All legislative power of the Township, except as provided by law, shall be exercised by the Township Committee pursuant to law.
The Township Committee shall organize annually during the first week in January, at which time it shall elect a Mayor from among its members. The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the Township Committee and perform such other duties as the Township Committee may prescribe. In the absence or disability of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor shall act as Mayor.
Whenever a vacancy occurs in the membership of the governing body, the vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Vacancy Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:16-1 et seq. Every person appointed by the Township Committee or by the Governor to fill a vacancy, either for the unexpired term or temporarily, shall have the qualifications required by statute to permit the appointee to qualify for election to the office, and if the previous incumbent had been elected to office as the nominee of a political party, the person so appointed shall be of the same political party.
The Mayor shall have the power to appoint subcommittees of the Township Committee with the consent of the Township Committee. He shall sign and execute documents and agreements on behalf of the Township, when authorized. He shall have the power to make proclamations concerning holidays and events of interest in the Township. He shall exercise the ceremonial power of the Township and every other power usually exercised by township mayors or conferred upon him by law.
The Township Committee shall meet at such times and places as are determined by the Township Committee all in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act.
A special meeting may be called at any time upon written request of a majority of the members of the Township Committee or by the Mayor. The request and call for a special meeting shall specify the purpose of the meeting and no business shall be transacted at any special meeting other than that specified. The call for a special meeting shall be filed with the Township Clerk and shall be served upon each Committee member as provided by law and such other notice shall be given as provided by law.
All regular and special meetings of the Township Committee shall be open to the public. Notice of all meetings shall be given in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law, C. 231, P.L. 1975.
Matters of procedure not covered in this Code or statute shall be governed by the Bylaws of the Committee as the same have been adopted or modified by resolution.
A majority of the whole number of members of the Township Committee shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present one-half (1/2) hour after the appointed time for any meeting, the presiding officer or the Township Clerk may declare the meeting adjourned.
The Township Committee shall elect, from among its members, a Deputy Mayor. In the absence or disability of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor shall have all of the powers and duties of the Mayor.
[Added 5-20-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-06]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:5-17, the following procedure may be followed for the payment of claims during the term of a state of local disaster emergency proclaimed by the Township Emergency Management Coordinator:
Each claim, payment of which is due before the next scheduled meeting of the Township Committee, shall be reviewed and, if appropriate, approved for payment by the members of the Finance Committee, who shall be designated as the certifying and approval officers pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:5-17. No claim shall be approved unless it is accompanied by the appropriate voucher signed by the vendor, together with any other necessary supporting documentation.
The Finance Committee, in approving same, shall certify to the Township Committee that the work that is the subject of the voucher has been performed or the product has been approved by the Township and that, based on information from the Chief Financial Officer, there are sufficient funds for payment as well as legal authorization to pay same.
As long as the procedure set forth in this section is compliant, the Township Committee shall ratify the payment of any approved claims at its next meeting.
[Added 11-10-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-14]
[Added 11-10-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-14]
This section shall apply to all members of the Frelinghuysen Township Committee, and all candidates or prospective appointees for the membership in the Frelinghuysen Township Committee.
[Added 11-10-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-14]
In addition to being a registered voter in the Township of Frelinghuysen at the time petitions of nomination are filed as required by New Jersey statute, candidates for membership in the Frelinghuysen Township Committee and prospective appointees must complete the Township of Frelinghuysen Candidate Affidavit Form with all required information, as set forth in this § 2-10, to verify their residency in the Township of Frelinghuysen. All of the information and requirements set forth in the Township of Frelinghuysen Candidate Affidavit Form must be current and valid as of the date of submission to the Clerk to receive certification to appear on the ballot and through election, or to be appointed, as applicable, and in order to assume office, unless a valid and eligible change of address is submitted to the Clerk.
To ensure all new candidates and prospective appointees live in the Township and to maintain the integrity of Frelinghuysen Township's municipal elections, there is hereby created the Township of Frelinghuysen Candidate Affidavit Form which must be completed by candidates and to which must be attached certain documents as specified below. The sole purpose of the submission is to serve as proof that the candidate lives in the Township. All candidates must submit the Township of Frelinghuysen Candidate Affidavit Form in the form prescribed herein under penalty of perjury, signed by the candidate verifying that the address on the documents is the candidate's primary residence.
In addition to all other candidate qualifications requirements under New Jersey law, including but not limited to having the candidate's primary residence in the Township of Frelinghuysen, candidates and prospective appointees must provide the following:
Personal income tax returns for the last calendar preceding the year of the municipal election for which the candidate or prospective appointee seeks office, which may be redacted provided that information concerning the candidate's residency or address shall not, under any circumstances, be redacted.
