[1972 Code § 2-2.2; New; amended 11-26-2019 by Ord. No. 19-29]
The Council shall organize annually on January 1 or during the first seven days in January. The Council shall elect from its membership a presiding officer who shall be known as the President of the Council. The President of the Council shall hold office until the next ensuing organizational meeting.
At the annual Reorganization Meeting, the Township Council shall adopt a resolution scheduling all regular meetings of the Council and all agenda meetings of the Council for the calendar year. The meetings of the Council shall be scheduled so that one regular meeting shall take place in every month.
[1972 Code § 2-2.4, 2-2.5; New; Ord. No. 2018-05; amended 11-2-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-32]
Notices and Agendas. Public notice of meetings and agendas of such meetings shall be provided in accordance with N. J. S. A. 10: 4- 6 et seq. The Township shall post, on a timely basis all notices, agendas, and approved minutes of all Township meetings that are subject to the Open Public Meetings Act on the official Township of Piscataway website as well as any recordings required to be made pursuant to this section. Such notices, agendas, recordings and minutes shall be archived and remain on the Township website for a period of seven years.
Place of Meetings. All meetings of the Council shall be held in the Piscataway Municipal Building, Piscataway, N.J.
Meetings to Be Public. Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, all meetings of the Council shall be open to the public.
Employing Online Meeting Platforms. the Township shall provide the public with access to the public portions of Council Meetings through the use of streaming services and other online meeting platforms.
Broadcasting on Public Service Channel. The Township must take all steps necessary to cause Piscataway Community Television, or any successor that provides non-commercial public, educational and/or governmental access programming for the Township of Piscataway, to broadcast contemporaneously all public portions of Township Council Meetings, the Township must make all reasonable efforts to implement this requirement in forty-five days from the adoption of this Ordinance.
Editor's Note: Paragraph e. was added 11-2-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-32.
[1972 Code § 2-2.8; New]
The Municipal Clerk shall serve as Clerk of the Council, and shall keep a journal of its proceedings and record the minutes of every meeting. The Municipal Clerk shall have such other functions, powers and duties as are provided in Statutes and by this Code.
[1972 Code § 2-2.9; Ord. No. 04-17; Ord. No. 06-35; Ord. No. 2018-05]
Agenda Session. At such specific times as the Council shall resolve at the annual Reorganization Meeting, the Council shall hold an Agenda Session at the Municipal Building. The Agenda Session shall be as a portion of each regular meeting in sufficient time to permit all ordinances, resolutions and other documents to be reviewed, prepared and available for consideration at the next regular meeting. All reports, communication, ordinances, resolutions, contract documents and other matters to be submitted to the Council shall be delivered to the Municipal Clerk, whereupon the Municipal Clerk shall furnish a copy to each member of the Council, the Mayor, Business Administrator and the Township Attorney as far in advance of the meeting as time for preparation shall reasonably permit.
[Amended 11-26-2019 by Ord. No. 19-29]
Call to Order. The President of the Council or, in his absence, the Vice-President, shall take his chair precisely at the hour appointed for the meeting, and shall immediately call the Council to order. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, the Municipal Clerk or the Deputy Clerk shall call the Council to order, whereupon the members of the Council present shall elect a Temporary Chairman who shall assume the chair and proceed with the meeting. The Temporary Chairman shall immediately relinquish the chair upon conclusion of the particular business before the Council as soon as the President or Vice-President is present.
Roll Call. As soon as the meeting is called to order, the Municipal Clerk or the Deputy Clerk shall alphabetically call the roll of the members and the names of those present shall be entered in the minutes.
Quorum. A majority of all members elected to the Council shall constitute a quorum at any Regular or Special Meeting of the Council, but a lesser number may adjourn any meeting from time to time.
Order of Business. The business of the Council at each regular meeting shall be taken up for consideration in the following order, subject to the discretion of the Council President:
[Amended 11-26-2019 by Ord. No. 19-29]
Roll call and reading of the notice required by the Open Public Meetings Act (N.J.S.A. 10:4-8).
Comments from administration and Council regarding adjournment of any matters on the agenda.
Open to public for consent agenda.
Consent agenda (resolutions and motions).
Resolutions and proclamations outside of consent agenda.
Announcements and comments from officials.
Other business.
Open to public.
Agenda session.
Minutes of Meetings. Unless a reading of the minutes of the previous meeting is requested by a member of the Council, the minutes may be approved without reading if the Municipal Clerk has previously furnished each member with a copy thereof.
