[Ord. #667, S 1.1]
As used in this article:
Shall mean the Business Administrator appointed pursuant to the Charter.
Shall mean the Borough of North Plainfield in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, as governed by the provisions of the Charter.
Shall mean Mayor-Council Plan E of Chapter 210, P.L. 1950, as amended and supplemented, and any and all general laws as therein defined which are or may be applicable to the Borough of North Plainfield.
Shall mean the municipal clerk duly appointed pursuant to the Charter.
Shall mean the members of the Borough Council constituted pursuant to the Charter.
Shall mean an organization unit or group of organization units of the Borough government designated as a Department of this article.
Shall mean the individual placed in charge of a Department's activities pursuant to the Charter.
Shall mean any corporation, firm, partnership, association, organization or other entity, as well as individual.
Shall mean the individual serving as chief executive officer of the Borough pursuant to the Charter.
Shall mean a calendar month unless otherwise specifically provided.
Shall mean a calendar year unless otherwise specifically provided.
[Ord. #667, S 1.2]
This article shall be known and may be referred to as the "Administrative Code (1977)".
[Ord. #667, S 1.3]
For the purposes of the Administrative Code and any other ordinances heretofore or hereafter adopted, except as the context may otherwise require:
The present tense includes the past and future tenses and the future, the present.
The masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter.
The singular number includes the plural, and the plural the singular.
The time within which an act is to be done shall be computed by excluding the first and including the last day, and if the last day be a Sunday or a legal holiday, that day shall be excluded.
"Writing" and "written" include printing, typewriting, stencil duplicating and any other visual mode of reproducing words or figures on paper-like material which is in general use.
This Administrative Code shall be read in pari materia with the Charter, and all powers, functions, duties, responsibilities, authority and privileges delegated or assigned to any officer, body, board, committee or commission by the Charter shall be deemed to have been incorporated herein.
This Administrative Code shall be read in pari materia with existing ordinances of the Borough.
[Ord. #667, S 1.4]
If any article, section or part of this code shall be declared to be unconstitutional, invalid or inoperative, in whole or in part, by a court of competent jurisdiction, such article, section or parts shall to the extent that it is not unconstitutional, invalid or inoperative, remain in full force and effect and no such determination shall be deemed to invalidate the remaining articles, sections or parts of this code.
[Ord. #667, S 1.5]
All ordinances and resolutions heretofore adopted by the Borough are in force and effect to the extent that they are not inconsistent with the Charter of this article.
[Ord. #667, S 1.6]
All ordinances and parts of ordinances heretofore enacted which are inconsistent with any provision of this Administrative Code are, to the extent of such inconsistency, hereby repealed.
The repeal of any ordinance or part thereof by this Administrative Code or by any other ordinance shall not revive any former ordinance or part thereof, which may have been repealed by such repealed ordinance or part thereof.
[Ord. #667, S 1.7]
In addition to such other sanctions as may be provided by law, a violation of any ordinance for which no penal sanction is otherwise provided shall be punishable up to the maximum limits provided by law.
[Ord. #667, S 1.8]
Each person holding office or position within the Borough government shall possess such power and authority and shall have such duty and responsibility as is conferred by the Charter or general law for such office or position whether or not such power, authority, duty or responsibility is specifically mentioned in this Administrative Code.
[Ord. #667, S 1.9; Ord. #667i- 85-8, S 1]
Unless provision to the contrary is specifically contained herein, or in general law, the initial appointments to all Boards, Committees and Commissions shall be for staggered terms so that as far as practicable, an equal number of vacancies will occur by reason of expiration of term in each year for each Board, Committee and Commission; and, each initial term shall be construed to be retroactive to January 1 of the year in which it commenced.
[Ord. #667, S 1.10; Ord. No. 2015-11]
[Ord. #667, S 1.11; Ord. #667E, S 1.11]
Unless specifically prohibited by general law, Charter or ordinance, the same person may hold simultaneously more than one office or position within Borough government, provided, however, the Mayor may hold no appointive office except that of temporary Administrator, or one requiring Council confirmation and approval. In any case in which the same person simultaneously holds more than one office or position within Borough government for each of which said offices or positions a salary is provided by law, the person shall be entitled to receive only one salary, that being the highest salary provided for the positions involved; provided, however, the administration may by writing signed by the Mayor and attested to by the Clerk, provide for additional compensation in the event of multiple officeholding, but in no event shall such additional compensation exceed the amount authorized by law for the office or position for which the additional compensation is being provided.
[Ord. #667, S 1.12]
Unless provision to the contrary is specifically contained herein, in the Charter or statute, the terms of office for all offices and positions within Borough government shall commence at 12:00 noon on January 1, 1977.
[Ord. #667, S 1.13]
Unless provision to the contrary is specifically contained herein, or in the Charter, or statute and vacancy occurring in an appointive office or position prior to the expiration of the term shall be filled by the appointing authority only for the balance of the unexpired term.
[Ord. #667, S 1.14]
Any Board, Committee or Commission for which no specific assignment to a Department is made, shall be within the Department of Administration.
[Ord. #89-3, S 1]
Unless otherwise provided by law and subject to the exceptions contained herein, any appointee to membership on any municipal board, committee, commission, or other municipal body shall be, at the time of appointment, and shall remain during the term of membership on any such body, a resident of the Borough of North Plainfield. Excepted from the residency requirement shall be the holder of any office, position, or employment within Borough government whose appointment to, and membership on any such body is conditioned upon the holding of the office, position, or employment.
Should the appointing authority determine that no resident possesses the necessary qualifications for appointment, or that special circumstances exist wherein the best interests of the public would be served by the appointment of a nonresident, the appointing authority may appoint a nonresident provided it shall have first filed a written certification with the Borough Clerk specifying the reasons requiring the appointment of a nonresident.
[Ord. #667, S 2.1; Ord. #667-L-87-4, S 1]
The Mayor shall be the chief executive and administrative officer of the Borough and shall function as prescribed by the Mayor-Council Plan E of the Optional Municipal Charter Law. In addition thereto, the Mayor shall:
Appoint all officers and employees for whose election or appointment no other provision is made by Charter or ordinance; and
Perform such other functions and exercise such other powers as are provided by statute or ordinance.
[Ord. #667, S 2.2; Ord. #96-29, S 1]
Whenever a vacancy exists in any office required by the Charter or Administrative Code to be filled by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council, and there is no holdover incumbent, the Mayor may temporarily fill the vacancy by appointing an acting officer. The appointee shall have all of the functions, powers and duties of the office until it shall be permanently filled. Any such appointment shall terminate not later than 120 days after the date of appointment. Should the vacancy continue after the expiration of 120 days, the vacancy may again be temporarily filled one or more times in like manner, provided, however, no person shall be eligible for a successive temporary appointment to the same office for 12 consecutive months.
[Added 12-12-2022 by Ord. No. 22-12; amended 2-13-2023 by Ord. No. 23-01]
There is established a salary for the office of Mayor of the Borough of North Plainfield. The salary of the Mayor of the Borough of North Plainfield shall be set forth in the ordinance adopted at the organizational meeting of the Council immediately after its organization in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:69A-180(c). The filing of the ordinance with the Borough Clerk shall be in lieu of codification of same.
Mayor Salary Range:
The starting salary shall be $12,000.00 annually until otherwise made and provided by the Council.
