Any member of the Fire Department becoming sick or otherwise physically incapacitated from performing full duty shall immediately notify an officer at Fire Headquarters.
Whenever the Township Physician examines a firefighter for sickness or physical disability, they shall send a written report to the Fire Chief indicating the name of the person examined, the nature of their disability and the recommendation thereon. If they excuse the person from duty, they shall so indicate on the report, together with an estimate of the probable length of time the person will be absent from work.
The written report to the Fire Chief from the Township Physician shall be on a form prescribed by the Department.
If a member of the Department is injured or taken suddenly ill in quarters, the officer on duty shall notify the Township Physician, if practicable, and be guided by them. If not practicable, the officer in command shall notify the officer in command at headquarters and be guided by them.
Any member excused from duty for reason of sickness or physical disability shall be on a status of sick leave as per Department policy.
No member on sick leave shall be allowed to leave their place of residence except as outlined in Department policy.
All members of the Department shall immediately report any accident or injury to themselves, no matter how slight, to their immediate superior, stating the cause and extent of the injury.
Members shall receive full pay for time absent from duty due to sickness, injury or accident which shall have occurred in the line of duty, provided that such sickness, injury or accident was properly reported.