Municipal Clerk shall append to such ordinance a certification of the action of the Council upon such reconsideration in substantially the following form:
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above ordinance adopted by the Town Council on the _____ day of _____, 20 _____, was delivered to me on the _____ day of _____, 20 _____ together with the Mayor's statement of reasons for his veto of such ordinance, item or part hereof. On reconsideration thereof, on the _____ day of, _____, 20 _____ the council duly resolved by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of its members to enact such ordinance, item or part thereof notwithstanding the Mayor's veto.
/s/Town Clerk
[1980 Code § 4-102]
When an ordinance shall take effect without the Mayor's signature by reason of his failure to return it to the Town Council by filing it with the Municipal Clerk within 10 days after it has been presented to him, the Clerk shall append to such ordinance as engrossed a certificate in substantially the following form:
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above ordinance was adopted by the Town Council on the _____ day of _____, 20 _____, and was presented to the Mayor duly certified on the _____ day of _____, and upon his failure to sign it or to return and file it with the Clerk within 10 days thereafter, the said ordinance took effect in like manner as if the Mayor had signed it.
/s/Town Clerk
[1980 Code § 4-103]
All reports to the Town Council and all resolutions shall be filed with the Municipal Clerk.
[1980 Code § 4-104]
A motion to adjourn shall always be in order and upon being seconded shall be decided without debate.