[Added 8-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-52]
The Fire Official assigned to the Fire Prevention Bureau shall be under the general direction of the Fire Chief and shall have full management and control of all matters pertaining to the Fire Prevention Bureau and all subordinate officers, inspectors and clerks assigned or detailed thereto.
The officer assigned to the Fire Prevention Bureau shall:
Be responsible for the enforcement of all fire prevention laws and ordinances relative to the protection of life and property from fire and shall see that all industrial, mercantile and heavy habitational occupancies are periodically inspected.
Cause all fires of suspicious or questionable origin or those fires which result in a loss of more than $500 to be thoroughly investigated and shall keep a record thereof for future reference.
Assist in the compilation of evidence and the prosecution of persons charged with violation of fire prevention laws and ordinances.
Make recommendations to the Fire Chief for the elimination of special fire hazards and dangerous conditions existing in the Township.
Maintain in the office of the Fire Prevention Bureau a complete record of fire alarms and all data relative thereto, a complete record of inspections, investigations, complaints and special and peculiar hazards; and such other information as may be required.
Respond to multiple alarm fires and also to other serious emergencies when called by the officer in charge and shall, in addition to assisting in their control, endeavor to determine fire causes and practical means for preventing them.
Prepare and submit to the Fire Chief an annual report of all activities of the Fire Prevention Bureau, including statistical compilations and analyses of all fires and alarms, and such additional recommendations and conclusions as they deem necessary for the betterment of the service.
All members assigned to the Fire Prevention Bureau shall make records and reports and perform such other duties as may be required by the Fire Chief, including firefighting.