Nomination and election of federal and state officials and of such Town officers and Town agencies as are provided for in this Charter shall be conducted, and the Registrars of Voters shall prepare lists of electors qualified to vote therein, in the manner prescribed by law.
Nominations and elections of federal and state officers, Registrars of Voters and Justices of the Peace shall be conducted as prescribed in the Connecticut General Statutes.
At the regular state election held on November 8, 1992, and every four years thereafter, there shall be elected two Registrars of Voters, whose terms of office shall commence on the Wednesday after the first Monday in January following their election.
Justices of the Peace shall be selected in the manner prescribed for in the General Statutes and by Town Ordinance.
There shall be elected a Board of Selectmen consisting of five members each of whom shall serve four-year overlapping terms.
There shall be elected a Board of Finance, consisting of five members, each of whom shall serve four-year overlapping terms.
There shall be elected a Town Clerk, whose term of office shall be four years and shall commence on the Wednesday after the first Monday in January following the Town election.
There shall be elected members to the following Town agencies for the terms specified herein. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, such Town agencies shall have powers and duties as are provided in the Connecticut General Statutes. Electors may vote for, and each political party may nominate, as many candidates as there are available seats to be filled on the following Town agencies, specifically including the Board of Assessment Appeals and the Board of Education; provided, however, that the election requirements of C.G.S. § 9-204b shall apply to the Board of Education:
A Board of Assessment Appeals, consisting of three members, each of whom shall serve four-year overlapping terms;
A Planning and Zoning Commission consisting of five members and two alternates, each of whom shall serve four-year overlapping terms;
A Zoning Board of Appeals consisting of five members and three alternates, each of whom shall serve four-year overlapping terms;
A Board of Education, hereinafter referred to as the "Local Board," consisting of seven members, each of whom shall serve four-year overlapping terms;
All terms of office, except as otherwise provided in this Charter, shall commence on the second Tuesday following the Town election. Elected Town officers shall hold office until their successors have been chosen and qualified.
Elected officials, other than members of the Board of Selectmen, shall receive such compensation as may be approved in the annual budget. Reimbursement of expenses incurred by elected officials in performing official duties shall be authorized by the Board of Finance and subject to any appropriation in the annual budget. All fees collected by elected officials shall be remitted to the general fund.
Members of the Regional Board of Education shall be elected concurrent with municipal elections. Said members shall serve four-year overlapping terms, commencing December 1 of the year in which elected. The Town shall elect members of the Regional District #8 Board of Education in the manner provided for by C.G.S. § 10-46 (a) and (c) as amended from time to time.
No person shall be eligible for election to any Town office who is not, at the time of his election, an elector of said Town. Any person ceasing to be an elector of said Town shall thereupon cease to hold elective office in the Town. The resulting vacancy shall be filled pursuant to Section 208.
Except as otherwise provided, minority representation on all Town agencies, as defined in Section 105 of this Charter, shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of C.G.S. § 9-167a.
Minority representation on the local Board of Education shall be determined by C.G.S. § 9-204b.
Minority representation on the Regional Board of Education shall be determined pursuant to C.G.S. § 10-46(c).
When any municipal election conducted pursuant to the provisions of this Charter results in a tie, with the consent of the tied candidates, the tie may be broken by the single toss of a coin by a third party agreeable to tied candidates. Otherwise, when any regular or special municipal election, primary election or referendum conducted pursuant to the provisions of this Charter results in a tie, an adjourned election shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of C.G.S. § 9-332 to determine who shall be elected, or in the case of a question at referendum whether it shall be accepted or rejected. The provisions of this section shall not apply to questions at referendum under which the provisions of this Charter or the General Statutes require a minimum number of electors voting in favor of such questions for approval.
Any vacancy arising in any elective office or Town Agency shall be filled in accordance with this Section 208 following the date of notice to the Town Clerk and acceptance of any resignation or the determination by the Board of Selectmen of such vacancy. Any such appointment shall be made by vote of the Board of Selectmen and shall be for the unexpired portion of the term.
In filling vacancies the Board of Selectmen shall solicit nominations for such vacancies from the political parties as well as from the general public. No appointment shall be made before 35 days after notification from the Board of Selectmen. The Board of Selectmen in filling vacancies shall have the final authority in deciding whom to appoint to fill any vacancy.
There shall continue to be one voting district as existed on the effective date of this Charter. The Board of Selectmen shall have the authority to create additional voting districts as the needs of the Town may require, subject to the approval of the Town Meeting.
The Town Clerk, or any assistants, and the Registrars of Voters, or any deputies, shall constitute the Board of Admission for Electors in accordance with applicable General Statutes.