[Ord. #12/28/79 § 1]
No insurance company shall pay a claimant in excess of two thousand five hundred ($2,500.00) dollars for fire damage on any real property within the Township of Frelinghuysen until such time as all taxes and assessments and all other municipal liens or charges due and payable appearing on the official certificate of search shall have been paid either by the owner of such real property or by the insurance company pursuant to Section 3 of Chapter 184 of the Laws of the State of New Jersey 1978, or the Township submits to the insurance company a resolution adopted pursuant to Section 4 of Chapter 184.
[Ord. #91-04 Preamble]
The Township has been experiencing nonpayment and untimely payment of real estate taxes to the detriment of the financial status of the Township, which nonpayment and untimely payment are further creating a burden upon other taxpayers of the municipality.
[Ord. #91-04 § 1]
Any applicant for a permit, license, approval or relief from any ordinance or regulation of the Township, from either the Township Committee, any Township Board, officer, licensing official, or Township employee seeking permission or authority of the applicant to use any parcel of real property owned by the applicant within the Township shall, as a condition to obtaining said permit, license, approval, or relief submit proof with such application that all real estate taxes assessed against such real property, to include rollback taxes that were assessed as omitted assessments and which are unappealable, have been paid through the current tax quarter or any required due date that has accrued prior to or at the date of the application as filed.
[Ord. #91-04 § 2]
No permit, license, approval or relief for any use or activity in connection with a designated parcel of real property located in the Township shall be issued by the Township Committee, and Township Board, officer or licensing official, or employee of the Township unless that body, official, or employee has received from the applicant a certification of all real estate taxes assessed against such real property, including rollback taxes as above provided, have been paid through the current quarter or any due date that accrued through the date of issuance of the permit, license, approval or release.
[Ord. #92-04 § 1]
No bill, claim or voucher shall be honored by the Township unless a proper appropriation has been made thereof and there are sufficient moneys to cover the expenditure.
[Ord. #92-04 § 2]
Any person, firm, company, partnership or corporation claiming payment from the Township shall first submit a detailed statement of the items or demand necessitating such claim to the Township Treasurer, specifying particularly how the bill or demand is made up, with certification of the party claiming payment that it is correct.
No bill, claim or voucher shall be considered for payment unless the voucher has attached to it or includes certification of the Department Head having jurisdiction over the payment and stating that the goods have been received by or the services have been rendered to the Township and that those services or goods are consistent with any existing contract or agreement. The Township Treasurer shall have the duty to audit, warrant, and make recommendations on all claims and bills.
[Ord. #92-04 § 3]
The bill, claim, or voucher, duly certified, shall be presented to the Township Clerk for inclusion in the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Township Committee, and it shall be the duty of the Township Clerk to examine all bills or claims submitted for payment to ascertain that proper administrative procedures have been followed. Claims or bills to be considered by the Township Committee shall be listed systematically without preference, and the list shall be made available to every member of the Township Committee at or before the meeting at which formal action is to be taken by such body.
[Ord. #92-04 § 4]
Claims or demands for payments must be received by the Township Clerk no later than the close of business on the Wednesday before any regularly scheduled meeting for the claim or demand for payment to be on the agenda of the meeting. Claims or demands received after such time shall be considered by the Township Committee at its next following regularly scheduled meeting.
[Ord. #92-04 § 5]
The bills, claims, and vouchers shall then be considered by the Township Committee, and approval shall be indicated by a majority vote of all members voting, provided, however, that the Township Committee may reject any bill, claim or voucher presented to it, stating the reason for rejection. Any rejected bill, claim, or voucher shall be referred back to the Treasurer with such instructions as the Township Committee may give at the time of disapproval.
[Ord. #92-04 § 6]
All bills, claims, and vouchers approved for payment by the Township Committee shall be paid by check after the check is signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Treasurer and Township Clerk or Deputy Township Clerk. The Treasurer shall record all of the checks in the books of account and cause the checks to be delivered to the claimant.
[Ord. #92-04 § 7]
The Treasurer shall prepare the necessary payrolls of all employees upon receipt of signed voucher, which payrolls shall be duly certified by the person authorized to certify that the services have been rendered as per current Salary Ordinance.
