[Ord. No. 04-09; Ord. No. 2017-06 § 2; amended 12-4-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-06]
These regulations are intended to:
Implement climate change, transportation, housing, and economic development policy objectives established by the City of Albany General Plan, Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, and Active Transportation Plan.
Ensure that adequate, but not excessive, off-street parking facilities for vehicles and bicycles are provided for new land uses and for alterations and enlargements of existing land uses and structures.
Acknowledge the constraints posed by the existing state of development and the lack of available land area that characterize the City, and provide for equitable application of vehicle and bicycle parking space requirements and loading regulations.
Ensure that off-street parking facilities are designed in a manner that will ensure circulation efficiency, and protect public safety for all travel modes, including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transit riders, and drivers.
[Ord. No. 04-09; Ord. No. 2017-06 § 2; Ord. No. 2019-01 § 4; amended 12-4-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-06]
This subsection provides general parking regulations and exceptions that apply citywide or to subareas described below, including the Waterfront zoning district. Supplementary regulations and exceptions for the Waterfront are provided in Section 20.28.040.
Unlisted Uses. Requirements for types of buildings or uses not specifically listed herein shall be determined by the Community Development Director based upon the requirements for comparable uses listed and on the particular characteristics of the building or use.
Changes in Use. No change of use request shall be required to meet the off-street parking requirements of this subsection.
Limitation on Paved Area of Front Yards. Any paved area between the front property line and the front of a building shall be limited to a walkway for entry access, and a driveway not to exceed sixteen (16) feet in width, that forms a direct route from the street to a garage or other parking space deemed acceptable by the Community Development Director. The Planning and Zoning Commission may grant an exception to this limitation, based on unusual conditions of the site, such as topography, size, location or visibility. No parking of vehicles shall occur in any unpaved portion of a front yard.
Limitation on Repairs. No repair work or servicing of vehicles shall be conducted in an off-street parking space, except such minor work performed by the resident as is common to residential use.
Bicycles. Sufficient bicycle storage space including outdoor bicycle racks and indoor storage where feasible, as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission, shall be provided by new business establishments, new multi-family developments, residential mixed-use developments, and commercial mixed-use developments in the City of Albany.
Calculation of Requirements. Fractional space requirements shall be rounded to the nearest whole number (one-half (1/2) shall be rounded up).
Signage. Signs related to off-street parking shall be pursuant to Section 20.32.
Car-Share Service. Where feasible, car share service may be established for public use. A car-share service is a mobility enhancement service that provides an integrated citywide network of neighborhood-based motor vehicles available only to members by reservation on an hourly basis, or in smaller intervals, and at variable rates. Car-share vehicles must be located at unstaffed, self-service locations (other than any incidental garage valet service), and generally be available for pickup by members twenty-four (24) hours per day. A car-share service shall assume responsibility for maintaining car-share vehicles.
Multi-family Residential Unbundled Parking. In new multi-family and residential mixed-use development projects, parking spaces shall be leased or sold separately from the rental or purchase of dwelling units for the life of the dwelling units. No resident shall be required to lease or purchase a parking space, however, existing residents shall be offered the first right of refusal to rent/purchase a parking space.
Electric Vehicles. The City of Albany encourages electric vehicle use and the establishment of convenient and cost-effective electric vehicle infrastructure where appropriate. Electric vehicle infrastructure shall not conflict with or create hazardous situations in the public right-of-way.
Electric Vehicle (EV) is any motor vehicle registered to operate on California public roadways and operates, either partially or exclusively, on electrical energy from the grid or an off-board source that is stored on-board for motive purpose. "Electric vehicle" includes but is not limited to: a battery electric vehicle, a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, a neighborhood electric vehicle, or an electric motorcycle.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS) means a public or private parking space that is served by battery charging station equipment that has as its primary purpose the transfer of electric energy (by conductive or inductive means) to a battery or other energy storage device in an electric vehicle. An electric vehicle charging station equipped with Level 1 or Level 2 charging equipment is permitted outright as an accessory use to any principal use.
