[1980 Code § 117-38]
No person shall conduct, maintain or operate a food establishment
without first obtaining from the Division of Health a license to do
so. Such license may be issued by the Division of Health upon written
application therefor and payment of the proper fee. Every such license
so issued shall expire on the 30th day of June next following the
date of issuance.
[1980 Code § 117-39]
No person shall sell or offer for sale any food or drink for
human consumption which has been exposed to any communicable disease:
which is unfit, unwholesome, impure, decayed, diseased or misbranded
or adulterated according to the meaning of Title 24 of the Revised
Statutes of the State of New Jersey or of the Federal Food, Drug and
Cosmetics Act; or which has been prepared contrary to the provisions
of the State Sanitary Code. All food sold or intended for sale shall
be securely protected from flies, dust, dirt and, so far as possible
and by the use of all reasonable means, from all other foreign or
injurious contamination.
[1980 Code § 117-40; Ord. No. O-2-08; Ord. No. O-31-10]
The following rules and regulations shall be strictly adhered
to in all food establishments:
a. Rule 1: The operator of every restaurant or food-handling establishment or itinerant restaurant shall have such establishment or place properly lighted, ventilated and drained; shall have such areas kept free from insects, flies and rodents; shall not permit any animal or fowl to be kept in any room in which food is prepared, stored or sold; shall provide an adequate supply of water, heated to a temperature of not less than 140° F., under pressure to accomplish all required cleaning; and shall have adequate heating and washing facilities, supplied with hot and cold running water, in convenient locations for all workmen and employees. All retail food establishments shall operate in accordance with N.J.A.C. 8:24, Chapter
24 of the State Sanitary Code.
b. Rule 2: No sleeping room nor any other occupied room of a tenement,
apartment or other dwelling house shall be directly connected with
a room which is used as a restaurant, public dining room or with any
room in which the food is cooked or prepared for consumption in any
restaurant, dining room, lunch room or other place.
c. Rule 3: All toilet rooms shall be effectively ventilated, screened
and equipped with a self-closing door that opens outward, and shall
provide liquid soap, paper towels, toilet paper and a sign instructing
employees to wash their hands. Ladies rooms must have a covered trash
d. Rule 5: Any operator shall keep such establishment or place, together
with all dishes, utensils, equipment, floors, walls and ceilings,
in a thoroughly clean and sanitary condition at all times; shall conduct
all operations connected with the manufacture, preparation, handling,
storing, sale or serving of such food or drink in a clean and sanitary
manner; shall protect such food or drink during all processes and
at all times, including delivery, from flies, rodents, dust, dirt,
vermin and all other foreign or injurious contamination; and shall
keep all perishable food at a temperature at or below 45° F. These
requirements shall be interpreted to prohibit the self-handling of
foods from droplet contamination. These protection restrictions shall
not apply to such foods which are ordinarily to be cooked or peeled
before eating.
e. Rule 6: Smoking by food service personnel shall not be permitted
in a retail food establishment or any public building.
f. Rule 7: Wherever practical, all food service personnel shall avoid
direct contact with food.
g. Rule 8: Food service personnel with long hair shall wear hairnets
or caps when handling or serving food.
h. Rule 9: Any operator shall have all workmen and employees wear clean outer clothing at all times while working in such establishment or place and shall permit no workman, employee or other person to work or be in any such establishment or place who is affected with or suspected of being affected with any disease mentioned in Article
III of this code or with any venereal disease in a communicable state.
i. Rule 10: Any operator shall keep all readily perishable foods, such
as cream and custard filled pies, at or below 45° F., except when
being prepared or served. Foods being held for service at a steam
table or other holding or serving device shall be kept at or above
150° F. Steam tables may not be used to reheat potentially hazardous
food items. All foods must be reheated to a minimum of 165° F.
within a two hour time span and then held at a temperature of 140°
F. or above.
j. Rule 11: Any operator shall require that all multi-use utensils and
all show and display cases or windows, smooth and impervious counters,
shelves, tables, refrigerating equipment, sinks, hoods and other equipment
or utensils used in the preparation, handling and storage of food
or drink shall be so constructed, located and installed as to be easily
cleaned and shall be kept in good repair.
k. Rule 12: No person shall bring into the Town of Morristown for sale
or delivery to any person in the Town any food or drink for human
consumption which has not been manufactured, prepared, handled, stored,
sold or served under such conditions as to cleanliness, sanitation
and protection from contamination as are prescribed by this code for
goods manufactured, prepared, handled, stored, sold, dispensed or
served in the Town.
l. Rule 13: It shall be the duty of any operator to require that all
multi-use eating and drinking utensils shall be thoroughly cleansed
and effectively subjected to an improved bactericidal process after
each use. All multi-use eating and drinking utensils shall be free
from bacilli of the coliform group and shall have a total bacteria
count of not more than 100 per utensil, as determined by examinations
in a laboratory approved by the Division of Health.
m. Rule 14: The washing and sanitization of all dishes, glassware and
utensils in all food establishments which serve food to the public
for immediate consumption on the premises shall be accomplished under
one of two plans, and the equipment and facilities shall be dependent
upon the method or plan adopted by the user.
