[Ord. #87-017, A1, § 31.101]
This chapter is adopted pursuant to Article XI, Section 7 of the California Constitution and to supplement and implement the Subdivision Map Act, Section 66410 et seq. of the Government Code, and may be cited as the Subdivision Chapter of the City of Albany.
[Ord. #87-017, A1, § 31.102]
It is the purpose of this chapter to regulate and control the division of land within the City and to supplement the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act concerning the design, improvement and survey data of subdivisions, the form and content of all required maps provided by the Subdivision Map Act and the procedure to be followed in securing the official approval of the City Engineer, Planning Department, Planning and Zoning Commission, and City Council regarding the maps. To accomplish this purpose the regulations outlined in this chapter are determined to be necessary for the preservation of the public health, safety and general welfare; to promote orderly growth and development, and to promote open space, conservation, protection and proper use of land; and to ensure provision for adequate traffic circulation, utilities, and other services in the City.
[Ord. #87-017, A1, § 31.103]
No land shall be subdivided and developed for any purpose which is inconsistent with the General Plan or any specific plan of the City or permitted by the Zoning Ordinance or other applicable provisions of the Municipal Code.
The type and intensity of land use as shown in the General Plan and any applicable specific plan shall determine together with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and this chapter the type of streets, roads, highways, utilities and public services that shall be provided by the subdivider.
[Ord. #87-017, A1, § 31.104]
The regulations set forth in this chapter shall apply to all or parts of subdivisions within the City and to the preparation of subdivision maps and to other maps provided for by the Subdivision Map Act. All subdivision maps shall be prepared and presented for approval as provided for in this chapter.
[Ord. #87-017, A1, § 31.105]
This chapter shall not apply to those exceptions delineated in the Subdivision Map Act.
[Ord. #87-017, A1, § 31.106]
Whenever, in the opinion of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the land involved in any subdivision is of a size or shape, or is subject to title limitations of record, or is affected by topographical location or conditions, or is to be devoted to a use that is impossible or impracticable in the particular case for this subdivider to conform fully to the regulations contained in this chapter, the Planning and Zoning Commission may make modifications as, in its opinion, are reasonably necessary or expedient and in conformity with the Subdivision Map Act.
[Ord. #87-017, A1, § 31.107]
All persons submitting maps as required by this chapter shall pay all fees and/or deposits as provided by this chapter and by City Council resolutions establishing applicable fees and charges. The resolution and any amendments thereto are hereby adopted by this reference as though fully set forth herein.
[Ord. #87-017, A1, § 31.108]
Prohibition. Transactions prohibited under this title shall be those transactions enumerated in Section 66499.30 inclusive, of the Subdivision Map Act.
Remedies. Remedies for a violation of this title shall be those remedies enumerated in Sections 66499.32 through 66499.34, inclusive, of the Subdivision Map Act.
Certificate of Compliance. Certificates of compliance shall be issued by the City pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 66499.35 of the Subdivision Map Act.
Notice of Violation. The City may issue notices of violation of this title and of the Subdivision Map Act pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 66499.36 of the Subdivision Map Act.