[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health of the Borough of Somerville 10-25-78. Amendments noted where applicable.]
It shall be the duty of every property owner, tenant or occupant of any premises to maintain said premises in a clean condition so that the same may not be injurious, detrimental or hazardous to health.
All owners of property along the line of any sewer constructed for the purpose of carrying off sewage in the streets of the Borough of Somerville shall connect their houses and other buildings with the sewer in the street adjoining said property upon notice from this Board to make such connection.
Every building used in any way for occupation by human beings, whether for business or dwelling purposes, shall be provided with a sufficient number of water closets and urinal accommodations. When the interests of the public health require additional water closets or urinal accommodations in any house, store, apartment, flat or any other building, it shall be lawful for this Board, by notice to the owner, to direct the installation of such additional toilets as it shall deem necessary. There shall be at least one (1) water closet for each separate family.
Any person who shall be guilty of the violation of any section or portion of this chapter or who shall fail to make the sewer connection or install water closets or urinal accommodations within thirty (30) days after such notification from this Board shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a fine of not less than two dollars ($2) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500) and costs of conviction, and a like sum for each twenty-four (24) hours such violation shall continue upon conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court of the Borough of Somerville.