No person shall obstruct or encumber any street, avenue, highway or sidewalk which has been opened, graded or regulated according to law with any article or thing whatsoever except as hereinafter provided in this article.
It shall be unlawful for any person to erect or alter any building without first constructing a bridge over the sidewalk area along the length of the proposed building in such manner as shall be satisfactory to the Building Inspector and on the basis of the following standards: The bridge shall not exceed four (4) feet in height above the sidewalk area nor eight (8) feet in width, and the ramps leading thereto shall rest upon the sidewalks of the adjoining premises and the bridge shall be safely constructed. As an alternative to the construction of the aforesaid bridge, such person may construct a fence along the entire length of the front of the proposed building and such fence shall be no more than four (4) feet distant from the front building line.
No person shall occupy any part of a thoroughfare with building materials who has not first obtained a permit to do so from the Building Inspector, who shall issue such permit if in his opinion the interest and convenience of the public will not suffer thereby: provided, however, that no person may occupy more than one-third (1/3) of the width of the thoroughfare with such building materials, which shall be kept well lighted for the protection of the traveling public. Any person obtaining such permit shall display it on or as near as practicable to such material placed in a thoroughfare.
It shall be unlawful for any person constructing or altering a building to permit sidewalks and gutters at any time to become obstructed, and such person shall promptly remove all dirt, rubbish, snow and ice during the progress of the work as is from time to time required.
Any person erecting or altering any building or buildings shall prior thereto deposit with the Building Inspector the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25) as security for compliance with the provisions of this article and for the restoration of the public way to a clean and unobstructed condition at the conclusion of the work, and the Building Inspector is hereby authorized to use such sum or part thereof to effect such purpose in case of default. In the event that the said deposit shall be inadequate for such purpose, the Building Inspector may require an additional deposit of twenty-five dollars ($25), which shall be paid upon penalty of revocation of the building permit. At the conclusion of the construction and the restoration of the area as aforesaid, the Building Inspector shall return such deposit or deposits or such unexpended portions thereof as may remain.
It shall be unlawful to mix mortar, cement or other materials upon the pavement of any sidewalk or street without protecting such pavement by first laying planks thereon and containing such mixing in a watertight box.
The Building Inspector shall cause any material placed on a street or sidewalk in violation of this article to be taken up and removed to Borough property for storage and shall charge the owner or user thereof the reasonable cost for such removal and storage before permitting the return of such material.
In addition to other penalties provided in this article, any person who shall violate any provision of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500) or suffer imprisonment in the county jail for not more than ninety (90) days, or both, for each such violation.