1. Plan 1: Under this plan, the equipment, facilities and method of
washing shall be as follows:
Washing equipment shall consist of three separate adjoining
compartments, one of which must have connected to it running hot water,
and the other compartments need only a running cold water connection.
All water inlets shall be at least two inches above the top level
of the compartments or sink. All sinks and compartments shall be provided
with a standing plug outlet.
Compartments shall contain, in the following order:
Hot water for washing. The minimum temperature of this water
shall be 110° F., and such water shall contain an adequate amount
of soap or detergent for proper cleansing. The water shall be changed
when it becomes different from its natural color.
Fresh water into which all dishes and utensils may be rinsed
before immersing in chlorine disinfectant and then drained. Towel
drying is not permitted.
Chlorine disinfectant in such quantity as to yield approximately
200 parts per million of available chlorine into which all dishes
and utensils washed shall be immersed for at least 30 seconds. Any
other bactericidal agent accomplishing the same results to the satisfaction
of the Division of Health may be used.
2. Plan 2: Under this plan, the equipment, facilities and method of
washing shall be as follows:
All glasses, dishes and other utensils shall be washed after
each service, until clean to the sight and touch, in warm water. The
minimum temperature of this water shall be 110° F., and such water
shall contain an adequate amount of soap or detergent for proper cleansing.
The water shall be changed when it becomes different from its natural
After such washing, all glasses, dishes and utensils shall be
placed in wire cages or baskets and subjected by immersion for at
least three minutes to the bactericidal action of water heated to
a minimum temperature of 180° F.
3. Except as herein stated, either in Plan 1 or Plan 2, no other equipment,
facilities, method or plan shall be employed for the washing of dishes,
glassware or utensils in food establishments without the approval
of the Division of Health. The Division of Health may, however, grant
by written permission the right to any food establishment to use another
plan or method for the washing of dishes, glassware or utensils if
it is satisfied that such plan or method will be equally as effective
as the plans or methods set forth.
n. Rule 15: Nothing in this section shall be held to prohibit the use
of paper cups, dishes or other single-service containers, provided
that the same shall be used only once; but such paper cups, dishes
or single-service items shall, at all times before use, be stored
in a manner as to be protected from dust, dirt, flies, rodents, vermin
and all other foreign or injurious contamination.
o. Rule 16: Plates, cups, saucers, dishes, crockery, chinaware or enamelware
which is cracked, chipped or broken shall not be used to contain food
or drink.
p. Rule 17: All racks, traps or other places where dishes, utensils
or other food containers are stacked or stored shall daily be washed
with some disinfectant or wiped with a damp cloth containing a disinfectant
to be approved by the Division of Health.
q. Rule 19: All straws, spoons, dishes or other articles used in connection
with food in any food establishment shall be protected at all times
to prevent contamination by dust, dirt or flies and all other unnecessary
handling. Bacteria count of utensils shall be maintained at 11 cc
per utensil.
r. Rule 20: All sugar used for customer consumption in food establishments
shall be contained in and dispensed in packages or from devices approved
by the Division of Health. All tablet or low-sugar shall be individually
s. Rule 21: All food shall be kept or stored in rodent- and insect-proof
containers or in places inaccessible to rodents or insects.
t. Rule 22: All retail food establishments shall have a hand wash sink.
u. Rule 23: All employees of Risk 3 retail food establishment must possess
a valid Food Protection Manager Certificate.
Failure to comply with Rules 1-23 above shall result in a fine
of $50 payable directly to the Municipal Court. This fine shall be
assessed for each and every day that a violation occurs.
[Ord. No. O-13-2015]
a. The Department of Code Enforcement, Division of Health shall provide
food-handling training courses periodically to persons engaged in
the business of preparing, handling, or processing of foods intended
for human consumption.
b. A food establishment owner or any food handler under his employ may
be required, at the direction of the Health Officer, to complete the
food-handling training course offered by the Department of Code Enforcement,
Division of Health or an equivalent food-handling training course.
The Health Officer's determination to require a food-handling
course shall be based on evidence of repeated violations of state
and local regulations governing food-handling, food service worker
hygiene, and food establishment sanitation.
c. A food-handling training course certificate shall be issued by the
Department of Code Enforcement, Division of Health to individuals
upon successful completion of the food-handling training course. Certificates
shall bear an expiration date of three years after issuance.
d. The Department of Code Enforcement, Division of Health shall maintain
a registry of all persons who have completed food-handling training.
e. A food establishment owner or any food handler directed by the Health
Officer to complete food-handling training and who fails to do so
shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of the Town of
[1980 Code § 117-42]
No person shall place or expose for sale any fruit, berries,
vegetables or other food upon a sidewalk or outside any building in
the Town of Morristown unless the same is placed upon stands, tables
or other structures having a height of at least 24 inches above the
ground or sidewalk. All such food exposed for sale shall be securely
protected from flies, rodents, dust, dirt and all other injurious
contamination by suitable cartons, cases or covers of glass, metal,
wood or other approved material: provided, however, that no coverings
shall be required for such foods which are ordinarily cooked or peeled
before eating.