[Ord. #667, S 3.1]
The legislative power of the Borough shall be exercised by the Council. In addition thereto the Council shall possess powers and duties and shall perform such functions as are provided in the Charter and by general law.
[Ord. #667, S 3.2; Ord. #667-L-87-4; Ord. 93-02, S 1; Ord. #93-05, S 1; Ord. #96-26, § 1]
The biennial organization meeting in January shall be called to order by the Mayor; and after roll call and adoption of the rules of order, the first order of business shall be the election of President of the Council. Upon the election of the President of the Council he or she shall then preside at the Council meeting.
The regular meetings of the Council shall be held at such time and on such day as the Council shall, by resolution, designate in accordance with law, provided that when any such day falls upon a legal holiday or the day immediately preceding a primary or general election within the Borough, the meeting shall be held at the same hour on the next succeeding day that is not a legal holiday. The Council may provide by resolution in advance, for the scheduling of additional meetings, or the cancellation of any meetings. All meetings shall be held in the Municipal Building, unless the Council shall by resolution provide otherwise.
No person shall be permitted to carry any firearm, concealed or otherwise, in any public building during any public meeting of the Borough Council, its boards, bodies, commissions and/or agencies, except for any duly appointed law officer in the course of his or her official duties or carrying an authorized off-duty weapon.
[Added 9-12-2022 by Ord. No. 22-06]
[Ord. #667, S 3.3]
Call of Meeting. The Mayor shall call special meetings of the Council as provided by the Charter and in compliance with statute.
The call for a special meeting shall be in writing, shall designate the purpose for the meeting, and shall set forth the date, time and place for the holding of such special meeting.
The call for a special meeting shall be filed with the Borough Clerk, who shall endorse upon the call the date and time of filing.
The Clerk shall forthwith serve notice upon each Councilman by leaving a copy of the call at his respective place of residence and by telephone communication, if possible, at such place as each Councilman may in writing designate.
A Councilman may, in writing, waive any irregularities or deficiencies in the service of notice upon him of any special meeting.
[Ord. #667, S 3.4]
The Council shall, by resolution, provide for the scheduling of agenda conferences. Agenda conferences shall be utilized for the fixing of the agenda for the next regularly scheduled Council meeting and for the general discussion of matters then pending before the Council or proposed for Council action. No official action of the Council shall be taken at an agenda conference. The failure to consider any matter at an agenda conference shall not preclude action thereon by the Council at a regular or special meeting. To the extent practicable, the Borough Clerk shall provide each Councilman, the Mayor, Business Administrator, and Borough Attorney as far in advance of the agenda conference as time for preparation shall permit, with copies of all written materials bearing upon any matter to be considered by the Council at an agenda conference.
[Ord. #667, S 3.5; Ord. #667-L-87-4, S 3]
The business of the Council at each regular meeting shall be taken up for consideration in the following order:
Roll call.
Pledge of allegiance.
Members of public address Council.
Approval of minutes.
Awarding of contracts upon public bids.
Scheduled public hearings.
Unfinished business.
New business.
Reports of Boards, Committees, Departments and the Mayor.
Petitions, communications and general discussion.
Members of public address Council.
Comments by members of the Council and Mayor; the Mayor first, then members of the Council in alphabetical order with the President of the Council speaking last.
[Ord. #667, S 3.6; Ord. #667-L-87-4, S 4; Ord. 93-02, S 2; Ord. #96-26, § 2]
At the biennial organization meeting in January the Council shall elect, by a majority vote of all its members, one of them as President of the Council for a term of two years; and shall elect a Vice-President in the same manner for a like term.
The President of the Council shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the Council and at all agenda conferences.
He shall preserve order and decorum at all meetings of the Council.
He shall state every question coming before the Council.
He shall announce the decisions of the Council.
He shall decide all questions of order subject to appeal of the Council.
He shall appoint all special committees of the Council.
He shall sign all ordinances and resolutions adopted by the Council during his presence.
He shall fix priorities for the performance of duties by the Borough Clerk.
[Ord. #667, S 3.7]
The Council shall by Resolution adopt rules of order not inconsistent with the Charter or this Administrative Code. Any matter not covered by the Charter, this Administrative Code or the rules of order adopted by the Council shall be governed by the most recent revision of "Roberts' Rules of Order."
Whenever a roll call vote is necessary, the Council shall vote alphabetically with the presiding officer voting last.
[Ord. #667, S 3.8]
Standing Committees. There shall be no standing committee of the Council other than the committee of the whole. The President of the Council shall be the presiding officer of the committee of the whole, and the Rules of Order of the Council shall be observed in the committee of the whole as far as the same may be applicable.
Special Committees. The Council may by Resolution provide for the creation of special committees. Any such special committee shall be appointed by the President of the Council.
[Ord. #667, S 3.9]
Nominations submitted by the Mayor requiring the advice and consent of the Council will be considered at a regular Council meeting or at a special Council meeting called for that purpose. Any member of the Council may move the nomination.
With respect to appointments to be made by the Council, any member of the Council may nominate as many candidates as there are offices or positions to be filled. The Council shall consider the nominations at a regular Council meeting or at a special Council meeting called for that purpose. When there is a single office to be filled, the nominee receiving a majority shall be deemed appointed. When there is more than one office or position to be filled, such as on a board, committee, or commission, the same procedure shall be followed with respect to each such office or position separately until the total number of appointments to be made has been completed. In the discretion of the Chair, a group of nominations may be considered at one time when there is no apparent division in the Council as to the nominees included within the group.
[Ord. #667, S 3.10]
The Council shall cause an annual audit of the Borough's accounts and financial transactions to be made as required by law. The audit shall be made by a registered municipal accountant of New Jersey appointed by the Council.
[Ord. #667, 53.11]
Ordinances. All ordinances shall be reduced to written form and shall have been reviewed by the Borough Attorney prior to introduction.
Resolutions. All resolutions shall, if required by majority vote of the Council, be reduced to writing before final action is taken on any such resolution.
[Added 12-12-2022 by Ord. No. 22-12; amended 2-13-2023 by Ord. No. 23-01]
There is established a salary for the office of Council President of the Borough of North Plainfield, and for the Members of the Borough Council. The salary of the Council President and Council Members of the Borough of North Plainfield shall be set forth in the ordinance adopted at the organizational meeting of the Council immediately after its organization in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:69A-180(c). The filing of the ordinance with the Borough Clerk shall be in lieu of codification of same.
Council President Salary Range:
The starting salary shall be $7,200.00 annually until otherwise made and provided by the Council.
Council Member Salary Range:
The starting salary shall be $6,000.00 annually until otherwise made and provided by the Council.
[Ord. #667, S 4.1; amended 9-12-2022 by Ord. No. 22-08]
The Council shall appoint a Borough Clerk for a term of three years, who may be reappointed to the position by vote of the Council after having served as Borough Clerk for not less than three consecutive years immediately prior to such reappointment. The Council shall appoint a Deputy Borough Clerk to serve for a term of three years, who may be reappointed after having served as Deputy Borough Clerk for not less than three consecutive years immediately prior to such reappointment.
[Ord. #667, S 4.2]
The Borough Clerk, in addition to performing such duties and exercising such powers provided for by the Charter and general law, shall:
Have and take custody of all official books, papers and documents of the Borough for which no other repository is provided by statute, the Charter, or ordinance and preserve and keep them safely.
Provide secretarial and clerical services for the Councilmen in the discharge of their official duties.