Transportation Demand Management Plan. The City of Albany encourages Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plans as part of existing and new multi-family residential development, residential mixed-use development, affordable dwellings and new commercial and commercial mixed-use developments. TDM is an important strategy to increase access to alternative transportation systems, improve mobility, and minimize negative impacts associated with vehicular travel. A TDM plan describes policies, programs, or resources that support and incentivize sustainable travel choices such as walking, biking, taking transit, or carpooling.
Specific TDM measures, such as transit passes, bike share, and car share requirements, may be adopted by resolution and updated from time to time.
Mechanical Lifts: Mechanical parking lifts may be used for parking spaces intended for frequent users, such as residents and employees. Lift design must allow for removal of any single vehicle without necessitating the temporary removal of any other vehicle.
Conversion of Unneeded Parking: Parking spaces may be allowed to convert to other uses if they are no longer needed. Replacement uses may be subject to permit review and approval, and conformance with zoning regulations pursuant to Chapter 20 of this Municipal Code. If unneeded parking is eliminated or converted, the existing driveway shall be removed and curb cut restored unless there is sufficient space to meet the minimum standard of seven (7) feet six (6) inches in width by sixteen (16) feet in length to park on the existing driveway in a location that no part of any vehicle will extend beyond the property line into the public right-of-way or will come within one (1) foot of the back of the sidewalk, nor permit a parked vehicle to constitute a visual obstruction exceeding three (3) feet in height within twenty-five (25) feet of the intersection of any two (2) street lines.
Exceptions for Parking Space Design and Spaces Above Maximum Requirement. The Planning and Zoning Commission may, through a major use permit process, approve parking spaces in excess of the maximum parking requirements contained in subsection 20.28.030 and/or modifications to the parking design standards contained in subsection 20.28.050, with approval of the following findings:
The applicant demonstrates, with a parking analysis, that the additional parking and/or revised parking design standards are required to meet the anticipated parking demand of the proposed uses.
That the provision of the additional parking and/or revised design standards will not result in an overdependence on vehicles, will not adversely affect public safety, and will not adversely affect transit, bicycle, or pedestrian access to the site or other abutting uses.
Front Yard Parking Exceptions for New Residential Uses. The Planning and Zoning Commission in considering a request for any exception to the parking requirements will weigh the special circumstances against the potential impacts of the exception on the health, safety and welfare of the public.
Parking in Required Yards. The City recognizes the existence of residential properties whose historical development did not allow for present day parking. The City encourages off-street parking to be located in the rear yard or side yard. In some cases the Planning and Zoning Commission, after due consideration, may find that permitting parking in a front yard would be more in the public interest than would a reduction in the off-street parking requirement. The Planning and Zoning Commission may approve front yard parking upon making at least the following findings as appropriate to the yard area in question:
Parking within a dwelling, a garage, carport or other structure or in the rear or side yard is not feasible or will be disruptive to landmark trees or will severely restrict private outdoor living space on the site.
The area proposed for parking in the front yard will meet the minimum standard of seven (7) feet six (6) inches in width by sixteen (16) feet in length.
The parking space is designed so that no part of any vehicle will extend beyond the property line into the public right-of-way or will come within one (1) foot of the back of the sidewalk, nor permit a parked vehicle to constitute a visual obstruction exceeding three (3) feet in height within twenty-five (25) feet of the intersection of any two (2) street lines. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall not approve a front yard parking space unless a finding is made that visual obstructions are not a significant safety hazard.
Any off-street parking spaces which are permitted in front yard areas are designed to minimize aesthetic and noise intrusion upon any adjacent property.
Garages in Front Yards of Up-Slope Lots. Garages which are situated within required front yard areas, and are built into a slope rising above the street at a ratio of one (1) vertical to two (2) horizontal, or greater, may be maintained or rebuilt to accommodate the same number of spaces as exist, so long as the minimum dimensions stated in subsection 20.28.050.A.1 are met. Such garages may not be converted into any non-parking use aside from an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), and shall not be expanded outward or upward for the purpose of creating floor space for nonparking purposes, with the exception of access stairways connecting to the dwelling unit, which the garage serves.