Editor's Note: Prior ordinance history includes portions of Ordinance No. 99-12.
[Ord. #2006-13]
There is hereby created a Frelinghuysen Township Open Space and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund, whose purposes are set forth below.
[Ord. #2006-13]
The purposes of the Frelinghuysen Township Open Space and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund are as follows:
Acquisition of farmland or development rights on farms for farmland preservation purposes;
Acquisition of lands for recreation and conservation purposes;
Development of lands acquired for recreation and conservation purposes;
Maintenance of lands acquired for recreation and conservation purposes;
Payment of debt service on indebtedness issued or incurred by a County for the purposes set forth in paragraphs a and b of this subsection;
To provide funding for the payment of debt service related to appropriations in accordance with paragraphs a and b of this subsection.
[Ord. #2006-13]
The funding source for the Township Open Space and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund shall be the establishment of a separate Township tax line item at an annual rate not to exceed two ($.02) cents per one hundred ($100.00) dollars of ratables for each and every taxable property located within the Township. The rate shall be set every year by the Township Committee, by resolution, during the existence of the Open Space and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund, no later than the meeting at which the Township budget shall be introduced. The Township Chief Finance Officer, the Township Auditor, the Township Tax Collector and the Township Tax Assessor, where applicable, shall assist the Township Committee in the annual creation/collection of this open space and farmland preservation tax.
[Ord. #2006-13]
No property acquired with funds from the Open Space and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund shall be leased or sold, until the sale or lease of same has been approved by the voters at a referendum.
[Ord. #2006-11]
There is hereby created a Frelinghuysen Township Farmland Preservation Advisory Committee (the "Advisory Committee").
[Ord. #2006-11; Ord. #2006-20; Ord. #2009-03 § 1; Ord. #2012-02; amended 2-14-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-05]
The Advisory Committee shall be comprised of five members and two alternate members, as follows:
One member of the Township Committee.
One member of the Township Land Use Board.
One member of the Environmental Commission.
Two citizens of the Township. The citizens appointed shall hold no other municipal office, position or employment in the municipal government.
Two alternate members who shall be citizens of the Township. The citizens so appointed shall hold no other municipal office.
All appointments shall be made by the Township Committee, except as otherwise specified above.
The Advisory Committee shall elect from among its members an individual to serve as Chair of the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee shall elect from among the citizen members a Vice Chairperson to serve as a presiding officer in the absence of the Chair. The Township Committee shall elect a Secretary, whose function it shall be to maintain the minutes of the Committee's meetings and records of the proceedings of the Committee.
In the event that any member or alternate member fails to attend two consecutive meetings without being excused by a majority of the authorized members, the seat of that member or alternate member shall be deemed vacant effective immediately.
[Added 4-27-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-03]
[Ord. #2006-11; Ord. #2012-02; amended 2-14-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-05]
The member of the Township Committee shall have a term of one year.
The member of the Land Use Board shall have a term of one year.
The member of the Environmental Commission shall have a term of one year.
The four citizens of the Township appointed by the Township Committee (two members and two alternate members) and so designated by the Township Committee at the time of appointment shall have terms of three years.
[Ord. #2006-11]
The Advisory Committee shall hold its initial organization meeting within 60 days after the final adoption of this section.
[Ord. #2006-11; amended 2-14-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-05; 4-27-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-03]
The Advisory Committee shall hold public meetings in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act.[1] A total of four meetings shall be held per year, on a quarterly basis, provided that special meetings may be held as necessary and according to law.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq.
[Ord. #2006-11]
The Advisory Committee shall determine the criteria which are to be used in analyzing the properties for possible acquisition by the Township whether in fee, by easement or by means of development rights.
The Advisory Committee shall make an initial determination of which parcels of land should be acquired in fee and/or those parcels of land for which the Township should acquire an easement or development rights only.
The Advisory Committee shall submit to the Township Committee a prioritized list of properties to be acquired and/or those parcels of land for which the Township should acquire development rights only. The Township Committee shall, within 45 days of the submission, either approve, disapprove or modify the list as submitted and state the amount of funds that the Township Committee shall make available for such acquisition.