Be the custodian of and cause the Municipal Seal to be affixed to instruments, documents and writings, when specifically authorized by law, or when necessary, to exemplify any document or record in his office, or to certify an act or paper which from the records of his office shall appear to be a true copy of any public record or proceeding.
Publish ordinances as required by law and file in his office the requisite proofs of publication.
Prepare and issue certificates, unless some other person be designated to do so, as to the approval of the subdivision of land pursuant to law. Prior to the issuance of a certificate, the status of the subdivision shall be ascertained from the records of the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment, Division of Engineering, and otherwise as well as from the records in the office of the Clerk.
Receive and process correspondence and other communications, including mail, addressed to the Council or addressed generally to the Borough.
Issue dog licenses pursuant to law.
[Ord. #667, S 5.1; Ord. #96-31, S 4; Ord. #02-04, S 1]
There shall be the following departments:
Department of Administration.
Department of Finance.
Department of Law.
Department of Public Works.
Department of Police.
Department of Fire Prevention and Protection.
[Ord. #667, S 5.2; Ord. #667B, S 1]
Each Department shall be headed by a Director, who shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council. Each Department Director shall serve during the term of office of the Mayor appointing him, and until the appointment and qualification of his successor. Department Directors shall, with the approval of the Mayor, appoint such subordinate officers and employees within their respective departments as shall be necessary for the proper and effective operation of the departments, within the limits of available appropriations for the department.
Each Department Director shall submit reports concerning the operation and functioning of his Department to the Business Administrator as shall be requested by the Business Administrator.
[Ord. #667, S 6.1]
Director. The Business Administrator shall be the Director of the Department of Administration.
Powers and Duties. The Business Administrator shall perform such duties and exercise such powers as are provided by statute, the Charter, this Administrative Code, and ordinance. In addition thereto, under the direction and supervision of the Mayor, he shall:
Serve as Chief of Staff to the Mayor;
Supervise the management, planning and operations of all boards, commissions and committees assigned to the Department of Administration;
Provide assistance to all Departments in matters of budgeting, personnel procedures and purchasing;
Prescribe and enforce rules and regulations for the efficient management of the municipal government not inconsistent with the Charter, this Administrative Code and general law.
Coordinate the operation and administration of the various departments, divisions, officers and agencies of the municipal government.
Assign and transfer employees temporarily from one department to another as efficient administration may require.
Editor's Note: Former Subsections 2-6.2, Office of Health and 2-6.3, Health Advisory Board, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ord. No. 667, 667-N-87-16, 91.04 were repealed in their entirety by Ord. No. 96-31.
[Ord. No. 667 § 6.4; Ord. No. 95-10 § 1; Ord. No. 2015-11]
Within the Department of Administration, there is hereby established a Parks and Recreation Department, which shall have control and supervision over all Borough parks and recreation facilities, programs and activities, under the guidance of the Borough Administrator.
Positions. The following positions in the Parks and Recreation Department are authorized: Parks and Recreation Director and such other personnel as are deemed necessary by the Mayor or designee for the proper functioning of the Department.
Parks and Recreation Director.
The Parks and Recreation Director shall have responsibility for the overall supervision of the Parks and Recreation Department and Parks and Recreation Committee. The Parks and Recreation Director shall direct and supervise all employees assigned to the Parks and Recreation Department and shall have the authority and responsibility for assignment of all work functions to employees within the Department. The Parks and Recreation Director shall report to the Borough Administrator. The Parks and Recreation Director, in his/her absences or unavailability, with approval of the Borough Administrator, may designate a person to serve in his/her absence or unavailability on a short-term basis.
The Parks and Recreation Director shall be appointed by the Mayor, who may consult with the Borough Administrator and/or others before making the appointment. The Director shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and may be removed by the Mayor with or without cause upon written notice. The Director shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed by the Administration.
Duties of the Parks and Recreation Director.
Perform the administrative work involved in the operation of the Department, the Parks and Recreation Committee and the Borough's recreational activities, programs, functions and facilities.
Report at least quarterly to the Borough Administrator on the activities and programs of the Director, the Department and the Committee.
Plan, publicize and organize recreational programs within the Borough and administer the recreational program on behalf of and for the benefit of the residents of the Borough of North Plainfield.
Schedule all parks, fields, gyms and other facilities for the benefit of the Borough's recreation programs and administer the adult athletic program, the summer recreation program, youth athletic program, and special events, and all other appropriate recreational programs.
Guide and direct the leaders of all sports organizations and programs, including all coaches and site supervisors.
Attend meetings of the Parks and Recreation Committee and give reports on recreation matters and provide such other support as appropriate.
Coordinate and process all criminal history background checks and forms for any prospective or current employee or volunteer with the State of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 15A:3A-1 et seq. and any regulations promulgated thereunder and in accordance with Borough Code § 2-41.
Serve as a "clearinghouse" for any information received and shall disseminate such information to the requesting organization as expeditiously as possible and shall maintain strict confidentiality relative to the receipt and dissemination of all information.
Perform any and all other powers and duties as necessary to carry out his/her job functions as assigned by the Mayor and/or Borough Administrator.
The Parks and Recreation Director shall be responsible for the receipt of all monies for recreation programs in accordance with established Borough procedures. All monies received by the Director shall be paid over to the Borough's Chief Financial Officer or designee, who shall maintain such monies in a special fund in accordance with law, which fund may be used only for the purpose of defraying the expenses of recreation programs and special events established by the Director and the Parks and Recreation Committee, including the costs of improving, maintaining or policing the parks, playgrounds or other recreational areas under the jurisdiction of the Department.
All requests for expenditures shall be required to be submitted by the Parks and Recreation Director to the Borough Administrator, who shall have the authority to approve, modify or deny expenditures requested from the special fund, in consultation with the Mayor.
Recreation Program Fees.
The Parks and Recreation Director or his/her designee shall establish and collect fees from individuals for participation in programs and activities administered by the Department. The establishment of every such fee shall be reported to the Borough Administrator at least 10 calendar days before it becomes effective.
[Ord. No. 667 § 6.5; amended by Ord. No. 95-10 § 2; Ord. No. 2015-11; Ord. No. 2018-02; 4-22-2024 by Ord. No. 24-07; 6-24-2024 by Ord. No. 24-14]
There is hereby established a Parks and Recreation Committee.
Membership. The Parks and Recreation Committee shall consist of five (5) voting members, who shall be residents of the Borough and who shall be appointed by the Mayor, which appointments do not require the consent of the Borough Council. The members of the Parks and Recreation Committee shall not receive compensation for their services. Each member of the Parks and Recreation Committee shall, before assuming office, take and subscribe an oath that he or she will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the appointment.
Counsel Liaison. The Borough Council shall appoint one of its members to be a liaison to the Parks and Recreation Committee for a term of one year beginning on January 1 and terminating on December 31 of each year. The Council Liaison shall not be a voting member of the Parks and Recreation Committee.
Terms of Office; Vacancies.
Two (2) members of the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years; two (2) members of the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years; and one (1) member of the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be appointed for a term of one (1) year.
Thereafter, all appointments shall be for a term of three years, and members shall serve until their respective successors shall be qualified and appointed. Vacancies in the membership of the Parks and Recreation Committee, occurring for whatever cause, shall be filled by the Mayor, without the consent of the Borough Council, for the unexpired term only.
Organizational Matters.