City Council Authorized to Modify Measure D Parking Requirements. After following the normal procedures for amending City Zoning Ordinances, including compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and conducting duly noticed public hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, the City Council may amend the residential parking requirements established by Measure D (enacted by the Albany voters on November 7, 1978). This provision is not intended to limit in any way the authority and discretion which the City Council currently possesses to adopt Zoning Ordinance amendments.
[Ord. No. 04-09; Ord. No. 2014-02 § 5; Ord. No. 2017-06 § 2; Ord. No. 2019-01 § 4; amended 6-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-04; 9-6-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-03; 12-4-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-06]
Off-street parking spaces shall be provided according to the following schedule, unless exceptions are made according to Subsection 20.28.040 below.
Residential Uses.
No minimum requirements for residential uses.
Maximum parking requirements apply to the San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan Area only as per Table 4 below.
Table 4. Residential Parking Maximums within San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan
Land Use
Maximum (San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan Area only)
Single-family dwelling
2 spaces per unit
Two-family dwelling
3 spaces per two units
Multifamily dwelling
1 space per unit
Live/work space
1 space per unit
Shared housing
0.5 space per bedroom
1 per transient-occupancy bedroom
Large family day-care home
1 per employee
Residential care home (more than 6 residents)
1 per employee
Accessory dwelling unit
1 space per ADU
Transitional housing
1 space per 2 employees
Notes, Table 4
Requirements may be modified through Planning and Zoning Commission review subject to Subsection 20.28.020.N, Exceptions for Parking Space Design and Spaces, or Subsection 20.28.020.O.1, Front Yard Parking Exceptions.
Nonresidential Uses.
Table 5A is applicable to all zoning districts, with the exception of the Waterfront (WF) district. Table 5B is applicable to the WF district only.
Key to schedules:
1/100 means one parking space per 100 square feet of gross floor area, except where specification is made for outdoor area.
1/200 means one parking space per 200 square feet, etc.
UP means parking requirement for a particular use will be determined through a use permit procedure.
Table 5A. Nonresidential Parking Requirements - Except WF District
Land Use (See Section 20.16 for use classifications)
See § 20.28.040.E for exceptions.
Commercial Uses: Restaurants Only
Commercial Uses: Other
Industrial Uses
Public & Quasi-Public Uses
Table 5B. Nonresidential Parking Requirements - WF District
Land Use (See Section 20.16 for use classifications)
See § 20.28.040.E for exceptions.
Public and Quasi-Public
Park and recreation facilities
Commercial recreation/entertainment in Waterfront District
Theatre: 1 space per 4 seats
Other: UP
Marinas and boat launching ramps
Waterfront and waterfront-sports-related commercial sales and service
Bicycle Parking.
Applicability. New commercial construction, mixed-use construction, multi-family properties, commercial properties where there is a change of use, and remodeled commercial or mixed-use building shall provide bicycle parking facilities.
General Requirements.
Bicycle parking facilities shall be provided in a convenient and well-lit area. Unprotected bicycle parking should be located in an area of high pedestrian foot traffic so as to discourage theft.
Bicycle racks in the Solano Commercial (SC) and San Pablo Commercial (SPC) Zoning Districts may be located within the public right-of-way subject to selection of rack design, review of location, and approval of an encroachment permit. Safe and convenient means of ingress and egress for vehicles shall be provided and an unobstructed sidewalk clearance of four (4) feet is maintained for pedestrians at all times.
Bicycle parking facilities shall be located on or within a concrete or similar surface and designed to support bicycles in a stable position without damage to wheels, frames, or other components.
Bicycle racks shall be securely anchored to the surface to prevent easy removal and shall be of sufficient strength to resist vandalism and theft.
New businesses with more than fifty (50) employees shall provide end of trip facilities, including showers, lockers, and bicycle parking facilities.
