[HISTORY: Adopted by the Albany County Legislature as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 6-11-2015 by L.L. No. 3-2015]
This article shall be known as the "Drinking Water Protection Law."
The Albany County Legislature hereby finds and determines that the County must protect surface water and groundwater within its borders, particularly surface water and groundwater used for drinking water.
The Albany County Legislature hereby further finds that recent disclosures regarding the possible contamination and/or the reduction in volume/yield of well-water throughout parts of the County of Albany may result from industrial activities, including blasting, and raise concerns that unsuspecting residents in Albany County utilizing private water systems may be endangered unless well-water sampling and analysis is completed in order to identify areas of water contamination and/or a reduction in water volume/yield.
The purpose of this article is to protect public health and safety by requiring the completion of well-water sampling and analysis prior, and subsequent, to any blasting within Albany County that may affect the quality or volume/yield of surface water and groundwater drinking water supplies within a one-mile radius of the blasting location.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The rapid release of heat and large quantities of high-pressure gases that expand rapidly with sufficient force to overcome confining forces resulting from the very rapid decomposition of a chemical compound or mixture initiated by heat, shock, impact, friction, or a combination of these conditions.
Consists of all properties within a one-mile radius of a blast.
A person licensed as such by the New York State Department of Labor.
A person, a corporation or other legal business entity that blasts or engages a blaster to blast either on its own behalf or on behalf of another person, corporation or other entity within Albany County.
A written notice in which blast information is provided by the blaster or blasting entity, to include, but not be limited to, the following: the blasting area, the date(s) and time(s) of the blasting, how access to the blasting area will be controlled and the types and patterns of blast warnings and signals that will be used.
Any person, corporation or other legal business entity certified by the New York State Department of Health and approved and designated by the Albany County Department of Health to conduct pre-blast and post-blast water quality sampling, analysis and reporting on same for residents in Albany County.
As defined in the Albany County Department of Health's promulgated rules and regulations pursuant to § 297-6 of this article, with that definition encompassing, at a minimum, the presence of any "hazardous substance," as that term is defined in the rules and regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and, in the case of a well providing drinking water, the recharge rate and turbidity of any such well.
As defined in the Albany County Department of Health's promulgated rules and regulations pursuant to § 297-6 of this article.
As defined in the Albany County Department of Health's promulgated rules and regulations pursuant to § 297-6 of this article.
Any property owner within Albany County.
As defined in the Albany County Department of Health's promulgated rules and regulations pursuant to § 297-6 of this article.
Responsibilities of blaster.
Blasting schedule. Any blaster or blasting entity who or which intends to blast within Albany County shall publish a blasting notification in newspapers that have general circulation within Albany County at least 60 days in advance of the blasting. Additionally, a copy of the schedule shall also be sent by United States certified mail to the Commissioner, Albany County Department of Health, and to all residents within the blast effect area at least 60 days in advance of the blasting.
The schedule shall include the following information:
The specific location of the blast;
The date and time when each blast will occur;
A description detailing how access to the blast effect area will be controlled to prevent property damage and personal injury; and
The types and patterns of blast warnings and of signals that blasting has been completed and passage through the blast effect area is safe.
Pursuant to § 297-6 of this article, the Albany County Department of Health is permitted to promulgate regulations that supplement this list and the requirements of this subsection.
Pre-blast private drinking water supply sampling and analysis. Any blaster or blasting entity who or which intends to blast within Albany County shall notify residents within the blast effect area of its intention in writing, by United States certified mail, at least 60 days before any blasting occurs. The Albany County Department of Health shall provide a full description of the content required for the mailed notification in its rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to § 297-6 of this article. The blaster or blasting entity will, at a minimum, include the following information in its mailed notification to residents within the blast effect area:
An offer to provide free of charge to any resident and at the blaster's or blasting entity's expense pre-blast private drinking water supply sampling and analysis conducted and reported by an independent provider;
Contact information in order to schedule the pre-blast private drinking water supply sampling and analysis; and
That a report detailing the results of the pre-blast private drinking water supply sampling and analysis shall be provided to the Albany County Department of Health and to the resident within 30 days of completion of the sampling and analysis.
