The Board of Commissioners of the Borough of Allenhurst shall consist of three (3) Commissioners, who shall be elected at large by the voters of the Borough at a regular nonpartisan municipal election and who shall serve for concurrent terms of four (4) years beginning on the first Tuesday following their election.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:72-2, all the executive, administrative, judicial and legislative powers of the Borough shall be vested in the Board of Commissioners, including the powers of a local Board of Health.
Regular Meetings. The Board of Commissioners shall organize on the first Tuesday following the regular quadrennial municipal election. At that meeting, or as soon thereafter as practical, the Board of Commissioners shall create all subordinate boards and appoint any officers that it deems necessary for the proper and official conduct of affairs of the Borough. After the organization meeting, the Board of Commissioners shall meet regularly at least once a month on the date to be determined by a resolution of the Board in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. When the time for any regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners falls on a legal holiday as prescribed by law, such meeting may be held on a day which is not a legal holiday, and advertised as required.
The form of government under which the Borough of Allenhurst operates is the Commission Form of Government Law, comprising Chapters 70 to 76 of Title 40 of the New Jersey Statutes Annotated. The Administrative Chapter has been drafted in conformity with this law and many of its provisions are based on clauses found in Chapter 72 of Title 40. Other enabling laws pertaining to the Administrative Chapter are N.J.S.A. 40:73-1 et seq., Officers and Employees; N.J.S.A. 40:47-1 et seq., Police and Fire Departments; N.J.S.A. 2B:12 — 1 et seq., Municipal Court.
Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Commissioners shall be held on call of the Mayor or any two (2) Commissioners in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:72-13.
Procedure. The rules of procedure of the Board of Commissioners shall be established by resolution.
Attendance. All regular and special meetings of the Board of Commissioners shall be open to the public with exception as permitted by the Open Public Meetings Act. The Borough Attorney and Borough Clerk and such other municipal officers and employees as may be required by general or special order of the Board of Commissioners shall attend regular and special meetings of the Board of Commissioners.
Subject to the provisions of the "Open Public Meetings Act," N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq., the Board of Commissioners may convene at any time in executive session for the purposes set forth in N.J.S.A. 10:4-12. No person other than those specifically invited by the Board of Commissioners shall be authorized to participate at any such executive session.
A majority of the members of the Board of Commissioners shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Commissioners, but a lesser number than a quorum may adjourn any meeting. If no member of the Board of Commissioners is present one half (1/2) hour after the appointed time for any meeting, the Borough Clerk shall adjourn the meeting.
Except as may be provided by resolution or motion, questions of order and methods of organization, the conduct of business of the Board of Commissioners shall be governed by "Roberts Rules of Order." The Borough Attorney shall be ex officio parliamentarian.
The agenda for each regular and special meeting of the Board of Commissioners shall be prepared by the Borough Clerk except for emergency matters which may be added to the agenda at any time. The agenda for each regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners shall include only such matters of business as have been presented or delivered to the Clerk not later than twenty-four (24) hours preceding the meeting. As soon as the agenda for each meeting has been prepared, the Borough Clerk shall have a copy delivered to each Commissioner.
At the first regular meeting after the election of its members, the Board of Commissioners shall designate by majority vote one (1) Commissioner to be Director of each department.
When a vacancy occurs in the office of Commissioner, the remaining Commissioners shall within thirty (30) days appoint a properly qualified person to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.
At the first meeting after their election, the Commissioners shall choose one (1) of their number to preside at all meetings of the Board of Commissioners, and he/she shall be designated "Mayor."
The Mayor shall be president of the Board of Commissioners, shall preside at its meetings, and shall report to the Board of Commissioners concerning any matters requiring the attention of the Board of Commissioners or any department.
At its organization meeting the Board shall choose one of its members as Deputy Mayor who shall serve in the absence or incapacity of the Mayor.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:72-4, the administrative functions, powers and duties of the Board of Commissioners shall be allocated among the following departments:
Department of Revenue and Finance.
Department of Public Affairs and Public Safety.
Department of Public Works, Parks and Public Property.
The Board of Commissioners shall designate by majority vote one (1) Commissioner to be Director of each department. The Board shall also examine the various departments and divisions or subdepartments within departments and by resolution make such reallocation of functions as they deem desirable. When such reallocation has been duly made by resolution, the function so allocated shall be deemed to fall within the departments to which they have been so allocated, notwithstanding any other provision of this Code.
The Board of Commissioners shall determine the powers and duties to be performed by each department and shall assign each department the powers and duties which it deems appropriate. The Board shall prescribe the powers and duties of all officers and employees, may assign particular officers and employees to one (1) or more departments, and may require any officer or employee to perform duties in two (2) or more departments if the work required in each department is similar in character. The Board of Commissioners may make such rules and regulations as are necessary and proper for the efficient and economical conduct of the business of the Borough.
[Ord. No. 2012-07]
All elected officials in the Borough are required to attend on an annual basis at least one (1) course offered by the Rutgers University Center for Government Services (or a similar education provider such as the NJ League of Municipalities) covering the responsibilities and obligations of elected officials (for example, ethics, municipal finance, budgeting, policy setting, local government contracting, labor relations, capital planning, shared services, etc.). It is recommended that an ethics course be attended every other year for the duration of their term of office.