Bicycle Parking Requirements by Use.
Table 6. Bicycle Parking Requirements
Land Use
Parking Requirement
Residential Mixed-Use Development1, 2
1 exterior bicycle rack space per 1,500 sq. ft. of commercial floor area
1 protected bicycle space per residential unit
Multi-Family Dwelling (Apartment and condominium buildings only)1, 2
1 protected bicycle space per unit
Services, personal
1 bicycle rack per 1,500 sq. ft. of floor area
Offices, professional and other
1 bicycle rack per 1,500 sq. ft. of floor area
1 bicycle rack per 1,500 sq. ft. of floor area
Retail sales
a) Neighborhood retail
1 bicycle rack per 1,500 sq. ft. of floor area
b) Community retail
1 bicycle rack per 1,500 sq. ft. of floor area
c) Regional retail
1 bicycle rack per 1,500 sq. ft. of floor area
For every ten (10) bicycle spaces provided on site, the Planning and Zoning Commission may waive one (1) required off-street parking space.
See Subsection 20.28.030.C.5 for supplementary regulations that apply within the San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan planning area.
Bicycle Parking Definitions.
Bicycle Parking Facility A space exclusively for the storage of bicycles. This includes bicycle racks and bicycle storage.
Bicycle Rack A stationary fixture with a base that anchors for surface mounting and must be able to accommodate at least two (2) bicycles upright by rack frame. This includes exterior bicycle parking.
Bicycle Parking Facility Location Physical space that may be located on public right or private property that is used for the placement and installation of a bicycle parking facility.
Bicycle Storage (Protected) Individually enclosed and secure space for a bicycle. This includes bicycle lockers, electronic lockers, and interior bicycle parking.
Public Bicycle Share Program A program which offers bicycles available for public use to individuals on a short-term basis. Bicycles and related kiosks are located in public areas and available to any member of the public.
Private Bicycle Share Program A program which offers bicycles available for private use as part of a business, residential mixed-use development, commercial mixed-use development, or multiple family dwelling to individuals on a short-term basis. Bicycles and related storage are located in private areas and available to individuals who are part of the business or reside on site.
Long-Term Bicycle Parking. Long-term bicycle parking shall consist of a locker, electronic locker, or interior bicycle parking facility in a secured area with controlled access where parking may exceed two (2) hours.
Short-Term Bicycle Parking. Short-term bicycle parking shall consist of a bicycle rack or racks in an easily accessible location that is intended to accommodate visitors, customers, messengers, and others expected to park not more than two (2) hours.
Large Bicycles: Longer bicycles, such as cargo, longtail, recumbent, tandem, and bicycles with trailers, commonly used to carry children or cargo.
San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan - Supplementary Regulations. Within the San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan planning area, the following supplementary regulations apply:
At least 20% of required residential bike parking spaces in Table 6 (20.28.030) shall accommodate Large Bicycles, in ground-level spaces that do not require lifting and are at least 10 feet in length; and
At least 20% of required residential bike parking spaces shall have electrical sockets accessible to the spaces. Each electrical socket must be accessible to horizontal bicycle parking spaces, including a portion of long-tail bicycles;
Any residential bicycle room provided shall have at-grade ground-level access to the street or sidewalk.
[Ord. No. 04-09; Ord. No. 2014-05 § 8; Ord. No. 2016-01; Ord. No. 2017-06 § 2; Ord. No. 2019-01 § 4; amended 9-6-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-03; 12-4-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-06]
These supplemental regulations apply to the Waterfront (WF) zoning district only. The Planning and Zoning Commission in considering a request for any exception to the parking requirements will weigh the special circumstances against the potential impacts of the exception on the health, safety and welfare of the public.
Nonresidential Uses. When any structure is constructed, enlarged, or increased in capacity, or when a change in use occurs, the requirements of this subsection shall be satisfied, except as specifically provided in subsection 20.28.040.B. For purposes of this subsection a change of use shall mean replacement of one activity with another activity that the City determines to be in a different category of parking space requirements, (e.g., a change in requirement from one (1) space per three hundred (300) square feet to one (1) space per two hundred (200) square feet.)