The Parks and Recreation Committee shall not be deemed to be a recreation commission pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:12-1 et seq. or N.J.S.A. 40:61-17 et seq., and shall have only those powers and duties as specifically set forth herein or as established by ordinance adopted by the Borough Council.
The Parks and Recreation Committee shall have no spending and/or financial authority and no hiring authority.
Meetings. The Parks and Recreation Committee shall, at its first meeting each year, set a schedule for the holding of open public meetings and shall annually elect from its membership a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary. The Secretary shall arrange for the publication of the schedule of meetings with the Borough Clerk, keep minutes of all meetings and official correspondence and keep complete and detailed records of the Parks and Recreation Committee's activities. The Secretary shall submit a copy of the minutes to the Borough Clerk for public record as soon as they are approved by the Parks and Recreation Committee.
Schedule. The Parks and Recreation Committee shall hold periodic public meetings at a time and day determined at the beginning of each year. These meetings shall take place at Borough Hall or at such other suitable public place as it may determine upon notice to the Borough Clerk and to the public. Additional meetings may be called by the Chair at any time, upon written notice to the Borough Clerk, Mayor and to the public.
Quorum. A majority of the membership [three (3) members] shall constitute a quorum.
Adoption of By-Laws. The Parks and Recreation Committee may adopt its own by-laws for conducting its meetings, a copy of which shall be provided to the Borough Administrator before adoption.
Powers and Duties. The Parks and Recreation Committee shall perform the following functions:
Study and determine the extent to which existing recreation programs are adequately serving the recreation needs of all residents of the Borough.
Determine the need for additional recreation activities and advise and assist in the development of new and innovative recreation programs.
Assist the Parks and Recreation Director in the formulation of appropriate proposals for the funding of all parks and recreation programs in the Borough.
Study and analyze trends in parks and recreation activities and provide appropriate information to assist in planning for increases or decreases in participation in various parks and recreation programs.
Assist in disseminating information about Borough recreation programs.
Assist in conducting parks and recreation program registrations.
Report all of its activities and findings to the Parks and Recreation Director on a consistent basis.
Have such other duties and responsibilities as are consistent with advising and assisting the Parks and Recreation Director in helping to carry out an effective system of parks and recreation programs and activities for the Borough.
Assist in the planning of recreational special events, as well as attend and participate in them. Each special event will have a designated chairperson, who shall be a member of the Parks and Recreation Committee. The chairperson will work with the Parks and Recreation Director or his/her designee in the planning and organization of the special event.
Plan and organize the development and improvement of all parks and playgrounds, within the Borough, including maintenance where applicable.
Propose methods for safety and security in the Borough parks and playgrounds and the improvement of safety and security therein.
Recommend to the Parks and Recreation Director, for his/her consideration, rules and/or regulations for the use of parks and playgrounds in the Borough.
Plan and, where applicable, organize, supervise and control, a comprehensive program of activities for the Borough residents within the Borough parks, subject to the availability of funding from the Borough.
[Ord. #667, S 6.6]
Within the Department of Administration, there shall be an Environmental Commission, which shall perform those functions as set forth in existing statute and as provided by general law. The Environmental Commission shall consist of six members appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council. Each member shall serve for a term of three years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. One member of the Environmental Commission shall be a member of the Planning Board.
[Ord. #667, S 6.7; Ord. #667A, S 1; Ord. #667F-83-2, S 1]
Within the Department of Administration there shall be a Rent Stabilization Board to perform those functions as set forth by existing ordinance. The Rent Stabilization Board shall consist of seven members who shall be residents of the Borough appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council. Each member shall serve for a term of three years and until his successor is appointed and qualified.
The Mayor may appoint with the advice and consent of the Council, two alternate members who shall be residents of the Borough, to be designated as 'Alternate No. 1' and 'Alternate No. 2'. Each alternate member shall serve for a term of two years and until his successor is appointed and qualified.
Alternate members may participate in discussions of the proceedings but may not vote except in the absence or disqualification of a regular member. A vote shall not be delayed in order that a regular member may vote instead of an alternate member. In the event that a choice must be made as to which alternate member is to vote, Alternate No. 1 shall vote.
[Ord. #667, S 6.8; Ord. #676, S 1; Ord. #95-10, S 3]
The Green Acres Commission is hereby abolished.
[Ord. #667, S 6.10; Ord. #95-24, S 1; Ord. #06-07]
Within the Department of Administration, there shall be an Economic Development Committee. Said Committee shall consist of nine members. Eight members which shall be residents/taxpayers/citizens of the Borough of North Plainfield. One member shall be a member of the Borough Council. Each citizen/resident/taxpayer member shall be appointed by the Mayor. Each citizen/resident/taxpayer shall serve for a term of two years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. The Council member shall be appointed by the Borough Council for a one year term. Any appointee appointed for an unexpired term shall be appointed for the remainder of the unexpired term.
The members of the Economic Development Committee shall organize annually by selecting a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. The Committee shall meet regularly at least once a month and at such other times as the Chair shall direct. Five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum to conduct any business which may properly come before it.
The Economic Development Committee shall study and report to the Council concerning the present economic status of the private business sector within the community and make recommendations for governmental action designed to improve that status.
[Ord. #664, S 6.11; Ord. #96-31, S 3]
The following bodies: Municipal Court and Local Assistance Board are assigned to the Department of Administration for administrative purposes and applicable statutes shall continue to function in accordance with ordinances.
[Ord. #667, S 6.12; Ord. #667G-85-5, S 1; Ord. #90-07, S 1]
Within the Department of Administration there shall be a Cultural Arts Committee to perform those functions as shall be appropriate to promote an appreciation of the arts within the Borough. The Cultural Arts Committee shall consist of six members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council, and one member to be appointed by the Board of Education. Each member appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council shall serve for a term of three years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. The member appointed by the Board of Education shall serve for a term of one year and until his successor is appointed and qualified. The President of the Council shall annually appoint a Council member as liaison to the Cultural Arts Committee.
[Ord. #667i-85-8]
Within the Department of Administration there shall be a Library Advisory Committee to act as liaison between the Borough of North Plainfield and the Somerset County Library Board and to perform such other functions as shall from time to time be appropriate for the continuation of a public library within the Borough of North Plainfield. The Library Advisory Committee shall consist of the Mayor or his designee, the Borough's Superintendent of Schools or his designee, one member of the Council to be appointed by the Council for a term of one year, and six members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council. Each member appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council shall serve for a term of three years and until his successor is appointed and qualified; except that, of those six first appointed, two members shall serve for three years, two members shall serve for two years, and two members shall serve for one year.
[Ord. #667, S 6.14; Ord. #667-J-85-21, S 1; Ord. #667-K-86-32, S 1; Ord. No. 2018-04]
Within the Department of Administration there shall be a Youth Services Commission ("YSC") to encourage, coordinate, and integrate existing services for youth at-risk of or already involved in the juvenile justice system by determining the needs of at-risk youth in the community developing and proposing new and innovative programs to meet the identified needs; and informing the public of the nature and extent of juvenile problems and the availability of services to meet those needs. The Youth Services Commission may include, but shall not be limited to, members of the following groups that are appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Borough Council:
Chief of Police;
Superintendent of Schools;
Student assistance coordinator or other student support services staff member;
Juvenile officer or Community Policing officer;
A representative of the Parent-Teacher Association or Parent Teacher Organization or other home-school association;
Parents and/or guardians;
A representative of the Chamber of Commerce or Local Business;
Representatives of local civic or volunteer groups;
Representatives of local faith-based organizations;
Private citizens with interest in or experience in issues concerning alcohol or drug abuse, addiction or juvenile delinquency;
Youth representatives;
School staff;
Individuals who have been affected by alcoholism and/or drug abuse, including but not limited to individuals who have been directly affected by their own, or a family member's abuse or addictions;
Health and Human Service Agencies/Professionals;
Representatives of the local communications media or public relations;
Representatives of public and private organizations involved in the prevention or treatment of alcoholism and drug abuse and/or the Regional Coalition.