Rules of Debate.
Presiding Officer may Debate and Vote. The President or such other member of the Council as may be presiding may move, second and debate from the Chair, subject only to any limitations of debate as are in the rules imposed on the members, and shall not be deprived of any of the rights or privileges of a Councilmember by reason of his acting as the Presiding Officer.
Obtaining the Floor by Improper References to be Avoided. Every member desiring to speak shall address the Chair and, upon recognition by the Presiding Officer, shall confine himself to the question under debate, avoiding all personalities and indecorous language.
Interruptions. A member, once recognized, shall not be interrupted when speaking unless it shall be to call him to order, or as herein otherwise provided. If a member is called to order, while speaking, that member shall cease speaking until the question of order is determined, and if in order, shall be permitted to proceed.
Privilege of Closing Debate. The Councilmember moving the adoption of an ordinance or resolution shall have the privilege of closing the debate.
Motion to Reconsider. A motion to reconsider any action taken by the Council may be made only on the day the action was taken. It may be made either immediately during the same session, or at a recessed or adjourned session and may be seconded by any member. It may be made at any time and have precedence over all other motions and it shall be debatable. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent any member of the Council from making or remaking the same or any other motion at a subsequent meeting of the Council.
Synopsis of Debates; When Entered in Minutes. The Municipal Clerk shall enter in the minutes a synopsis of the discussion on any question coming before the Council.
Remarks of Council members; When Entered in Minutes. A Councilmember may request, through the Presiding Officer, the privilege of having an abstract of his statement on any subject under consideration by the Council entered in the minutes:
Adjournment. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order and shall be decided without debate.
Roberts Rules of Order. Any matter not covered by these rules shall be governed by "Roberts Rule of Order (Revised)."
Order of Council Vote. Whenever a roll call vote is necessary, the Council shall vote alphabetically with the Presiding Officer voting last.
Silence as a Vote. Silence or abstention from voting shall be construed as a vote added to the majority decision of the votes cast. This rule does not apply where the General Law makes provision for a specific number of votes to be cast.
Manner of Addressing the Council.
Under the agenda heading "open to public," persons may address the Council. Such person, upon recognition by the Chair, shall proceed to the floor and give his or her name and address in an audible tone for the record. No person shall address a remark to any specific Councilmember. A Councilmember may, through the Chair, respond to any address received pursuant to this provision. No person shall engage in personally offensive or abusive remarks.
Each person addressing the Council under the agenda heading "open to public" shall limit his or her statement to three minutes. The Chair shall monitor the time period with an appropriate timer. The Chair may restrict or limit the time allotted to a person whose remarks are repetitive or are not germane to Township business. Any additional opportunity to address the Council shall be afforded solely upon permission of the Chair and only upon extraordinary circumstances.
Each person addressing the Council under the agenda heading "open to public" in connection with the second reading of an ordinance shall limit his or her statement to three minutes. The Chair shall monitor the time period with an appropriate timer. The Chair may restrict or limit the time allotted to a person whose remarks are repetitive or are not germane to the ordinance. Any additional opportunity to address the Council shall be afforded solely upon permission of the Chair and only upon extraordinary circumstances.
Enforcement of Decorum. The President of the Council may request the Police Department to designate a Police Officer to serve as Sergeant-at-arms at Council Meetings. The Sergeant-at-arms shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the Presiding Officer for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum and enforce the law at Council Meetings.
Consent Agenda. There shall be an item of business at each regular meeting of the Township Council entitled "consent agenda." Items to be considered on the consent agenda include, but are not limited to:
[Amended 11-26-2019 by Ord. No. 19-29]
Approval of minutes;
Resolutions of a routine and noncontroversial nature not requiring discussion;
Honorary and memorial resolutions when the individual or members of the family are not present at the Council meeting; and
Approval of accounting. Each resolution to be placed on the consent agenda shall be discussed at the agenda meeting next preceding the regular meeting. If necessary, a vote shall be taken at the agenda meeting prior to placing any resolution on the consent agenda. Notwithstanding the above two sentences, any resolution which has not been presented for discussion at the agenda meeting next preceding the regular meeting may be added to the consent agenda by the unanimous vote of the Governing Body at the regular meeting. No resolution placed on the consent agenda will be discussed separately at the regular meeting, unless brought up by a member of the public at the appropriate public portion of the regular meeting. At the regular meeting the Clerk shall read the consent agenda by title only. Any resolution may be removed from the consent agenda if any member of the Governing Body or the Mayor so requests. The Council will adopt the resolutions placed on the consent agenda by a majority vote on resolution to adopt all items on the consent agenda.