Multiple Use. When two (2) or more nonresidential uses are located in the same building and/or in common developments other than shopping centers, or when parking facilities for different buildings or uses are provided collectively, the parking requirements shall be the sum of the separate requirements for each use, except as provided in subsection 20.28.040.B.4 below. Special provisions for mixed residential and nonresidential facilities are stated in subsection 20.28.040.C below.
Dedication to Parking. All off-street parking spaces, carports, parking lots, parking garages and access drives required by this chapter shall be dedicated to the parking of motor vehicles and kept available for parking for the duration of the use requiring the parking. In the event that a change of use or other change of circumstances causes the existing parking spaces on a nonresidential site to be in excess of the minimum requirement for the use of the site, the Community Development Director may consider approval of an arrangement by which the excess spaces may meet requirements for other uses, through a minor use permit process.
Alternative Methods of Meeting Parking Requirements for Nonresidential Uses. Required off-street parking spaces normally will be provided on the site of the use being served, through the approval process required for such use. Alternatively, the off-street parking requirements as specified by this section for nonresidential uses may be fulfilled by the following means:
Off-Site: Required off-street parking spaces may be provided in a different location from the location of the use being served, provided that parking for customers and visitors is located within seven hundred (700) feet and parking for employees is within one thousand (1,000) feet, with distances measured from the near corner of the parking facility to the main public entrance of the use served via the shortest pedestrian route. Such arrangements may be approved through an administrative zoning permit process, unless a use permit is required for the basic use, in which case consideration of off-site parking shall be made part of the use permit consideration.
In-Lieu Fee: The City Council may establish by ordinance a method by which payment of a fee may be accepted by the City in fulfillment of the requirement for one (1) or more parking spaces. Fees thus collected would be used by the City to increase the supply of parking available to support activities in the SC and SPC zoning districts and to enhance parking facilities.
Assessment District: The City Council may initiate, pursuant to appropriate State statutes, the formation of one (1) or more special districts for the purpose of providing public off-street parking. Participation in such a district by property or business owners could provide a means of fulfilling all or part of the parking requirements for a particular site. Fees paid in lieu of providing parking spaces could be used by the City in conjunction with an assessment district.
Exceptions for Nonresidential Uses.
Planning and Zoning Commission Adjustment for Shared Parking. Off-street parking facilities for one (1) use shall generally not be considered as providing required off-street parking facilities for any other use. However, off-street parking facilities for one (1) nonresidential use may be considered as providing required off-street parking facilities for other nonresidential uses on the same site or an adjacent site based upon demonstration that the peak of aggregate parking demand for the combined uses is not greater than the number of off-street parking spaces that are available to serve the combined uses. The Community Development Director may require a survey to substantiate such a request. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the shared parking request through a major use permit process. The recordation of a written agreement among the parties participating in the sharing arrangement shall be a condition of the use permit.
Planning and Zoning Commission Adjustment Number of Spaces. The Commission may, through a major use permit process, adjust the parking requirements contained in subsection 20.28.030.B for any nonresidential use. In granting an adjustment the Commission shall make the following findings:
On the basis of a parking demand survey of comparable situations, parking required for the proposed use will either be in excess or not sufficient for the development.
For a reduction in parking minimums: the probable long-term occupancy of the property or structure, based on the project design, will not generate substantial additional parking demand.
For an increase in maxing maximums: the probable long-term occupancy of the property or structure, based on the project design, will generate substantial additional parking demand.
Based on a current survey of parking space availability and usage within a five hundred (500) foot walking distance of the boundary of the site of the subject building, the parking exception will not have a substantial effect on the parking available for neighboring uses.
[Ord. No. 04-09; Ord. No. 09-011 § 20; Ord. No. 2014-05 § 9; Ord. No. 2017-06 § 2; amended 1-16-2024 by Ord. No. 2023-07]
Dimensional Standards.