Liaison from Borough Council.
Ten Youth Services Commission members shall be appointed. The three permanent members shall be the Mayor, the Chief of Police; and, the Superintendent of Schools. Seven non-permanent members will be appointed from the other listed groups and will be voting members. Each member appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council shall serve for a term of three years and until his or her successor is appointed and qualified. The membership year for non-permanent members shall extend from January 1 through December 31 of each year. Subsequent appointments will be made at the January reorganization meeting of the Borough Council for a period of three years. Appointments may be made throughout the year to fill vacancies as needed. Members of the Youth Services Commission will be dually appointed to the Municipal Alliance Committee.
[Ord. #90-03, S 1; Ord. #90-20, S 2; Ord. #93-07, S 1; Ord. No. 2018-03]
Within the Department of Administration there shall be a Municipal Alliance Committee ("MAC") created pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:2BB-9 to provide consultation, programs, training, and resources to members of the North Plainfield community with the goal of preventing and reducing the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. The Municipal Alliance Committee may include, but shall not be limited to, members of the following groups that are appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council:
The Mayor;
The Chief of Police;
The Superintendent of Schools;
A student assistance coordinator or other student support services staff member;
A juvenile officer or community policing officer;
A representative of the Parent-Teacher Association/Parent-Teacher Organization or other home-school association;
Parents and/or guardians;
A representative of the Chamber of Commerce or a local business;
Representatives of local civic or volunteer groups;
Representatives of local faith-based organizations;
Private citizens with interest in or experience in issues concerning alcohol or drug abuse, addiction or juvenile delinquency;
Youth representatives;
School staff;
Individuals who have been affected by alcoholism and/or drug abuse, including but not limited to individuals who have been directly affected by their own, or a family member's abuse or addictions;
Health and Human Service Agencies/Professionals;
Representatives of the local communications media or public relations;
Representatives of public and private organizations involved in the prevention or treatment of alcoholism and drug abuse and/or the Regional Coalition;
A Liaison from Board of Health.
Ten Municipal Alliance Committee members will be appointed. The three permanent members shall be the Mayor, the Chief of Police; and the Superintendent of Schools. Seven non-permanent members will be appointed from amongst the other listed groups and will be voting members. Each member appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council shall serve for a term of three years and until his or her successor is appointed and qualified. At a minimum, 50% of the non-permanent members must reside in the Borough. The membership year for non-permanent members shall extend from January 1 through December 31 of each year. Subsequent appointments will be made at the January reorganization meeting of the Borough Council for a period of three years. Appointments may be made throughout the year to fill vacancies as needed. Members of the Municipal Alliance Committee will be dually appointed to the Youth Services Commission.
[Ord. #96-32, § 2]
Within the Department of Administration there shall be a Tobacco Prevention Advisory Committee to educate the public, and particularly businesses and minors, with regard to the dangers of tobacco use. The Tobacco Prevention Advisory Committee shall convene at least twice during each calendar year, shall study the issue of tobacco use and shall report to the Council regarding recommendations for legislation and other appropriate governmental action.
The Tobacco Prevention Advisory Committee shall consist of the Mayor, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Health Officer, Borough Superintendent of Schools, one Council member to be appointed by the Council for a term of one year, one representative of the Borough's school system to be appointed by the Board of Education for a term of one year, three persons appointed by the Borough Council and three persons appointed by the Mayor.
Each member appointed by the Mayor shall serve for a term of three years and until his or her successor is appointed and qualified; except that, of those three first appointed, one shall serve for a term of one year, one shall serve for a term of two years and one shall serve for a term of three years.
Each member appointed by the Council shall serve for a term of three years and until his or her successor is appointed and qualified; except that, of those three first appointed, one shall serve for a term of one year, one shall serve for a term of two years and one shall serve for a term of three years.
[Ord. #667, S 7.1; Ord. #89-17, S 1]
Within the Department of Finance and subject to the administrative supervision of the Director, there shall be a Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer, all of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council, to serve for a term of one year or such other term as may be established by statute. An appointee to any such office shall have such qualifications and credentials as shall be required by law.
[Ord. #667, S 7.2]
The Director shall be responsible for establishing and supervising all financial systems, supervising the assessment of properties, collection of revenues, disbursement of municipal funds and reconciliation of bank accounts.
[Ord. #667, S 7-3]
Within the Department of Finance there shall be a Division of Accounts, Finance Control and Revenue, which shall perform the following duties:
Maintain the central accounts and financial records of the Borough;
Control all expenditures within the limits of appropriations, through an encumbrance system of budget operation;
Pre-audit bills and claims and certify same on the vouchers presented;
Prepare warrant checks;
Prepare payrolls;
Administer all matters relating to the financial status, rights and benefits of employees of the Borough under the Employees' Benefit and Welfare programs;
Prescribe and approve all financial systems and procedures and install uniform charts of accounts;
Make revenue and expenditure estimates for the Mayor and Business Administrator;
Have the safekeeping and custody of all municipal securities, investments and bonds of the Borough;
Invest and re-invest surplus or idle funds of the Borough;
Serve as "certifying agent" for the New Jersey Public Employees Retirement System or similar pension and benefit plans with respect to municipal employees;
Promptly pay interest and principal on municipal obligations as they fall due;
Receive funds entrusted to or under the control of any department, and deposit all funds received by it in depositories authorized by the Council;
Advise and report on all insurance matters upon or with respect to risks insured for the benefit of the Borough, or to protect it against any claims, demand, or liability whatsoever;
Perform the functions of a Collector of Taxes under general law, including without limitation thereto; rendering bills of property taxes pursuant to law, enforcement of tax collections by tax sales and otherwise, and the maintenance of tax accounting records in such manner as may be prescribed or approved pursuant to ordinance or statute;
Receive and collect all current and delinquent real and personal property taxes and municipal fees and charges, and receive penalties and interest pursuant to law;
Make and certify searches for tax and other liens on real property as may be authorized by law, and charge and collect for the use of the Borough the fee required pursuant to law for any such search;
Receive and collect all current and delinquent sewer charges, including penalties;
Manage and control all tax foreclosed property acquired by the Borough;
Receive, note and transfer to the Treasurer any funds or fees collected or received by any employee for the benefit of the Borough.
[Ord. #667, S 7.4]
Within the Department of Finance there shall be a Division of Assessment, the head of which shall be the Borough Assessor.
The Division of Assessment shall have, perform and discharge all the functions, powers and duties prescribed by law for a Municipal Assessor.
