[Adopted 6-28-2007 by Ord. No. O16-2007]
Purpose. The purpose of this article is to establish policies and procedures for the collection of fees associated with the performance of marriage or civil union ceremonies by the Mayor or Designated Deputy Mayor.
Collection of fees.
Persons seeking to be married or joined in civil union by the Mayor of Gloucester City shall remit the applicable fees, defined below, to be paid to the City of Gloucester City:
[Amended 4-25-2019 by Ord. No. O04-2019]
Residents of Gloucester City: $100.
Nonresidents of Gloucester City: $125.
Active and or retired military: $35.
The Mayor may, in his discretion, waive the above-stated fee for reasons such as relatives and friends.
An administrative fee of $5 shall be added to the above established fee.
In addition to the performance and administrative fees above, the following travel and expense fees shall be paid for travel to ceremonies being performed outside of Gloucester City and a five mile radius thereof.
Beyond five miles: the IRS Standard Mileage Rate rounded up to the next half dollar for each mile to be traveled. (Current rate is 48 1/2 cents per mile; this would be rounded up to $0.50 per mile.)
If tolls are necessarily to be incurred for such travel, they shall be calculated and included in addition to the above stated rate.
If the mode of travel is different than passenger vehicle, i.e. public or other form of transportation, or other costs would need to be incurred, such as overnight accommodations or tuxedo rentals, such expenses for the same shall be calculated and included in addition to the above stated fees.
Compensation and reimbursement of expenses incurred through the performance of marriage and civil union ceremonies.
Receipt of fees. The fee shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Gloucester City. Fees collected shall be deposited into the City's current fund.
Disbursement of fees.
Fees for service may be disbursed to the Mayor or Designated Deputy Mayor through the appropriate budget line item and with appropriate authorization.
Fees for reimbursement of appropriate expenses (travel, tuxedo rental, direct cost reimbursement) may be disbursed to the Mayor or Designated Deputy Mayor in accordance with Gloucester City's established procedure for reimbursement, including vouchers with receipts documenting the expenses, duly authorized and with expenditure from the appropriate line item.
Eligible persons. The City of Gloucester City shall reimburse only proper and reasonable expenses incurred directly by and for the Mayor. Under no circumstances shall the City reimburse expenses or expenditures on behalf of or because of any spouse, child, guest or other person.