Single-Family Residential Uses:
Enclosed Parking. The minimum dimensions for an enclosed single-car garage meeting the parking requirements for a newly constructed single-family dwelling shall be eight (8) feet six (6) inches in width, nineteen (19) feet in length, and seven (7) feet in height. The minimum width dimension of a double-car enclosed parking space shall be sixteen (16) feet. All minimum width dimensions shall be increased by an additional one (1) foot of width adjacent to each wall or other fixed obstruction that abuts the long dimension of the parking space.
Covered Parking. The minimum dimensions for a single-car covered parking space meeting the parking requirements for a newly-constructed single-family dwelling shall be eight (8) feet six (6) inches in width, eighteen (18) feet in length, and seven (7) feet in height. The minimum width dimension for a double-car covered parking space shall be sixteen (16) feet. All minimum width dimensions shall be increased by an additional one (1) foot of width adjacent to each wall, fence, property line or other fixed obstruction that restricts access abutting the long dimension of the parking space.
Open Parking. The minimum dimensions for an open parking space meeting the parking requirements for a newly constructed single-family dwelling shall be eight (8) feet six (6) inches in width and eighteen (18) feet in length. The minimum width dimension for a double-car open parking space shall be sixteen (16) feet.
Open or Covered Parking (Pre-1978). Where warranted by spatial limitations, the Planning and Zoning Commission may permit an open or covered parking space measuring no less than seven (7) feet six (6) inches wide, by sixteen (16) feet long, to meet off-street parking requirements. The Commission may permit a minimum width dimension for a double-car open or covered parking space to be fourteen (14) feet. All minimum width dimensions shall be increased by one (1) foot of width adjacent to each wall, fence, property line or other fixed obstruction that restricts access abutting the long dimension of the parking space.
The minimum width of a driveway providing access to a required parking space shall be seven (7) feet.
Table 6. Residential Parking Dimensions (20.28.050)
Type of Parking
Enclosed Parking:
Single space
Side-by-side spaces
Covered Parking:
Single space
Side-by-side spaces
Open Parking:
Single space
Side-by-side spaces
Multifamily and Nonresidential Uses:
Standard Space Requirements. The minimum off-street parking dimensions shall be as prescribed below. The Commission may make adjustments to the standards in specific cases, after considering the circumstances of a particular parking plan, land use, or site characteristics.
Table 7. Dimensions of Standard Parking Spaces (20.28.050)
*One (1) additional foot shall be provided on each side abutting any wall, fence, property line, or other fixed obstruction that restricts vehicle access.
Compact Space Requirements. A maximum of twenty-five (25%) percent of the required parking spaces in parking lots of five (5) or more spaces may be devoted to compact car spaces. All compact car spaces shall be clearly marked for "compact cars." Compact spaces shall be designed according to the following schedule:
Table 8. Dimensions of Compact Parking Spaces (20.28.050)
7 ft. 6 in.*
20 ft.
45 Degrees
8 ft. 6 in.
16 ft.
60 Degrees
8 ft. 6 in.
17 ft.
8 ft. 6 in.*
16 ft.
*One (1) additional foot shall be provided on each side abutting any wall, fence, property line, or other fixed obstruction that restricts vehicle access.
Guide to Dimensional Requirements (Standard Spaced):
020 guide dimen req.tif
Design Standards. Standards for off-street parking facilities areas shall include:
Lighting. Lighting shall be deflected away from residential sites public and private view so as to cause no annoying glare.
Bumpers. Bumpers, posts, wheel stops or other acceptable devices shall be provided on all parking spaces located along property lines.
Tandem Parking.
Except as specified in Paragraph b and c below, each parking space shall have unobstructed access from a street or from an aisle or drive connecting with a street without requiring moving another vehicle.
Required parking spaces for any dwelling unit, including an Accessory Dwelling Unit, may be arranged in tandem.