[Ord. #667, S 7.5]
Encumbrance. Prior to any commitment for the expenditure of municipal funds, the Department Director having control thereof shall, in writing, on forms prescribed by the Business Administrator, notify the Treasurer of the amount proposed for expenditure and the account to which the expenditure is to be charged. The Treasurer shall, if sufficient funds are available in the account, immediately encumber the funds and certify in writing to the Department Director that the funds have been encumbered and that the commitment for expenditure may be made. In the event sufficient funds are not available in the account, the Treasurer shall so notify the Department Director and no commitment for the expenditure of funds as proposed shall be made. The encumbrance shall be removed only upon a certification by the concerned Department Director that the obligation of the Borough for payment of the funds has been satisfied.
Bills and Claims. Bills, claims and demands against the Borough shall be deemed approved or disapproved in accordance with the procedure prescribed by this subsection. A voucher on a form prescribed by the Business Administrator shall be presented for each bill, claim or demand and shall be paid by warrant, check or draft signed by the Mayor or, in his absence, the Administrator, and countersigned by the Treasurer or, in his absence, the Assistant Treasurer, except that payroll checks may be signed by the Treasurer or, in his absence, the Assistant Treasurer, upon certification of the Administrator of the total payroll. Vouchers shall be signed by the person claiming or demanding payment from the Borough, and shall contain a certification by the Department Director having control thereof that the goods or services for which payment is claimed or demanded have been received by the Borough, and shall be countersigned by the Treasurer certifying that a pre-audit of the claim and demand has been made and that sufficient funds are available for the payment of the claim or demand, and by the Business Administrator certifying the regularity of the claim or demand.
Report to Council. The Treasurer shall prepare a list of all disbursements and submit same monthly for Council review. Such list shall be prepared in sufficient quantity for each member of the Council, the Mayor, and the Business Administrator, and at least one copy shall be filed with the Borough Clerk as a public record open to examination in his office.
Signatures. The signature of the Mayor or Business Administrator and Treasurer may be inscribed mechanically on a check, warrant or draft.
[Ord. #667, S 7.6]
The Borough Clerk shall pursuant to law, make and issue official certificates of searches for municipal improvements authorized by ordinance but not yet assessed, and he shall receive and remit to the Collector of Revenue for each certificate issued by him, the fee provided by law.
[Ord. #11-06]
There is hereby created the position of Purchasing Agent for the Borough of North Plainfield.
The Purchasing Agent shall be appointed by the Mayor.
The Purchasing Agent shall possess a valid Qualified Purchasing Agent certificate, as issued by the New Jersey Division of Local Government Services, Department of Community Affairs.
The Purchasing Agent shall have, on behalf of the Borough Council of the Borough of North Plainfield, the following duties and perform the following functions:
Authority, responsibility and accountability for purchasing activity pursuant to the Local Public Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.;
Prepare public advertising for and receive bids and requests for proposals for the provision or performance of goods, services and construction contracts;
Award contracts pursuant to New Jersey law in accordance with the regulations, forms and procedures promulgated by state regulatory agencies; and,
Conduct any other activities as may be necessary or appropriate to the purchasing function of the Borough of North Plainfield.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-3(a) and any amendments thereto and/or other laws, rules or regulations enacted pursuant thereto, the bid threshold for which public advertising for bids shall be required to be $36,000.
[Ord. #667, S 8.1; Ord. #667-L-87-4, S 5]
The Director of the Department of Law shall be an attorney of the State of New Jersey who shall also serve as Borough Attorney. The Director shall not be a full-time employee of the Borough and shall receive a salary or retainer plus such fees as are authorized by the Council and by the Mayor.
[Ord. #667, S 8.2; Ord. #667-L-87-4, S 6]
The Department of Law shall:
Provide legal advice and assistance to the Mayor and Council and to all departments, boards and bodies, except where prohibited by law, and prosecute and defend actions and proceedings by and against the Borough.
Draft ordinances and resolutions and advise as to their form and sufficiency.
Review and approve all contracts, deeds, documents and instruments.
Conduct appeals from orders, decisions or judgments affecting any interest of the Borough as directed by the Mayor or Council.
Subject to the approval of the Mayor or the Council, the Borough Attorney or such other attorney acting pursuant to the provisions of this Administrative Code shall have the power to enter into any agreement, compromise or settlement of any litigation in which the Borough is involved, provided, however, this subsection shall not limit or abridge the discretion of such attorney handling the matter in regard to the proper conduct of any trial, action or proceeding or deprive him of the powers and privileges ordinarily exercised in judicial proceedings by counsel acting for private clients.
Maintain a record of all actions, suits, proceedings and matters in judicial litigation or arbitration which relate to the Borough's interest, and submit written monthly reports of same to the Council; and submit written reports to the Council of any new litigation or arbitration concerning the Borough at the next Council meeting immediately following service of process.
Have such other and different functions, powers and duties as may be provided by general law or ordinance.
[Ord. #667, S 8.3]
Whenever the interest of the Borough so requires, the Director of the Department of Law, with the approval of the Mayor and within the limits of available appropriations, may appoint special counsel to assist in the preparation, trial, argument and processing of such legal matters or proceedings as he may determine. If the Director of the Department of Law shall be disqualified with respect to any matter, the Mayor may appoint special counsel with the approval of the Council to represent the Borough for and with respect to such matter.
[Ord. #667, S 8.4]
The Director of the Department of Law with the approval of the Mayor shall appoint an attorney of the State of New Jersey to prosecute crimes and offenses within the jurisdiction of the Municipal Court of the Borough, provided, however, such Prosecutor shall not be responsible for the prosecution of such crimes and offenses as are required by law to be prosecuted by the County Prosecutor, and provided further that such Prosecutor, unless directed by the Judge of the North Plainfield Municipal Court shall not be responsible for the prosecution of complaints signed by private citizens. The Prosecutor shall also prosecute all appeals from judgments of the Municipal Court of the Borough upon complaints prosecuted by him in the Municipal Court unless same are to be prosecuted on appeal by the County Prosecutor.
[Ord. #667, S 8.5; Ord. #667-L-87-4, S 7]
Any Borough agency which is required by law to have legal counsel independent of the municipality shall, within the limits of available appropriations, appoint independent legal counsel of the agency's choosing to represent it. If the Department of Law shall be disqualified from representing any Borough agency with respect to any matter, the Director of the department to which the agency is assigned shall, within the limits of available appropriations, appoint legal counsel to represent the agency for and with respect to that matter.
[Ord. #97-11]
The Mayor, with advice and consent of the Council, shall appoint an attorney of the State of New Jersey to serve as Municipal Public Defender who shall represent an indigent defendant(s), as determined by the Municipal Court charged in the Borough's Municipal Court with an offense, as specified in N.J.S.A. 2B:12—18, or, if in the opinion of the Municipal Court, there is a likelihood that the defendant, if convicted of any other offense, will be subject to imprisonment or other consequence of magnitude. The term of appointment shall be one year from the date of appointment and may continue to serve in office pending reappointment or appointment of a successor. The Municipal Public Defender shall be compensated on a per session basis in an amount not to exceed that set forth in the employment contract between the Borough and the Municipal Public Defender. The Municipal Public Defender shall be responsible for handling all phases of the defense, including, but not limited to, discovery, pretrial trial and post-trial hearings, motions, removals to federal district court and other collateral functions, reasonably related to the defense of the indigent defendant. However, the Borough shall not be required to pay for expert and/or lay investigation or testimony for a period of one year after March 22, 1998 (the effective date of P.L. 1997, c. 256).
