No person shall throw, put or place, or cause or permit to be thrown, put or placed, into, upon or within any public sidewalk, street or public place any rubbish, refuse, garbage, ashes, paper, dirt, cinders, substance, matter or thing, or otherwise litter said public sidewalk, street or public place.
The filling of gutters along any public street with dirt, fill, earth or other materials is hereby prohibited irrespective of the manner or distance by which said dirt, fill, earth or other materials shall travel before reaching the said public street.
The obstruction of drains to any public street in the Borough of Somerville by the spilling, filling, flowing or throwing of stones, dirt, earth or other materials theron is hereby prohibited.
No person, firm or corporation shall do or cause to be done any act, including the construction of buildings, grading, landscaping or otherwise, which shall cause or result in the accumulation of dirt, silt, earth or other materials upon any public street, storm drain, gutter or culvert in the Borough of Somerville.