[Amended by MC 1973-36, § 1, Dec. 10, 1973[1]]
The schedules of positions, salary, fringe benefits and wage ranges of City personnel, the amendments and supplements thereto, are hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this Code with the same force and effect as though set forth in full herein.[2]
Editor's Note: The current classification, salary and wage schedules are on file in the City offices.
At least three (3) copies of such schedules shall be maintained on file in the Office of the Clerk and one (1) copy in the Offices of the City Administrator, Division of Personnel and each department head for the use and inspection by the public.
Amendments to these schedules shall be enacted as ordinance amendments.
In addition to the compensation provided in said schedule, whenever the percentage increase in the cost of living for the twelve-month period from November 1, 1972, through October 31, 1973, exceeds 5.25% as determined by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index for the New York, North East New Jersey Standard Consolidated Area, such differential in percentage shall be included in the salary ranges for 1974, effective January 1, 1974.
Editor's Note: Subsequent amendments to the classification, salary and wage schedules are on file in the City offices.