After approval of the list referred to in paragraphs a and b above, the Township may proceed to acquire, by gift, purchase or eminent domain proceedings, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 20:3-1 et seq., the parcels are prioritized on the list, within the financial constraints set by the Township Committee.
The Advisory Committee may employ and/or contract for professional services by legal counsel, appraisers and staff as it may deem necessary subject to budget appropriation and Township Committee passage of professional service resolutions establishing the rates of compensation to be paid.
[Ord. #2006-11]
No property acquired with those funds from the Open Space and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund shall be leased or sold, until the sale or lease of same has been approved by the voters at a referendum.
[Ord. #2006-12; Ord. #2008-04; Ord. No. 2016-09 § 1]
There hereby exists a Frelinghuysen Township Open Space Advisory Committee (the "Advisory Committee") to consider and implement recommendations of the Open Space and Recreation Plan element of the Frelinghuysen Master Plan, to advise the Township Committee on suitable properties for preservation, foster environmental stewardship projects, and sponsor passive recreation activities. For purposes of this section, "passive recreation" shall have the meaning set forth at Subsection 2-27.8c of the Frelinghuysen Township Code. The Advisory Committee may conduct fund raising activities to support its mission and activities in accordance with law, and all funds raised by the Committee shall be accounted for, and shall be placed in a special Township fund or account. These funds will only be permitted to be used and spent in connection with the duties and activities of the Committee.
[Ord. #2006-12; Ord. #2006-21; Ord. #2007-02 § 1; Ord. #2008-04; Ord. No. 2016-09 § 2; amended 2-14-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-04]
The Advisory Committee shall be comprised of five members and two alternate members, as follows:
One member of the Township Committee.
One member of the Township Land Use Board.
One member of the Environmental Commission.
One member of the Recreation Committee.
One citizen of the Township. The citizen so appointed shall hold no other municipal office.
Two alternate members who shall be citizens of the Township. The citizens so appointed shall hold no other municipal office.
All appointments shall be made by the Township Committee, except as otherwise specified above.
The Advisory Committee annually shall elect from among its members an individual to serve as Chair of the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee annually shall elect from among its citizen members a Vice Chairperson to serve as a presiding officer in the absence of the Chair. The Advisory Committee shall also retain a Secretary, paid by the Township, whose function it shall be to maintain the minutes of the Committee's meetings and records of the proceedings of the Committee.
In the event that any member or alternate member fails to attend two consecutive meetings without being excused by a majority of the authorized members, the seat of that member or alternate member shall be deemed vacant effective immediately.
[Added 4-27-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-02]
[Ord. #2006-12; Ord. #2008-04; amended 2-14-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-04]
The member of the Township Committee shall have a term of one year.
The member of the Township Land Use Board shall have a term of one year.
The member of the Environmental Commission shall have a term of one year.
The member of the Recreation Committee shall have a term of one year.
The citizens of the Township appointed by the Township Committee and so designated by the Township Committee at the time of appointment, whether as members or as alternate members, shall have terms of three years.
[Ord. #2006-12; Ord. #2008-04]
The Advisory Committee shall hold its annual organizational meeting each January, electing the Chair and Vice Chairperson and also voting to retain a Secretary for the coming year.
[Ord. #2006-12; Ord. #2008-04; amended 2-14-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-04; 4-27-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-02]
The Advisory Committee shall hold public meetings in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act.[1] A total of four meetings shall be held per year, on a quarterly basis, provided that special meetings may be held as necessary and according to law.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq.
[Ord. #2006-12; Ord. #2008-04]
The Advisory Committee shall consider and implement guidelines that are documented in the Open Space and Recreation Plan, to determine the criteria which are to be used in analyzing the properties for possible acquisition by the Township whether in fee or by easement.
The Advisory Committee shall make an initial determination of which parcels of land should be acquired in fee and/or those parcels of land for which the Township should acquire an easement.
The Advisory Committee shall submit to the Township Committee a prioritized list of properties suitable for preservation acquisition and/or donation. The Township Committee shall, within 45 days of the submission either approve, disapprove or modify the list as submitted.
After approval of the list referred to in paragraph c above, the Township may proceed to acquire, by gift, purchase or eminent domain proceedings, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 20:3.1 et seq., the parcels as prioritized on the list, within the financial constraints set by the Township Committee.
