[Ord. #88-002, § 1]
No vessel shall moor or anchor within the water boundaries of the City of Albany, for a time period greater than twenty-four (24) hours, in any consecutive thirty (30) day time period. The City Administrator may grant exceptions to this section when necessary to allow City, or its contractors, to perform construction, maintenance, or dredging services. Violations of this section are an infraction. The City of Albany will remove any vessel which violates this section at the owner's expense.
For the purposes of this section, the water boundaries of the City of Albany shall mean the water area of the San Francisco Bay bounded approximately on the south by the westward extension of the mouth of Codornices Creek, on the east by the eastern shoreline of San Francisco Bay, on the north by the westward extension of Cerrito Creek, and on the west by a line running approximately northwest from the westernmost end of the Berkeley Municipal Pier. For the purposes of this section, vessel includes every description of watercraft used, or capable of being used, as a means of transportation, residence, and/or flotation on the water.