Residents within the blast effect area who require guidance regarding the pre-blast private drinking water supply sampling and analysis may contact the Albany County Health Department at the following address, telephone number and facsimile number:
Albany County Department of Health
175 Green Street
Albany, New York 12202
Telephone: (518) 447-4580
Fax: (518) 447-4698
Records of all blasts must be maintained by the blasters or blasting entities for a period of at least five years from the date of a blast, or the date of the last blast, if more than one blast occurs in a blasting program. These records shall be made available for inspection upon written request by, and at no cost to, the public.
The Albany County Health Commissioner is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations and take any and all other reasonable actions necessary to implement and enforce this article. In addition, the Commissioner is expressly delegated the authority to promulgate and adopt rules and regulations that make §§ 297-4, 297-7, 297-8 and 297-9 of this article applicable to public drinking water supplies. Any rules and regulations so promulgated shall be made available on the County of Albany website in a manner approved by the Commissioner.
Blasters or blasting entities shall be responsible for the reasonable costs of the pre-blast private drinking water supply sampling and analysis requested by residents and conducted by the independent provider pursuant to § 297-4.
Formal complaints. Residents within the blast effect area who suspect post-blast private drinking water supply contamination or a reduction in water volume/yield may file a formal complaint with the Albany County Health Department within six months of the date of a blast, or the date of the last blast, if more than one blast occurs in a blasting program.
Investigation. The Albany County Health Department Commissioner is authorized to initiate an investigation upon receipt of a formal complaint from a resident within the blast effect area and take any and all reasonable suppression, abatement and remediation actions that the Commissioner deems necessary and proper to protect an individual or public health and safety. Blasters or blasting entities shall make their blast records available to the Albany County Department of Health for any resident who has filed a formal complaint.
Responsibilities of blaster or blasting entity. Upon receipt of a formal complaint from a resident within the blast effect area, the Albany County Department of Health may require the blaster and/or blasting entity to pay for post-blast private drinking water supply sampling and analysis to be performed within 30 days of the request date, and reported, by an independent provider. The report detailing the results of the post-blast private drinking water supply sampling and analysis shall be provided to the Albany County Department of Health and to the resident within 30 days of completion of the sampling and analysis.
Civil penalty for lack of notice. If the Albany County Department of Health finds and determines that any blaster or blasting entity failed to meet the pre-blast notification requirements in § 297-4 of this article and as further described in the Albany County Department of Health rules and regulations promulgated under § 297-6 of this article, such violation shall be punishable by a civil penalty not to exceed $15,000 per violation.
Civil penalty for water contamination and/or volume/yield reduction.
No blaster or blasting entity shall conduct a blast that reduces the quality of a drinking water supply, results in the presence in a drinking water supply of any hazardous substance, as that term is defined in the rules and regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, or which shall increase the turbidity of such drinking water supply.
No blaster or blasting entity shall conduct a blast that results in the recharge rate in any well used for drinking water by a resident to decrease.
Unless proven otherwise by clear and convincing evidence, a blast shall be considered the cause of the presence in a drinking water supply of any hazardous substance, as that term is defined in the rules and regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and, in the case of a well providing drinking water, the cause of any reduction in the recharge rate of any such well; or an increase in the turbidity of such drinking water supply.
After an investigation and upon a finding by the Albany County Department of Health that any blaster or blasting entity caused by its blasting contamination of a resident's drinking water, a functional reduction in the recharge rate/yield of a groundwater well supplying drinking water to a resident, or an increase in the turbidity of such drinking water supply, such violation shall be punishable by a civil penalty not to exceed $15,000 per violation. In addition, the blaster shall be required to abate each violation and provide alternate water supplies to an affected resident at the blaster's expense until the contamination or turbidity is fully abated and the recharge rate is restored to pre-blast conditions.
Civil penalties collected by the Albany County Department of Health under this article may be used for abatement purposes for any wells used to provide drinking water to residents within the County that have been compromised as a result of blasting.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prevent or prohibit the commencement of any civil or administrative action or proceeding to enjoin any conduct constituting a violation hereof or to recover any penalty therefor or any damages occasioned thereby.