The Advisory Committee may employ and/or contract for professional services by legal counsel, appraisers and staff as it may deem necessary subject to budget appropriation and Township Committee passage of professional service resolutions establishing the rates of compensation to be paid.
[Ord. #2006-12; Ord. #2008-04]
No property acquired with funds from the Open Space and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund shall be leased or sold, until the sale or lease of same has been approved by the voters at a referendum.
[Ord. No. 2016-09 § 3]
The Open Space Advisory Committee shall have and oversee a Trails Subcommittee. The Trails Subcommittee shall consist of 10 members, at least one of whom shall be a member of the Recreation Committee. The members of the Trails Subcommittee shall be selected by the Chair of the Open Space Advisory Committee with the consent of the Committee.
Members of the Trails Subcommittee shall serve terms of two years. Vacancies in the Subcommittee shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointments.
The Trails Subcommittee shall:
Be responsible for the design, management and maintenance of trails located within the Frelinghuysen Forest Preserve ("FFP");
Recommend environmentally and ecologically sound plans and goals for trails under its responsibility;
Educate the public and promote usage of the trails under its responsibility; and
Address other trail-related issues, and make recommendations, as may be requested by the Open Space Advisory Committee.
[Ord. #2005-07 § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person over the age of eighteen (18) to assist, aid, abet, allow, permit, suffer or encourage a student to register or enroll in the North Warren Regional and/or Frelinghuysen Township School Districts when the student is not eligible to attend.
[Ord. #2005-07 § 2]
It shall be unlawful for any person over the age of eighteen (18) to knowingly permit his or her name, address, or other residence designating documentation to be utilized in the registration or enrollment of any student in the North Warren Regional and/or Frelinghuysen Township School District who is not eligible to attend.
[Ord. No. 2005-07 § 3]
Any person violating or failing to comply with the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to make restitution for the cost of the ineligible student's attendance to the North Warren Regional and/or Frelinghuysen Township Board of Education and pay a fine of not more than one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars. In determining the amount of restitution, the Court shall include the amounts incurred by the North Warren Regional and/or Frelinghuysen Township Board of Education including but limited to tuition cost, investigation expenses and attorneys' fees.
[Ord. #2005-07 § 4]
Restitution ordered by the Superior Court shall be converted into a lien against the property of the offending party until it is paid.
[Ord. #2008-16 § 1]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 43:15C-2, the following positions are deemed to be eligible for and shall participate in the Defined Contribution Retirement Program:
Statutory based, untenured, chief administrative officer such as: Business Administrator, Municipal Manager or Municipal or Administrator appointed under authority of a local ordinance.
Positions with principal responsibility such as: Department heads.
Legal counsel to the organization regardless of title such as: Municipal Attorney, counsel, Director of Law, Corporation Counsel, Solicitor, etc.
Municipal Engineer.
Municipal Prosecutor.
Municipal Court Judge.
[Ord. #2008-16 § 2]
Individuals serving in the following positions are exempt from Defined Contribution Retirement Program membership, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 43:15C-2:
Certified Health Officer.
Tax Collector.
Chief Financial Officer.
Construction Code Official.
Qualified Purchasing Agent.
Tax Assessor.
Municipal Planner.
Registered Municipal Clerk.
Licensed Uniform Subcode Inspector.
Principal Public Works Manager.
[Ord. #2008-16 § 3]
This section shall be implemented, construed and subject to the aforesaid Chapter 92 of the Laws of 2007 (N.J.S.A. 43:15C-1 et seq.), as amended from time to time, and any regulations or guidance documents from the Local Finance Board or the Division of Pensions and Benefits.
[Ord. #2009-16]
The Mayor and Township Committee of the Township of Frelinghuysen that the attached Notice of Tort Claim form be and hereby is adopted as the official Notice of Tort Claim form for the Township of Frelinghuysen; and
All persons making claims against the Township of Frelinghuysen, pursuant to the New Jersey Tort Claims Act, N.J.S.A. 59:801 et seq., be required to complete the form herein adopted as a condition of compliance with the notice requirements of the New Jersey Tort Claims Act.[1]
Editor's Note: The Notice of Tort Claim referred to herein is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Prior ordinance history: Ordinance No. 2012-05.