[1980 Code § 117-43]
Any operator shall keep all garbage, offal, scraps, waste food
and other refuse in watertight, covered containers, and same shall
be removed and disposed of at least every day in the manner approved
by the Division of Health. The area around any dumpster maintained
on the premises shall be kept in a neat and clean manner.
[1980 Code § 117-44]
No person shall keep or offer for use any common drinking cup,
glass or other receptacle or permit the use of any common towel in
any railroad station, public or private school, municipal or government
building, office building, lodging, boardinghouse, hotel, club, theater
or amusement ground, factory, store or any other area of public assembly,
except a private home or apartment unit used or occupied as a place
of residence.
[1980 Code § 117-46; Ord. No. O-2-08]
a. All food vending machine operators must obtain a license to operate,
issued by the Health Division. The license will expire on June 30
of each year.
b. Foods, beverages and ingredients intended for sale through vending
machines shall be obtained from sources complying with the regulations
of the Town of Morristown and with other applicable State and Federal
laws and regulations. Such products shall be clean and wholesome,
free from spoilage and shall be processed, prepared, handled and stored
in such a manner as to be protected against contamination and adulteration.
All product contact surfaces of containers and equipment shall be
protected from contamination.
c. Vending machines shall be located so as to minimize the possibility
of contamination of the product, shall be easily cleanable and shall
be kept clean. The exterior of such vending machines shall be so constructed
as to facilitate cleaning and to prevent the entrance of rodents.
All interior surfaces and component parts of such vending machines
shall be so designed and constructed as to permit easy cleaning and
shall be kept clean. All product contact surfaces of the machine shall
be smoothed, nontoxic, corrosive-resistant and shall be capable of
withstanding repeated cleaning and bactericidal treatment by normal
procedures. Such surfaces shall be protected against contamination.
d. Water used in vending machines shall be from an approved source and
shall be of a safe and sanitary quality.
e. All waste from such machinery shall be properly disposed of and,
pending disposition, shall be kept so as to prevent the creation of
a nuisance.
f. Food, beverages and ingredients and product contact surfaces of containers,
equipment and supplies shall be protected from contamination while
in transit to such vending machines. Readily perishable foods and
beverages, while in transit, shall be maintained at or below 45°
F. or at or above 150° F.
[1980 Code § 117-47]
The operator of any factory, store, market, restaurant, delivery
wagon or truck or other place where food or drink for human consumption
is manufactured, prepared, handled, sold, stored, served or transported
shall, upon tender or offer of value, deliver to the Health Officer
or an authorized representative of the Division of Health such samples
of food or drink for analysis as may be necessary or requested. If
such request is not complied with at once, the Division may demand
and take as much of the food or drugs as it may think necessary, tendering
to the owner what it deems to be the reasonable value.
[1980 Code § 117-48]
Whenever any substance intended as food or drink for human consumption
is found being offered or exposed for sale or held in possession with
intent to sell, which substance is, in the opinion of the Division
of Health, unfit for human use or liable to cause or transmit any
disease, the Division of Health may embargo or order the same removed
and disposed of; and it shall be the duty of the operator of such
substance to immediately remove and dispose of it at his own expense,
according to the directions of the Health Officer. In case the operator
shall fail to remove immediately and dispose of such substance so
ordered, the same may be caused to be removed by the Division of Health
at the expense of the operator. No food, drink, milk, meat or other
products or any drug or cosmetic which has been embargoed in accordance
with this section shall be removed, processed, salvaged or disposed
of without first obtaining a written permit from the Health Officer
of the Town of Morristown.
[1980 Code § 117-49]
In case the operator of any activity covered by this section
shall fail to keep such operation in a clean and sanitary condition
after being notified to do so by the Health Officer, or in case such
operation may be liable to cause or transmit disease, the Health Officer
shall order that such operation be stopped or place of business be
closed until it shall be put in a clean and sanitary condition or
until such operation no longer shall be liable to cause or transmit
disease. It shall be the duty of the owner or operator to comply immediately
with and obey such order to conduct no further operation until permission
has been granted by the Health Officer.
[1980 Code § 117-50]
The Health Officer is authorized and empowered to suspend or
revoke any such license or permit regulated by this article issued
to or held by any person who shall violate any of the provisions of
this code based upon serious or repeated violations. When the Health
Officer contemplates a revocation action, he shall present the licensee
with the opportunity for a hearing, prior to which he shall present
such charges as may be the reason for the revocation, along with the
place and time he will hold the hearing.
[Ord. No. O-31-10; Ord. No. O-20-12]
Any person who shall violate any subsection or part of a subsection of this section, except for Subsection
25-10.6, shall upon conviction in the Municipal Court of the Town of Morristown, be subject to the minimum penalty of $100 per day payable to the court and a maximum fine to be determined by the court. Any person who shall violate Subsection
25-10.6 of this chapter shall upon conviction in the Municipal Court of the Town of Morristown be subject to a penalty of $500 per day payable to the court.