This bylaw is enacted for the purpose of eliminating the use
of thin film single-use plastic bags by all business establishments
in the Town of Chelmsford. The production and use of thin film single-use
plastic checkout bags have significant impacts on the environment,
including, but not limited to: contributing to pollution of the land
environment; creating a burden to solid waste collection and recycling
facilities; clogging storm drainage systems; causing the potential
death of marine animals through ingestion and entanglement; and requiring
the use of millions of barrels of crude oil nationally for their manufacture.
The following business uses as defined in §
195-108 of the Chelmsford Zoning Bylaw: a retail store; supermarket and general department store; restaurant; and take-out retail.
A bag, with handles, that is specifically designed for multiple
use and is made of thick plastic, cloth, fabric or other durable materials.
Bags, typically with plastic handles, with a thickness of
4.0 mils or less and which are intended for single-use transport of
purchased products purchased at a business establishment.