[Ord. #2013-02]
For the purposes of this section, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Shall mean a present or former municipal employee, appointee, official, professional appointee, elected official or member of the various boards, agencies and commissions of the Township of Frelinghuysen whether full or part time, appointed, elected or hired. The terms of this section and the definition of official, employee and appointee are to be construed liberally in order to effectuate the purposes of this section except that the terms shall not mean a) any person who is not a natural person; b) any person while providing goods or services of any kind under any contract with the Township except for services provided pursuant to an employment contract or a professional services contract; or c) any person while providing legal, engineering, accounting or other professional services for compensation if the action involves professional negligence and is otherwise covered by the person's professional liability insurance policy or unless said person is a full-time employee of Frelinghuysen Township. The use of the terms "official," "employee" or "appointee" shall include all such persons even if not specifically stated in this section.
[Ord. #2013-02]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 59:10-1 et seq. and subject to the provisions of this section, the Township of Frelinghuysen is authorized to and shall provide for the defense of actions brought against its municipal officials, employees and appointees, shall indemnify such officials, employees, and appointees to the extent permissible by law and shall save harmless and protect such persons from financial loss resulting from litigation. Such indemnification shall arise out of any action or legal proceeding of a noncriminal nature directly related, or incidental to, the performance of the duties of the position or office held by such municipal official, employee or appointee. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 59:10-4, the indemnification and defense provided for in this section shall include exemplary or punitive damages resulting from the official's, employee's, or appointee's civil violation of State or Federal law provided such violation does not constitute actual fraud, actual malice, willful misconduct or an intentional wrong as may be adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction.
[Ord. #2013-02]
The Township shall not defray the cost of defending any criminal action against any municipal official except as may be authorized by State statute or other municipal ordinance or resolution of the Township of Frelinghuysen, and in those circumstances, the responsibility for defraying the cost of defending such employee shall be applicable only when such criminal proceeding shall have been dismissed or result in a final disposition in favor of the municipal official. However, should the Mayor and Township Committee determine that there is good cause to dismiss the employee arising out of the incident(s) giving rise to the criminal prosecution, the Township will not reimburse the municipal employee for legal defense and costs in defending this suit, even though criminal proceedings against the employee may be dismissed or the employee found not guilty.
[Ord. #2013-02]
The municipal official shall not be entitled to indemnification or reimbursement pursuant to this section unless within ten (10) calendar days of the time such municipal official is served with any summons, complaint, process, notice, demand or pleading, the official delivers the original or a copy thereof to either the Township Attorney or to the Municipal Clerk. The municipal official shall be obliged to cooperate with the Township in the conduct of the municipal official's defense. Whenever competent and disinterested legal counsel is available to the Township through any insurance coverage, the municipal official shall be obliged to be represented by such counsel. If the Township wishes to use the Township Attorney or the attorney for any board or committee of the Township to defend that action, the municipal official shall be obligated to be represented by that attorney unless there is a conflict of interest. The refusal of the municipal official to reasonably cooperate with the Township shall terminate the Township's obligation to reimburse the municipal official.
[Ord. #2013-02]
If the Township Committee determines to provide a defense as authorized by this section, it may do so by:
Hiring an attorney of its choice; or
Reimbursing the municipal official for reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred in connection with the defense of the act.
A resolution shall be adopted appointing counsel for the defense and determining counsel fees. The hourly rate shall not exceed the then rate paid to the Township Attorney without a written resolution of the Committee. Nothing in this section shall preclude the Township and/or Township Attorney from demanding and reviewing periodically any costs and attorney's fees in connection with the defense of the municipal official. In the event a dispute over attorney's fees arises, the Township reserves the right to submit the dispute to the Fee Arbitration Committee of the District or pursue any other course of permissible legal action.