Each resolution to be placed on the consent agenda shall be discussed at the agenda meeting next preceding the regular meeting. If necessary, a vote shall be taken at the agenda meeting prior to placing any resolution on the consent agenda. Notwithstanding the above two sentences, any resolution which has not been presented for discussion at the agenda meeting next preceding the regular meeting may be added to the consent agenda provided no Council member opposes same at the regular meeting. No resolution placed on the consent agenda will be discussed separately at the regular meeting, unless brought up by a member of the public at the appropriate public portion of the regular meeting. At the regular meeting the Clerk shall read the consent agenda by title only. Any resolution may be removed from the consent agenda if any member of the governing body or the Mayor so requests. The Council will adopt the resolutions placed on the consent agenda by a majority vote on resolution to adopt all items on the consent agenda.
Videotaping of Council Meetings. To promote open and transparent government, the Township Council welcomes the video recording of its meetings, subject to restrictions set forth below to protect the integrity of the proceedings with the goals of efficient governance, upholding decorum, and ensuring the right of citizen's access to the meeting without disruption. To balance these interests, video recording shall be subject to the following requirements:
Not Official Transcript and No Representations. No video recording other than that of the Piscataway Community Television or the current holder of the local cable franchise agreement shall be recognized as the official transcript of the Council meeting. Any person or party video recording the meeting shall make no representations indicating that their recording is an official recording of the meeting and shall not make representations that they were acting as agents of the Township Council when making the recording. No representations other than that the person is a member of the public shall be made in relation to the recording.
Avoiding Disruption and Respecting Decorum. To maintain decorum and ensure all citizens have an equal and undisrupted view of the meetings, the following restrictions on the manner of recording shall be maintained:
The video equipment shall be of sufficient quality as to be silent and not distracting in any manner.
The camera and operator shall not be located forward of the front row of seats in the Council Chambers and shall not restrict the view of any audience member.
All taping shall be accomplished with existing light sources and not utilize fixtures of Piscataway Community Television or the current holder of the local cable franchise agreement.
Meetings, or parts thereof, which are permitted by law to be closed to the public shall not be videotaped.
Cameras, other equipment, and operators shall remain in one location and not move to different locations during the course of the meeting. To prevent disruption of the meeting and preservation of the attendees' views, all individuals recording video shall refrain from moving about the room in a disruptive manner.
Any other interruption, disturbance, or delay to the Council meeting needed to accommodate a recording and not reflected in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this paragraph m shall not be permitted.
Exception for Piscataway Community Television. Nothing in this paragraph shall apply to Township Council Meetings videotaped by Piscataway Community Television or the current holder of the local cable franchise agreement or to specific celebratory events such as a swearing-in ceremony or award presentation.
[Ord. No. 2015-05]
[1972 Code § 2-2.11]
The Council shall file with the Municipal Clerk all petitions, resolutions, or other papers considered by it on each matter. All reports to the Council and all resolutions shall be filed with the Clerk.
[1972 Code § 2-2.3]
Calling of Meeting. As provided by the Charter, the Mayor or the President of the Council may, and upon written request of the majority of the members of the Council shall, call a special meeting of the Council.
In the call for a meeting, the purpose shall be designated.
No other business shall be considered at such meeting.
The call for a special meeting shall be filed with the Municipal Clerk at least 48 hours before the time for which the meeting is called.
The Municipal Clerk shall forthwith serve notice upon each Councilmember by leaving a copy of the call at their respective places of residence and by telephone communication, if possible, at such place as each Councilmember may designate in writing.
The Municipal Clerk shall also forthwith release copies of the call to the press and post at least one copy in a prominent place in the municipal building.
[1972 Code § 2-2.12]
Nominations submitted by the Mayor will be considered at the Agenda Conference or at a Regular Meeting. Any member of the Council may move the nomination at a public meeting.
