[Added 7-9-2019 by Ord. No. 03-2019]
The intent of the R Residential Overlay District is to enable unique higher-intensity residential infill development and redevelopment in a unified and organized arrangement of buildings, service and parking areas, and community spaces. The R Residential Overlay District is also intended to promote compact, walkable neighborhood development adjacent to an urban center and provide for appropriate connections to other higher-density areas within the surrounding area, including the Borough of West Chester.
In the R Residential Overlay District, the following regulations apply.
The following use shall be permitted by conditional use when authorized by the Board of Supervisors, subject to the provisions of this chapter and, in particular, § 115-77:
Multifamily development limited to townhouses and accessory uses customary thereto.
[Amended 10-8-2019 by Ord. No. 04-2019]
Total tract area: five acres minimum.
Total tract density: 11.5 units per net tract area.
Tract width at street line/building line: 150 feet minimum.
Building coverage: 25% of total tract area maximum.
Lot coverage: 60% of total tract area maximum.
Building setback line from existing streets: 20 feet from existing right-of-way minimum.
Building setback line from interior residential streets (excluding alleys): 10 feet from cartway minimum.
Principal building height: four stories or 40 feet above average grade plane surrounding the building as measured from the midpoint of the roof maximum.
Minimum separation between buildings containing dwelling units. At any point, said separation shall not be less than 20 feet except that minimum separation shall not be less than 40 feet measured perpendicularly from the rear wall of any residential structure to any point on any other building not accessory to such residential structure.
Where not attached, separation of accessory structures from principal buildings shall not be less than five feet.
Maximum length of any residential building shall not exceed 140 feet.
Maximum depth of any section of any residential building shall not exceed 50 feet.
A minimum of 3,500 square feet of community space shall be provided for each acre of gross tract area with at least one contiguous area containing a minimum of 7,500 square feet.
The following standards shall apply:
Section 115-45, Vegetation preservation, management and compensatory planting requirements, shall apply except that § 115-45B(1)(a) and the corresponding calculation shall be modified as follows:
No vegetated areas shall be disturbed (other than for the installation of public sidewalks) in such a manner that the number of existing trees having a DBH of 12 inches or greater shall be removed pursuant to the following calculation, where x is the total acreage of existing woodlands, y is the acreage of woodlands permitted to be removed and z is the total lot acreage (gross):
y = x-0.1(z)
Section 115-45.1, Planting requirements, shall apply, except that the street tree placement requirements of § 115-45.1G(2) shall be modified to permit street tree planting anywhere between the subject road right-of-way and 10 feet behind the building setback line(s).
Section 115-52, Buffer requirements, shall apply, except that the buffer type and minimum buffer yard width requirements shall be as follows:
Perimeter-type buffer a minimum of 20 feet in width adjacent to multifamily residential, institutional or commercial land uses.
Screen-type buffer a minimum of 50 feet in width adjacent to single-family residential, mobile home, and agricultural, industrial, conservation or recreational land uses.
Where proposed dwelling units front existing rights-of-way, no perimeter or screen type buffer shall be required.
A conditional use landscape plan shall be submitted as part of any conditional use application for townhouse and commercial development within the R Residential Overlay District that demonstrates feasibility of compliance with all applicable planting requirements. The conditional use landscape plan shall include:
A color-rendered graphic plan-view indication of plants sufficient to demonstrate feasibility of compliance with the applicable planting requirements.
A table listing the applicable vegetation removal and planting requirements and the manner in which the conditional use landscape plan does or does not comply.
At least one representative color-rendered section elevation.
A tentative plant list for (at a minimum) the following categories of required trees: street trees, buffer trees, compensatory planting trees.
Pedestrian connectivity to community space shall be provided throughout the development to enable connections to existing sidewalks or pathways on adjacent properties.
[Amended 10-8-2019 by Ord. No. 04-2019]
Sidewalks shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 95, except that sidewalks or pathways adjacent to existing cartways shall have a minimum width of five feet, sidewalks or pathways that lead internally to more than one unit shall have a minimum width of four feet, and sidewalks or pathways that lead to a single unit shall have a minimum width of three feet.
Sidewalks or pathways installed along existing cartways shall extend to the shared property lines, regardless of whether there are sidewalks or pathways to which to connect.
Crosswalks shall be provided at all new points of vehicular connection with existing cartways. The design of the crosswalks shall be approved by the Township.
Stormwater management basins, which shall be permitted to retain water in accordance with applicable regulations, shall be designed and graded for use as community space when dry. However, the area of an aboveground stormwater management basin that is designed to retain or detain water shall not be counted toward the minimum area of community space as required by § 115-154M.
[Amended 10-8-2019 by Ord. No. 04-2019]