[Ord. #2013-02]
The Township shall not be obligated to provide reimbursement in the following instances:
Where the act or omission was not within the scope of the municipal official's employment or authority;
Where the act or omission complained of was because of actual fraud, willful misconduct, actual malice or the commission of a crime;
Where the legal proceeding is instigated or brought by the Township of Frelinghuysen against the municipal official;
Where the legal proceeding involves a question concerning the election laws;
Where the action is brought against the Township by the municipal official. If any such legal proceeding shall be dismissed or finally determined in favor of the municipal official or employee, the official or employee shall be reimbursed for the expense of the defense providing (a) the employee proves that the act or omission was within the scope of employment or authority and (b) the Township fails to prove the act or omission complained of was because of actual fraud, willful misconduct or actual malice.
Where the defense of the action or proceeding would constitute a conflict of interest between the Township and the municipal official.
Where the defense of the action or proceeding is covered by an insurance policy or policies, however, the Township shall be responsible for the cost of the deductible.
Where the person is providing legal, accounting or engineering services for compensation and the legal defense is covered by the person's professional liability insurance. However, the Township shall be responsible for the cost of any deductible of the employee's professional liability insurance policy.
The municipal official has failed to fully cooperate with the defense.
Where the act or omission is in violation of the New Jersey Local Government Ethics Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:9-22.1 et seq., or any ethics code adopted pursuant to the statute.
[Ord. #2013-02]
The Township shall have exclusive control over the representation of the municipal official and such person shall cooperate fully with the Township and the designated attorney, provided, however, that the municipal official may at any time at the municipal official's option take control of the representation by waiving all rights to indemnification and all rights to payment for the defense costs.
[Ord. #2013-02]
The amount the Township is obliged to reimburse the municipal official shall be reduced by any insurance coverage payable to the municipal official by the net amount, (that is, any recovery less attorneys fees, disbursements and Court costs), of any money received by the municipal official in any counteraction against the person or persons bringing the action against him or her.
[Ord. #2013-02]
If the legal proceeding is terminated by an agreement among or between the parties, then the Township shall not be obligated to reimburse the municipal official unless the Township approves the settlement agreement.
[Ord. #2013-02]
If the municipal official files a counterclaim or cross claim in the legal proceedings, the Township shall not be obligated to reimburse for any attorney fees or court costs attributable to such action.
[Ord. #2013-02]
The obligation of the Township to reimburse a municipal official for expenses shall arise upon the official incurring the expense for the official's defense of the legal proceedings and shall be payable from time to time upon presentation of vouchers by the official for the services rendered and cost incurred.
[Ord. #2013-02]
Any subsection of this section is declared for any reason to be unconstitutional or invalid by a court of confident jurisdiction, such provision(s) shall be deemed severed from the remainder of the section and shall not affect the enforceability of the remainder of the section.
[Ord. #2013-02]
Any and all ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this section are hereby repealed to such extent as they are so in conflict or inconsistent, provided, however, that the adoption of the section shall not prevent or bar the continuance or institution of any proceedings for offenses heretofore committed in violation of any existing ordinance of the Township of Frelinghuysen.
[Ord. #2013-02]
This section shall take effect upon final passage and publication according to law. Any legal proceeding which may be covered by this section which has not been reduced to a final judgment as of the date of passage shall be covered by the terms of this section.[1]
Note: Section 2-45 was adopted February 20, 2013 by Ord. No. 2013-02.
Editor's Note: Former § 2-46, Historic Preservation Committee, adopted by Ord. No. 2015-09, and amended by Ord. No. 2018-03, was repealed 12-16-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-15.
[Ord. #2015-10]
The real property located at: (a) Block 201, Lot 8.08, otherwise known as 884 State Route 94; and (b) Block 201, Lot 6, otherwise known as 112 Lincoln Laurel Road, shall be known and designated as the "Frelinghuysen Forest Preserve South."
The real property located at Block 104, Lot 10, otherwise known as 145 Lincoln Laurel Road, shall be known and designated as the "Frelinghuysen Forest Preserve North."
The logo for the Frelinghuysen Forest Preserve shall be set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto. (The logo may be found on file in the Township offices.)
The report concerning Frelinghuysen Forest Preserve South entitled, "Frelinghuysen Forest Preserve: Stewardship Assessment Report" dated February 18, 2015, and complied by the Land Conservancy of New Jersey and the Township of Frelinghuysen Environmental Commission, is adopted and incorporated herein by reference.