The eligibility for services of the Municipal Public Defender shall be determined by the Municipal Court on the basis of the need of the defendant, except as noted below. Need shall be measured pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2A:158A-14 and guidelines promulgated by the New Jersey Supreme Court. In the event that the eligibility determination cannot be made before services are first needed to be rendered or the initial determination is erroneous, such appointment of a Municipal Public Defender shall be provisional and if such appointment is found to be incorrect, defendant shall be obliged to engage his/her own counsel and reimburse the Borough for the cost of services rendered. The Municipal Court shall make an investigation of the financial status of each defendant seeking representation of a Municipal Public Defender and shall have the authority to require a defendant to execute and deliver written requests or authorizations required by applicable law to provide the court with access to records of public or private sources, otherwise confidential, as may be of aid in evaluating eligibility. However, whenever a person entitled to representation of a Municipal Public Defender is under 18 years of age, the eligibility for services shall be determined based on the financial circumstances of the individual's parents or legal guardians and the Borough may recover legal services costs from the parents or legal guardians as set forth below and require documents as set forth above to determine eligibility. If any defendant has or reasonably expects to have means to meet some part, though not all, of the cost of the services rendered, the defendant shall be required to reimburse the Borough, either by a single payment or in installments in such amounts as he can reasonably be expected to pay, but no default or failure in making payment shall affect or reduce the rendering of services.
If it is subsequently determined that a defendant improperly obtained the services of a Public Defender due to a determination that he was not indigent or otherwise not entitled to this service, the Borough shall have a lien on any property to which the defendant shall have or acquire an interest for an amount equal to the reasonable value of the services rendered to a defendant as calculated at the same rate as the State Office of Public Defender bills clients at that time. The Borough Attorney shall be authorized to file liens or take any other actions necessary to collect such liens or any other monies due to the Borough by way of reimbursement for services rendered by a Municipal Public Defender.
The Borough requires a person applying for representation by a Municipal Public Defender or court approved counsel to pay an application fee of $200, which is necessary to pay the costs of Municipal Public Defender services. In accordance with guidelines promulgated by the New Jersey Supreme Court, the Municipal Court may waive said application fee, in whole or in part, only if the court determines, in its discretion, upon a clear and convincing showing by the applicant that the application fee represents an unreasonable burden on the person seeking representation. The Municipal Court may permit a person to pay the application fee over a specific period not to exceed four months. Funds collected herein shall be deposited in a dedicated fund administered by the Borough's Chief Financial Officer. Such funds shall be used exclusively to meet the costs incurred in providing the services of a Municipal Public Defender, including when required, expert and lay investigation and testimony. Fees collected which exceed by more than 25% the amount which the Borough expended during the prior year providing the services of a Municipal Public Defender, beginning in 1999, shall be forwarded to the State agency designated pursuant to law. This subsection shall take effect on December 22, 1997.
[Ord. #667, S 9.1]
Within the Department of Public Works, there shall be a Division of Engineering. Under the supervision and direction of the Director of the Department of Public Works, the Division shall:
Provide all staff engineering required by the Department with the assistance of such consultants as may be authorized.
Prepare, maintain and preserve maps, charts and records of roads, utilities, public buildings and structures and all public facilities owned or operated by the Borough, and political maps as required.
Prepare, review and approve specifications for public works contracts; supervise and inspect the execution of contracts and certify satisfactory completion of work to authorize progress payments pursuant to contract.
Examine proposed preliminary and final subdivision plats, review them for conformity with the municipal subdivision ordinance and other land use requirements and advise the appropriate municipal body as to such matters, and inspect and approve all installations made in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate municipal body prior to the acceptance of any street or the release of any security related to subdivision approval. The Division shall review any subdivision application which has been submitted to an appropriate body and shall submit its findings and recommendation thereto.
Maintain the tax map for the Division of Assessment in a current status.
Inspect and control the maintenance of all municipal buildings, grounds and structures used for municipal purposes and establish uniform standards for the protection and preservation of such public property.
Perform such additional functions as are required by general law of a Borough Engineer.
[Ord. #667, S 9.2]
Within the Department of Public Works, there shall be a Division of Municipal Facilities. Under the supervision and direction of the Director, the Division shall:
Maintain, repair, construct and reconstruct all municipal facilities including streets, roads, culverts, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, parks, public lands and public buildings.
Clear and remove snow and ice from the streets and provide such other and additional services as may be required in the interest of public safety.
Editor's Note: Former Subsections 2-9.3, Division of Inspection, 2-9.4, Division of Construction and 2-9.5, Property Maintenance Committee, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ord. No. 667, were repealed in their entirety by Ord. No. 96-31.
Editor's Note: For additional provisions pertaining to the Police Department, see Article III, § 2-21, of this chapter.
[Ord. #667, S 10.1; Ord. #667D, S 1]
The Director of the Department of Police shall exercise such authority as is conferred upon him by law and ordinance.
[Ord. #667, S 10.2]
Under the direction and supervision of the Director, the Department of Police shall be organized in such manner as may have heretofore been authorized by the Borough or may be hereafter authorized by the Council.
[Ord. #667, S 10.3]
All subordinate officers and employees shall be appointed by the Director with the approval of the Mayor with the exception of special police, who shall be appointed in the manner provided by statute.
For additional provisions governing the Department of Fire Prevention, see Article III, § 2-22 of this chapter.
[Ord. #667, S 11.1; Ord. #667C, S 1; Ord. #667-M-87-5, S 1]
The Director of the Department of Fire Prevention and Protection shall exercise such authority as is conferred upon him by law and ordinance. The Director shall not be a full-time employee of the Borough.
[Ord. #667, S 11.2]
Under the direction and supervision of the Director, the Department of Fire Prevention and Protection shall be organized in such manner as may have heretofore been authorized by the Borough or may be hereafter authorized by the Council.
[Ord. #667, A 12]
The Director shall appoint subordinate officers and employees with the approval of the Mayor. (Ord. #667, S 11.3)
[Ord. #667, A 12]
The Business Administrator shall establish procedures for the preparation of budgets and where practicable for the maintenance of a system of work programs and quarterly allotments for the operation of the budget. The Business Administrator shall establish procedures for a purchasing system for the borough. Such procedures shall be submitted to the Council and when approved by resolution of the Council, all departments shall conform to the procedures so established.
[Ord. #667, S 13.1]
As soon as practicable the Mayor shall transmit to the Council an appropriate resolution in the form required by the State of New Jersey to make such correction of the title, text or amount of any item of appropriation appearing in the temporary budget for 1977 as adopted as may be necessary to make any or all such items of appropriation conform with the organization of municipal government and the allocation of functions, powers and duties prescribed by or pursuant to the Administrative Code.
[Ord. #667, S 13.2]
On the effective date of this article, the functions, powers and duties of the personnel engaged therein and all records and property of the Borough relating thereto, except as otherwise specifically provided by this Administrative Code, are transferred to the respective departments, offices and agencies to which they are allocated and assigned by this Administrative Code.
Editor's Note: Former § 2-14, Department of Health, Housing and Property, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ord. No. 96-31, was repealed in its entirety by Ord. No. 02-04. See Subsection 2-16.18 for Division of Health, Housing and Property.
[Ord. #00-09, S 1]
A Length of Service Awards Program (LOSAP) is herewith created in accordance with Chapter 388 of the Public Laws of 1997, to reward members of the volunteer firefighting and first aid organization of the Borough of North Plainfield for their loyal, diligent, and devoted services to the residents of the Borough of North Plainfield.