The Commissioner of Health may, in his/her absolute discretion, suspend or modify the requirements of this article:
When he/she deems it necessary to do so to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public; or
For state, County or municipal projects if, in his/her opinion, adequate safeguards have been implemented to prevent well contamination.
This article shall not apply to:
Mines subject to local municipal regulation or state regulation under Title 27 of Article 23 of the Environmental Conservation Law; or
Water well drillers subject to state regulation under Title 15 of Article 15 of the Environmental Conservation Law.
If any part or provision of this article is inconsistent with any federal or state statute, law, rule or regulation, then such statute, law, rule or regulation shall prevail. If any part or provision of this article or the application thereof to any person or circumstance be adjudged invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall be confined in its operation to the part or provision of or application directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered and shall not affect or impair the validity of the remainder of this article, or the application thereof to other persons or circumstances.
This article shall be null and void on the day that statewide or federal legislation goes into effect, incorporating either the same or substantially similar provisions as are contained in this article, or in the event that a pertinent state or federal administrative agency issues and promulgates regulations preempting such action by the County of Albany. The Albany County Legislature may determine via resolution whether or not identical or substantially similar statewide legislation has been enacted for the purposes of triggering the provisions of this section.
[Adopted 10-13-2015 by L.L. No. 6-2015]
This article shall be known as the "Public Drinking Water Protection Law."
The Albany County Legislature hereby finds and determines that public water systems are sourced from streams, rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Certain industrial activities, including blasting, pose a potential threat to public drinking water supplies. Residents are at a high risk of developing significant health issues from ingestion and exposure to contaminated drinking water, including gastrointestinal illness, reproductive problems and neurological disorders. Infants, young children, pregnant women, the elderly and immunocompromised persons may be especially at risk for becoming ill after drinking contaminated water.
The Albany County Legislature hereby further finds and determines that the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) ensures the quality of drinking water in the United States. Under SDWA, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWRs or "primary standards") that set mandatory water quality standards for drinking water contaminants to protect the public against consumption of drinking water contaminants that present a risk to human health by limiting the levels of contaminants in drinking water. The EPA also oversees the states, localities and water suppliers who implement those standards.
The Albany County Legislature hereby further finds and determines that municipalities play a crucial role in managing activities that affect source water quality and availability.
The purpose of this article is to protect public health and safety by requiring blasting entities, as part of their best management practices, to notify municipalities located within Albany County prior to any blasting if such blasting occurs within a two-mile radius of a municipal water source.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The rapid release of heat and large quantities of high-pressure gases that expand rapidly with sufficient force to overcome confining forces resulting from the very rapid decomposition of a chemical compound or mixture initiated by heat, shock, impact, friction, or a combination of these conditions.
Refers to the area within a two-mile radius of a blast.
A person licensed as such by the New York State Department of Labor.
A person, a corporation or other legal business entity that blasts or engages a blaster to blast either on its own behalf or on behalf of another person, corporation or other entity within Albany County.
A written notice in which blast information is provided by the blaster or blasting entity, to include, but not be limited to, the following: the blasting area, the date(s) and time(s) of the blasting, how access to the blasting area will be controlled and the types and patterns of blast warnings and signals that will be used.
Any facility that treats and provides public drinking water through a public water system.
Any reservoir or well located within Albany County which serves as a source of public drinking water supply for Albany County residents.
A system for the provision of water to the public for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances, if such system has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves an average of at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year, as defined in the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations.
As defined in the Albany County Department of Health's promulgated rules and regulations pursuant to § 297-19 of this article, and shall reference the list of contaminants and their maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) set by the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations.