On sites containing only professional offices occupying no more than two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet of net floor area, with no other uses on the site, the Planning and Zoning Commission may permit tandem parking with the following findings:
The size or configuration of the site prevents a conventional arrangement of parking spaces.
The nature of the office use indicates a limited demand for client or visitor parking.
Spaces without direct access to a street are reserved for persons employed on the site.
Entrances and Exits. Entrances from and exits to streets shall be provided at locations approved by the Director of Public Works.
Parking Surface. In parking lots the parking area, aisles and access drives shall be paved so as to provide a durable, dustless surface and shall be so graded and drained as to dispose of surface water without damage to private or public properties, streets, or alleys, or drainage across sidewalks.
Screening and Landscaping. See subsection 20.24.110.F for requirements for screening and landscaping of parking areas.
Nonresidential Parking Facilities in Residential Districts. Where parking facilities serving nonresidential uses are allowed by use permit in residential districts, the following additional standards shall apply:
Access. The parking facility shall be accessed only by way of the contiguous commercial district only. Direct access to a street from property in the residential district shall be limited to emergency vehicles only.
Setbacks. Parking facilities, including surface paving and any structures, shall comply with required setbacks for the residential district, except that the setback from the property line contiguous to the commercial district may be waived.
[Ord. No. 04-09; Ord. No. 2017-06 § 2]
Purpose. These regulations are intended to provide off-street loading facilities, to discourage on-street loading and to prevent traffic congestion and a shortage of curb spaces.
General Provisions.
When any structure is constructed, enlarged or increased in capacity, or when a change in use creates an increase in the amount of off-street loading space required, the requirements of this subsection shall be followed.
No portion of any required front or side yard shall be used for off-street loading purposes.
No area may be utilized and counted both as a required parking space and a required loading berth, except with approval of the Community Development Director based on consideration of patterns of usage for parking and loading.
Requirements for uses not specifically listed herein shall be based upon the requirements for comparable uses listed and upon the particular characteristics of the use as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
No repair work or servicing of vehicles shall be conducted in the loading area.
Signs related to off-street loading shall be pursuant to Section 20.32.
[Ord. No. 04-09; Ord. No. 2017-06 § 2; amended 9-6-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-03]
Off-street loading facilities shall be provided as follows:
Table 9. Loading Space Requirements (20.28.070)
Multifamily Dwelling Units (including in Mixed Use Developments) within the San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan Planning Area
One (1) on- or off-street loading space for projects with 30 or more dwelling units
Multi-tenant Shopping Center
One (1) loading space for each 15,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Commercial, other
As determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission using the following criteria: type of business, frequency of deliveries, typical size of delivery vehicle, and space available.
Up to 5,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area (GFA)
0 spaces
5,001 - 9,999 sq. ft. GFA
1 space
10,000 – 19,999 sq. ft. GFA
2 spaces
20,000 or more
3 spaces plus 1 additional space per 10,000 s.f. (GFA)
[Ord. No. 04-09; Ord. No. 2017-06 § 2]
Dimensional Standards. All off-street loading facilities shall comply with the following minimum dimensions, except that these dimensions may be reduced by the Planning and Zoning Commission based on the type of vehicle to be accommodated.
Table 10. Loading Space Dimensions (20.28.080)
Shopping Center and Industrial
Design Standards. Standards for off-street loading areas shall include:
Lighting. Lighting shall be deflected away from residential uses so as to cause no annoying glare.
Access Drives. Entrances from and exits to streets shall be provided at locations approved by the Community Development Director.
Loading Surface. Loading areas and access drives shall be paved so as to provide a durable, dustless surface and shall be so graded and drained as to dispose of surface water without damage to private or public properties or streets.
Turning and Maneuvering. Sufficient room for turning and maneuvering vehicles shall be provided on the site without infringing on off-street parking spaces.
Bumper Rails. These shall be provided where necessary for safety or to protect property, in accordance with standards prescribed by the Community Development Director.
Screening/Landscaping. (See subsection 20.24.110.G for requirements for screening and landscaping of loading areas.)