[Ord. #00-09, S 2]
The LOSAP shall provide for fixed annual contributions to a deferred income account for each volunteer member that meets the criteria set forth below. Such contributions shall be made in accordance with a plan that shall be established by the Borough of North Plainfield pursuant to P.L. 1997, c. 388. Such plan shall be administered in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey, the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and this Code.
[Ord. No. 00-09, S 3]
The LOSAP shall provide for annual contributions to each eligible member that meets the criteria below. In order to be eligible for such contribution, one must accumulate 25 points per calendar year. The attainment of the 25 points for responding to the minimum number of calls shall be calculated as follows:
Fire Calls
Total number of calls volunteer fire company responds to annually other than emergency rescue and first aid calls (ambulance calls)
1,501 & up
Minimum number of calls volunteer firefighters must respond to annually in order to receive 25 points credit
First Aid Calls
Total number of calls voluntary emergency rescue and first aid squad (ambulance) responds to annually
1,501 & up
Minimum number of calls volunteer emergency rescue and first aid squad members must respond to annually in order to receive 25 points credit
[Ord. #00-09, S4]
The estimated cost of the program has been calculated to be $600 per volunteer per year for an estimated annual cost of $23,400.
[Ord. No. 00-09, S 5]
Each active volunteer member that meets the criteria below shall be credited with points for volunteer services provided to the volunteer fire company/first aid organization. In order to be eligible for such contribution, one must accumulate 25 points per calendar year. The attainment of the 25 points for responding to the minimum number of calls shall be calculated as follows:
Fire Calls
Total number of calls volunteer fire company responds to annually other than emergency rescue and first aid calls (ambulance calls)
1,501 & up
Minimum number of calls volunteer firefighters must respond to annually in order to receive 25 points credit
First Aid Calls
Total number of calls voluntary emergency rescue and first aid squad (ambulance) responds to annually
1,501 & up
Minimum number of calls volunteer emergency rescue and first aid squad members must respond to annually in order to receive 25 points credit
[Ord. #00-09, S6]
This section shall not take effect unless it is approved by the voters as a public question at the next general election.[1]
Editor's Note: This section was approved by the voters in the General Election of November 7, 2000.
[Ord. #02-04, S 2; Ord. #08-07]
Within the Department of Administration and subject to the direction of the Business Administrator, there shall be a Division of Health, Housing and Property, all employees under such shall serve at the pleasure of the Business Administrator. All appointees to this Division shall have such qualifications and credentials as shall be required by law/statute.
Division of Health. Within the Division, there shall be a Division of Health, which shall have and exercise all regulatory and appointive powers of a local Board of Health, though the Council shall still serve, where applicable, as the local Board of Health. The Division shall also:
Administer and enforce the local health ordinances through the Public Officer, Health Officer or Code Enforcement Officer or their respective designees;
[Amended 9-12-2022 by Ord. No. 22-07]
Maintain and administer records of vital statistics, including births, deaths and marriages in accordance with State law and issue marriage licenses pursuant to law;
Plan and administer a comprehensive public health program, including without limitation thereto, environmental sanitation, communicable disease control, child and adult health education, laboratory services and any other services/activities which may be authorized or required by the New Jersey State Department of Health or other competent authority.
Division of Housing. Within the Division there shall be a Division of Housing, which shall contain the following:
Office of Inspection. The Office of Inspection shall, by and through the Zoning Officer, Public Officer, Health Officer or Code Enforcement Officer or their respective designees, inspect to insure compliance with and enforce all land use ordinances and regulations, inspect to compliance with and enforce, to the extent permitted by law, any State - municipal cooperative housing and/or building programs.
[Amended 9-12-2022 by Ord. No. 22-07]
Community Compliance and Resource Committee. The Community Compliance and Resource Committee shall perform such functions as set forth by their mission statement: To serve as an educational resource to the community for purposes of property maintenance and environmental compliance, as required by existing ordinance. The Community Compliance and Resource Committee shall consist of seven members, one of whom shall be a member of the Planning Board, appointed by the Planning Board; one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Adjustment, appointed by the Board of Adjustment; and one of whom shall be a member of the Council, appointed by the Council; all of whom shall serve a term of one year. The remaining four shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall serve for a term of four years and until his or her successor is appointed and qualified.
Office of Recycling. There shall be a Recycling Coordinator who may perform other duties within the Division of Health, Housing and Property and who shall be responsible for the proper operation of the Borough recycling program in accordance with applicable statutes and ordinances.
Clean Communities Coordinator. The Clean Communities Coordinator shall perform such functions as required by applicable statutes and ordinances.
Zoning Officer. The Zoning Officer shall review applications for the issuance of building permits as to zoning compliance and shall act upon the same in accordance with applicable statutes and ordinances, in conjunction with and under the auspices of the Borough Planner.
Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment and any secretary(ies) serving such bodies shall report to the Business Administrator for administrative purposes and shall perform such functions as required by applicable statutes and ordinances.
Division of Construction. Within the Division there shall be a Division of Construction. The Division of Construction, subject to the direction and supervision of the Business Administrator, shall act as the State Uniform Construction Code Enforcing Agency and perform such functions as are required by statute and ordinance. All subcode officials shall be under the jurisdiction of this Division.
[Ord. #08-16]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 43:15C-2, the following positions are deemed to be eligible for and can participate in the Defined Contribution Retirement Program (DCRP):
The Borough Administrator, or other statutory-based, untenured chief administrative officer of the Borough;
Positions with principal responsibility of government functions, such as department heads or similar titles, that are filled by action of the governing body and who report directly to an elected official(s) or to the Borough Administrator;
The Borough Attorney;
The Borough Engineer;
The Borough Prosecutor;
The Municipal Court Judge;
Appointed members of a local authority Board of Commissioners, subject to the Local Authorities Fiscal Control Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:5A-1, et seq.); and
Gubernatorial appointees who serve in municipal government for a fixed term.
The provisions of this section shall apply only to individuals appointed to DCRP positions on and/or after July 1, 2007.
The positions set forth in paragraph a are also only eligible for participation in the DCRP when the individuals are employed as bona fide employees of the Borough and not employed pursuant to a professional services resolution.
[Ord. #08-16]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 43:15C-2, individuals serving in the following positions are exempt from participation in the DCRP, as long as the individual holds a professional license or certificate to perform in that position:
Certified Health Officer;
Tax Collector;
Chief Financial Officer;
Construction Code Official;
Qualified Purchasing Agent;
Tax Assessor;
Municipal Planner;
Registered Municipal Clerk;
Licensed Uniform Subcode Inspector; and
Certified Public Works Manager/Principal Public Works Manager.
Individuals that hold positions consisting of "routine appointments" by the governing body, administrative support and public works and rank and file staff are also exempt from participation in the DCRP.
[Ord. #08-16]
If an individual is appointed to a position eligible for participation in the DCRP, the Pension Certifying Officer of the Borough may determine that the individual is not required to join the DCRP, and instead, may remain in the Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) if that individual meets any of the following requirements:
The individual is already enrolled in a PERS position and has been appointed to a DCRP position pursuant to a valid promotional process;
The individual is appointed on a temporary, interim or "acting" basis to a DCRP position that otherwise requires a professional license or certification pursuant to Subsection 2-17.2 above;
The individual was a member of PERS prior to July 1, 2007 and has continuously been a member of PERS since that time; or
The individual meet such other exceptions as may be approved by the Local Finance Board or the Division of Pensions and Benefits.