[Ord. #89-07]
Within one hundred twenty (120) days after the close of Grantee's fiscal year, the Grantee shall be required to submit a written annual report, in a form requested by the Grantor, including, but not limited to, the following information:
A summary of the previous year's (or, in the case of the initial report year, the initial year's) activities in development of the cable system, including, but not limited to, services begun or discontinued during the reporting year, and the number of subscribers for each class of service.
A revenue statement, audited by an independent Certified Public Accountant, or certified as to accuracy by an officer of the Grantee.
A statement of projected construction, if any, for the next two (2) years;
A list of Grantee's officers, members of its boards of directors, and other principals of Grantee;
A list of stockholders or other equity investors holding five (5%) percent or more of the voting interest in the Grantee and its parent corporation(s), if any, unless the parent is a public corporation whose annual reports are publicly available.
[Ord. #89-07]
At the Grantor's request, if the Grantor has reason to question the cable system's technical performance, Grantee shall submit to the Grantor an annual system survey and test report which shall include a survey of the Grantee's plans and a system performance test report. Said report shall include, but not be limited to, a description and "as built" maps of the portions of the franchise area that have been cabled and have all services available, and an appropriate summary of performance test results, including suitable electronic measurements conducted in conformity with applicable FCC and franchise requirements. Said report shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Grantor to ascertain that the service requirements and technical standards of the franchise are achieved and maintained. If Grantor has reason to believe that portions or all of the system do not meet the technical standards incorporated into the Franchise Agreement, at Grantor's request, but no more often than once per three (3) years, the Grantee and the Grantor shall agree upon the appointment of a qualified independent engineer to evaluate and verify the technical performance of the cable system. The cost of such evaluation shall be borne equally by the Grantee and the Grantor.
[Ord. #89-07]
The Grantee may be required to submit to the Grantor copies of all pleadings, applications, notifications, communications and documents of any kind, submitted by the Grantee to, as well as copies of all decisions, correspondence and actions by, any Federal, State and local courts, regulatory agencies and other government bodies relating to its cable television operations within the franchise area. Grantee shall submit such documents to the Grantor no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of a Grantor request. The Grantee hereby waives any right to claim confidential, privileged or proprietary rights to such documents unless such confidential rights are determined to be confidential by law or by the practices of Federal or State agencies. Such confidential data exempt from public disclosure shall be retained in confidence by the Grantor and its authorized agents and shall not be made available for public inspection.
[Ord. #89-07]
If public reports are published, a copy of each of Grantee's annual reports and those of its parent corporation, as the Grantor requests, shall be submitted to the Grantor within thirty (30) days after receipt of a request.
[Ord. #89-07]
An accurate and comprehensive file shall be kept by the Grantee of any and all complaints regarding the cable system. A procedure shall be established by the Grantee by the time of installation of the cable system to remedy complaints quickly and reasonably to the satisfaction of the Grantor. Complete records of Grantee's actions in response to all complaints shall be kept for a minimum of one (1) year, with monthly and annual summary reports maintained for at least three (3) years. These files and records shall remain open to the public during normal business hours, so that individuals are able to inspect their own files.
Grantee shall submit to Grantor the following reports:
A summary of service requests, identifying the number and nature of the requests and their disposition, upon Grantor request, shall be completed for each month and submitted to the Grantor by the tenth day of the succeeding month.
A log and summary of all known major service interruptions.
If requested by the Grantor, the result of an annual opinion survey report which identifies satisfaction or dissatisfaction among subscribers with cable communications services offered by the Grantee shall be submitted to the Grantor no later than two (2) months after the end of Grantee's fiscal year. The surveys required to make said report shall be in a form that can be transmitted to subscribers with one (1) or more bills for service, such as postage-paid self-addressed post cards. At the Grantor's option, the Grantor may prepare the survey form and request its inclusion with a monthly bill to subscribers. In this case, the Grantor shall be responsible for excess postage costs, if any.
[Ord. #89-07]
Grantee shall submit to the Grantor such other relevant information or reports in such forms and at such times as the Grantor may reasonably request or require.
[Ord. #89-07]
The Grantee shall allow the Grantor to make inspections of any of the Grantee's facilities and equipment at any time during business hours, upon at least ten (10) days notice, or, in case of emergency, upon demand without prior notice, to allow Grantor to verify the accuracy of any submitted report.
[Ord. #89-07]
All reports subject to public disclosure, shall be available for public inspection at a designated Grantor office during normal business hours.
[Ord. #89-07]
The willful refusal, failure, or neglect of the Grantee to file any of the reports reasonably required and delineated above, or such other reports as the Grantor reasonably may request, may be deemed a material breach of the franchise, and may subject the Grantee to all remedies, legal or equitable, which are available to the Grantor under the franchise or otherwise.
[Ord. #89-07]
Any materially false or misleading statement or representation made knowingly and willfully by the Grantee in any report required under the franchise may be deemed a material breach of the franchise and may subject the Grantee to all remedies, legal or equitable, which are available to the Grantor under the franchise or otherwise.
[Ord. #89-07]
One (1) copy of all reports and records required under this or any other section shall be furnished at the sole expense of the Grantee.