Blasting schedule. Any blaster or blasting entity who or which intends to blast within Albany County shall notify, by United States certified mail, the governing body of a municipality, prior to any blasting, if such blasting occurs within a two-mile radius of a municipal reservoir or well providing drinking water to residents of such municipality. Such notification shall occur at least 60 days in advance of the blast date. Additionally, a copy of the blast schedule shall be sent by United States certified mail to the Commissioner, Albany County Department of Health. The notification shall include the following information:
The specific location of the blast;
The date and time the blast is scheduled to occur;
A description detailing how access to the blast effect area will be controlled to prevent property damage and personal injury; and
The types and patterns of blast warnings and of signals that blasting has been completed and passage through the blast effect area is safe.
Additionally, at least 60 days in advance of the blast date, any blaster or blasting entity must contact the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the governing bodies of all municipalities within the blast effect area and inquire whether there are any known or suspected subsurface contaminants within the blast effect area. If there are any known or suspected areas of contamination, then the blaster shall disclose the same to the Albany County Department of Health, which is authorized to require an investigation to be conducted at the blaster's expense to confirm the nature and extent of such contamination. If any such contamination is confirmed to exist within the blast effect area, then the blaster shall be obligated, prior to the start of blasting, to remediate the same to the satisfaction of the Albany County Department of Health. Pursuant to § 297-19 of this article, the Albany County Department of Health is permitted to promulgate regulations that supplement this list and the requirements of this section. If after such investigation the blaster chooses not to proceed with blasting within two miles of the contaminated area, then it will not be obligated to remediate the same.
Records of all blasts must be maintained by the blasters or blasting entities for a period of at least five years from the date of a blast, or the date of the last blast, if more than one blast occurs in a blasting program. These records shall be made available for inspection upon written request by, and at no cost to, the public.
The Albany County Health Commissioner is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations and take any and all other reasonable actions necessary to implement and enforce this article. Any rules and regulations so promulgated shall be made available on the County of Albany website in a manner approved by the Commissioner.
Civil penalty for lack of notice. If the Albany County Department of Health finds and determines that any blaster or blasting entity failed to meet the pre-blast notification requirements in § 297-17 of this article and as further described in the Albany County Department of Health rules and regulations promulgated under § 297-19 of this article, such violation shall be punishable by a civil penalty not to exceed $15,000 per violation.
Rebuttable presumption. Increased levels of contaminants above maximum acceptable contaminant levels set by the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, when detected at any municipal reservoir, municipal well or any municipal filtration plant(s) sourced by such reservoir or well, within six months of blasting activity(ies) shall, unless proven otherwise by clear and convincing evidence, be attributable to said blasting activity, if the blast effect area is within two miles of such municipal reservoir or well.
The blasting entity will be liable for all reasonable costs incurred in remediating and restoring any public water supply to its pre-blast condition.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prevent or prohibit the commencement of any civil or administrative action or proceeding to enjoin any conduct constituting a violation hereof or to recover any penalty therefor or any damages occasioned thereby.
The Health Commissioner may, in his/her absolute discretion, require the posting of a bond or other security in an amount deemed adequate to guarantee sufficient funds are available to remediate, as set forth above.
The Commissioner of Health may, in his/her absolute discretion, suspend or modify the requirements of this article:
When he/she deems it necessary to do so to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public; or
For state, county or municipal projects if, in his/her opinion, adequate safeguards have been implemented to prevent well contamination.
This article shall not apply to:
Mines subject to local municipal regulation or state regulation under Title 27 of Article 23 of the Environmental Conservation Law; or
Water well drillers subject to state regulation under Title 15 of Article 15 of the Environmental Conservation Law.
If any part or provision of this article is inconstant with any federal or state statute, law, rule or regulation, then such statute, law, rule or regulation shall prevail. If any part or provision of this article or the application thereof to any person or circumstance be adjudged invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall be confined in its operation to the part or provision of or application directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered and shall not affect or impair the validity of the remainder of this article, or the application thereof to other persons or circumstances.
This article shall be null and void on the day that statewide or federal legislation goes into effect, incorporating either the same or substantially similar provisions as are contained in this article, or in the event that a pertinent state or federal administrative agency issues and promulgates regulations preempting such action by the County of Albany. The Albany County Legislature may determine via resolution whether or not identical or substantially similar statewide legislation has been enacted for the purposes of triggering the provisions of this section.