Bank statements and utility bills, including but not limited to cable, phone, gas and electric, for the 12 months preceding the submission of the affidavit showing the candidate's or prospective appointee's permanent residence, which may be redacted provided that information concerning the candidate's residency or address shall not, under any circumstances, be redacted. If a candidate or prospective appointee does not have bank statements or utility bills for their permanent address to submit, they shall set forth that information on the Township of Frelinghuysen Candidate Affidavit Form. In the event a utility bill has not been generated, a letter from an authorized representative of the utility provider stating that an account has been opened in the candidate's or prospective appointee's name will suffice. If there is an agreement with a landlord or other legal entity, as verified by a rental contract or lease contract, that the landlord or other legal entity will pay the bill and/or the utility bill, the candidate or prospective appointee must submit that information on the Township of Frelinghuysen Candidate Affidavit Form and attach an affidavit signed by the landlord or the other legal entity's authorized legal representative under penalty of perjury, verifying that the landlord or other legal entity is responsible for paying the utility bill; and
Recorded deed or rental or lease agreement for the candidate's or prospective appointee's permanent residence. If the candidate or prospective appointee is not living in the permanent residence under a rental or leasehold agreement, they shall set forth that information on the Township of Frelinghuysen Candidate Affidavit Form and attach an affidavit, in a form approved by the Clerk and the Township Attorney, from the homeowner or authorized legal representative of the owner of the property verifying that the candidate or prospective appointee is living at the property as his or her primary residence.
If the lease or rental agreement expiration date is prior to the date that on which the candidate or prospective appointee would take office, an updated lease or rental agreement shall be provided before taking office.
Proof of motor vehicle registration and insurance shall be provided if any motor vehicles are registered to the candidate or prospective appointee setting forth their permanent residence. In addition, proof of a valid New Jersey driver's license showing their permanent residence on the license must be consistent with the address shown on the nomination papers. If the residence address on either the driver's license or auto registration is in the process of being changed, the candidate or prospective appointee must provide a document from the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission verifying the change is in process. If a candidate or prospective appointee does not own an automobile and does not have a New Jersey driver's license, the candidate shall that information on the Township of Frelinghuysen Candidate Affidavit Form and submit another State of New Jersey issued identification showing that the address on the identification document is consistent with the address shown.
The candidate's or prospective appointee's name and address must be consistent with the information in the candidate's nomination or appointment papers.
The failure to provide any of the above-required documents on or before the closing date to file nomination papers will disqualify a candidate from being certified to appear on the ballot for membership in the Frelinghuysen Township Committee, and will disqualify a prospective appointee from being appointed.
Willfully submitting false, forged or altered documents or coercing or unduly influencing persons providing affidavit documents will disqualify candidates and prospective appointees, in addition to any other available legal remedy.
[Added 11-10-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-14]
No earlier than the initial filing date for documents related to a candidate running for membership in the Frelinghuysen Township Committee, and no later than the closing date to file nomination papers, candidates are required to file all of the documents specified in § 2-10.2 with the Frelinghuysen Municipal Clerk's office for verification. No later than three calendar days from the last day to file petitions of nomination, the Municipal Clerk will review and verify that all required information is correct and meets the requirements of the Uniform Non-Partisan Election Law and the provisions of this § 2-10. Prospective appointees for membership in the Frelinghuysen Township Committee shall submit same prior to appointment. The Municipal Clerk will then do one of the following:
If any deficiencies are discovered in the documents provided or certain documents are missing, the Municipal Clerk's office will provide a letter to the candidate or prospective appointee showing the specific deficiencies or missing documents. The candidate or prospective appointee will have three calendar days from the last day to file petitions of nomination to correct the deficiencies and resubmit the required documents for verification to the Municipal Clerk; or
If the candidate or prospective appointee either fails to complete verification of all of the requirements of this section within the prescribed time limits, or the resubmitted documents do not meet the requirements of the section, the Municipal Clerk's office will provide a letter to them advising of the failure to meet the requirements of this section and will not certify the candidate to appear on the ballot, or in the case of a prospective appointee, will notice them that they cannot be appointed; or
If the resubmitted documents meet all the residency requirements of this section, the Municipal Clerk's office will certify that the residency requirements have been met and provide a letter to the candidate prospective appointee advising of same.
[Added 11-10-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-14]
All members of the Frelinghuysen Township Committee are required to reside in the Township of Frelinghuysen during their entire term in office. To ensure such residency, upon a majority vote of the Township Committee, any member of the Township Committee may be required to submit the following documents to the Municipal Clerk during any given year in office:
In the event that a member of the Township Committee moves to a new residence within, or outside of the Township after the filing of the previous affidavit, the member shall confirm the new district address within 30 days of moving, by providing the documents set forth at § 2-10.2 to the Municipal Clerk.
Members who have not relocated since the information required by this section was last provided, may comply with this article by supplying a Township of Frelinghuysen Candidate Affidavit Form indicating that they have not relocated, and all previously supplied information remains true and correct.
[Added 11-10-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-14]
Willfully submitting false, forged, altered documents or coercing or unduly influencing persons providing affidavit documents shall disqualify a candidate and constitute a violation of law. Any candidate, prospective appointee or member of the Frelinghuysen Township Committee who fails to meet the requirements of this § 2-10 shall not be permitted to take or remain in office.
Any claim that a provision of this § 2-10 has been violated by a candidate, prospective appointee or member of the Frelinghuysen Township Committee shall be submitted to the Township Attorney. The Township Attorney will review same, and may refer a complaint to the Warren County Prosecutor as appropriate. The Township may hire outside attorneys and/or investigators to investigate residency complaints and if sufficient evidence is found, may submit such information to be used in a determination of whether a candidate or prospective appointee shall be disqualified or a member of the Township Committee shall be removed by virtue of that seat being declared vacant pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:16-3.