With respect to appointments to be made by the Council, any member of the Council may nominate as many candidates as there are offices to be filled. The Council shall consider the nominations at any Agenda Conference or at a Regular Meeting. Where there is a single office to be filled, the nominee receiving a majority shall be deemed appointed. Where there is more than one office to be filled such as on a board or authority, the same procedure shall be followed with respect to each office separately until the total number of appointments to be made has been completed. In the discretion of the Chair, a group of nominations may be considered at once where there is no apparent division in the Council as to the nominees included in the group.
[1972 Code § 2-2.13]
The Council may, for a reasonable cause, remove any municipal officer or board member other than the Mayor or a member of the Council.
The Council shall consider a motion to remove for cause only after removal has been duly proposed and considered at an Agenda Conference.
A motion for removal shall set forth the alleged cause for removal, making specific charges. The affected officer shall be provided an opportunity to be heard. The Clerk shall cause a copy of the motion for removal, together with a statement of the causes and charges involved and notice of the time and place fixed for hearing to be served personally or by certified mail upon the officer affected. The hearing shall be held not less than 10 days nor more than 15 days after the date of service and may be adjourned from time to time. The hearings shall be open to the public, and the officer charged shall be entitled to be represented by counsel. Following the conclusion of the hearing, the Presiding Officer shall call for a vote on the motion which shall be determined by a majority vote of the Council.
[1972 Code § 2-2.14]
Pursuant to the Charter (N.J.S.A. 40:69A-37) the Council may, in its discretion, require any municipal officer to prepare and submit sworn statements regarding his official duties and the performance thereof, and the Council may otherwise investigate the conduct of any department, officer or agency of the Municipal Government.
[1972 Code § 2-3.1]
All ordinances shall be reviewed by the Township Attorney upon direction of the Council or the Mayor. Prior to the introduction, each proposed ordinance requiring or permitting administrative action shall be submitted to the Business Administrator and the department head concerned, each of whom shall submit to the Council a written opinion as to the administrative implications of the proposed ordinance or resolution.
[1972 Code § 2-3.2]
An ordinance or resolution may be introduced by any member of the Council. Each ordinance and resolution shall be limited to a single object which shall be indicated in its title.
All ordinances shall be introduced, read, heard, and enacted in the manner provided by general law. Each ordinance passed by the Council shall be promptly delivered by the Municipal Clerk to the Mayor. The Mayor shall, within 10 days after receiving any ordinance, either approve the ordinance by affixing his signature thereto or return it to the Council by delivering it to the Municipal Clerk together with a written statement setting forth his objections to the ordinance or any item or part thereof. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:69A-41, no ordinance or any item or part thereof shall take effect without the Mayor's approval, unless the Mayor fails to return an ordinance to the Council within 10 days after it has been presented to him, or the Council, upon reconsideration or after the third day following its return by the Mayor, shall, by a vote of 2/3 of the members, override the Mayor's veto.
[1972 Code § 2-3.3]
No ordinance, other than the local budget ordinance, shall take effect less than 20 days after its final passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor, where such approval is required. The Council may adopt a resolution declaring an emergency which requires at least 2/3 of all members of the Council to vote in favor of the resolution; in which case the resolution may take effect immediately.
[1972 Code § 2-3.4]
Whenever an ordinance has been reconsidered by the Council following a veto by the Mayor, the Municipal Clerk shall attach to the ordinance a certification of the action of the Council upon reconsideration in substantially the following form:
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above ordinance was adopted by the Council on the _____ day of_____, 20_____; and was delivered to the Mayor on the _____ day of_____, 20_____; and was returned to me on the_____day of_____, 20_____, together with the Mayor's statement of the reasons for which the Mayor was constrained to withhold approval of such ordinance, item or part thereof. On reconsideration thereof on the _____ day of_____, 20_____, (the Council duly resolved by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of its members to enact such ordinance, item or part thereof notwithstanding the Mayor's veto) or (the Mayor's veto was sustained).
Dated: __________
Municipal Clerk
[1972 Code § 2-3.5]
Whenever an ordinance shall take effect without the Mayor's signature by reason of his failure to return it to the Council by filing it with the Municipal Clerk within 10 days after it has been presented to him, the Municipal Clerk shall attach to the ordinance a certificate in substantially the following form:
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above ordinance was adopted by the Council on the _____ day of_____, 20_____, and was presented to the Mayor duly certified on the_____day of_____, 20_____, and upon his failure to sign it or to return and file it with the Municipal Clerk within 10 days thereafter, the ordinance took effect in like manner as if the Mayor had signed it.
Dated: __________
Municipal Clerk