The appointment and dismissal of all employees of the Town, except those who are elected or are under the jurisdiction of the Board of Education, the Fire Commission, or the Police Commission, shall be made by the Selectmen. All appointments shall be made on the basis of merit and after examination as to fitness. Before the appointment or dismissal of any paid employee, the Selectmen shall consult with the board, commission, committee, officer, department or individual to whom the services of such employee are to be or have been rendered.
The Selectmen shall review and revise or establish when necessary a plan of classification and compensation for all Town employees whose appointment or dismissal is under the jurisdiction of the Selectmen or of the Fire Commission or Police Commission.
The Board of Selectmen shall recommend to the Town Council the enactment of any bylaws or ordinances necessary to give effect to any classification or compensation plan or plans or any changes therein. Any ordinance so adopted by the Town Council shall provide a merit system of personnel administration.
There shall be an ordinance establishing a Code of Ethics enacted by the Town Council setting forth standards of ethical conduct for all town officials, including members of boards and commissions, whether such town officials and members are elected, appointed, regular or alternate, and all employees of the Town, Board of Education, and Police Commission, whether paid or unpaid.
There shall be an Ethics Board of five members who shall be electors of the Town. The members shall serve without compensation and shall hold no other office of trust or emolument in the Town government. Service on committees of the Town government is not prohibited by this section, provided that such service does not create a conflict of interest as defined in the Town Code of Ethics.
On or promptly after the first day of December, 2016, the Selectmen shall appoint, subject to confirmation by an affirmative vote of seven members of the Town Council, two members of the Ethics Board to serve a term of three years, two additional members of the Ethics Board to serve a term of two years, and one member to serve a term of one year. On or promptly after the first day of December, 2017, the Selectmen shall appoint, subject to confirmation by an affirmative vote of seven members of the Town Council, one member of the Ethics Board to serve a term of three years. Thereafter, on a three year cycle, the Selectmen shall appoint, annually on or promptly after the first day of December, subject to confirmation by an affirmative vote of seven members of the Town Council, members of the Ethics Board for a term of three years, with two members to be appointed the first year, two members to be appointed the second year, and one member to be appointed the third year. Each member, after qualification, shall hold office from their initial appointment and until a successor has been appointed and shall have qualified. In the event of a vacancy due to death, resignation, or removal, within sixty (60) days of such vacancy the Selectmen shall appoint, subject to confirmation by an affirmative vote of seven members of the Town Council, a successor member of the Committee. There shall be minority representation on the Board in accordance with § 9-167a of the General Statutes.
On or promptly after the first day of December in each year the Ethics Board shall meet at the call of the First Selectman to choose one of its members to be Chairman and one of its members to be Secretary. The Chairman shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the Board and shall have a vote as a member thereof. The Secretary shall file in the office of the Town Clerk a full and detailed record of all proceedings, acts and resolutions of the Board, including the votes of each member on all actions taken, and such record shall be a public record. Three members shall be a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting.
The Ethics Board shall operate in accordance with the Town Ethics Board Ordinance and pursuant to Section 7-148h of the Connecticut General Statutes, and it shall have the following general powers and duties:
Review and recommend modifications, if any, to the Town Code of Ethics and the Town Ethics Board Ordinance for adoption by the Town Council;
Receive, review and address, in accordance with the Town Ethics Board Ordinance, its own rules and regulations and Section 7-148h of the Connecticut General Statutes, written complaints of alleged violations of the Town Code of Ethics by a Town officer, member of the Town Council, an official, member of a board, commission or committee, or any employee of the Town, including an official or employee of the Board of Education. All written complaints must be submitted to the Town Attorney for recording and prompt notification to the Ethics Board.
Hear appeals of complaints from any employee aggrieved as to the status or condition of employment, except employees governed by the Board of Education and collective bargaining agreements, after such employee follows the grievance procedures provided by the Town of New Canaan Employee Handbook.
Render advisory opinions and interpretations as to conflicts of interest arising under the Town Code of Ethics for all Town officers, members of the Town Council, and for all officials, members of boards, commissions and committees, and all employees of the Town, including officials and employees of the Board of Education.