The Code Enforcement Officer may initiate action against an owner that may result in a formal warning, nonrenewal, suspension or revocation of the owner's license, for violating any provision of this Part that imposes a duty upon the owner and/or for failing to regulate the breach of duties by occupants as provided for herein.
Formal warning: formal written notification of at least one violation of this Part. Upon satisfactory compliance with this Part and any conditions imposed by the Code Enforcement Officer and/or the Borough Council, the formal warning shall be removed when the owner applies for license renewal at a time set by the Code Enforcement Officer or by Borough Council.
Nonrenewal: the denial of license renewal after expiration of the license term. The Borough will permit the owner to maintain occupants in the premises until the end of the license term but will not grant renewal of the license until a time set by the Code Enforcement Officer or by Borough Council.
Suspension: the immediate loss of the privilege to rent regulated rental units for a period of time set by the Code Enforcement Officer or Borough Council. The owner, after the expiration of the suspension period, may apply for license renewal without the need to show cause why the owner's privilege to apply for a license should be reinstated.
[Amended 8-13-2009 by Ord. No. 1203]
Revocation: the immediate loss of the privilege to rent regulated rental units for a period of time set by the Code Enforcement Officer or the Borough Council and the loss of the privilege to apply for renewal of the license at the expiration of the time period unless the owner can show cause why the owner's privilege to apply for a license should be reinstated.
[Amended 8-13-2009 by Ord. No. 1203]
If nonrenewal, suspension or revocation occurs during the term of a rental agreement, the Code Enforcement Officer may:
[Added 8-13-2009 by Ord. No. 1203]
If the actions of the occupant are not a contributing factor to the nonrenewal, suspension or revocation:
If the occupant desires to remain in the regulated rental unit:
Direct the owner to correct immediately all code violations and make the regulated rental unit habitable for the occupant for the remainder of the term of the rental agreement;
Direct the owner to pay all fines, costs, fees, rates or rents of any nature whatsoever (except taxes) due to the Borough;
Direct the occupant to deposit some or all rental payments due during the remainder of the term of the rental agreement into an escrow account until the owner has corrected all code violations and made the regulated rental unit habitable for the occupation for the remainder of the term of the rental agreement or has paid all fines, costs, fees, rates or rents of any nature whatsoever (except taxes) due to the Borough;
Permit the occupant to use some or all rental payments due during the remainder of the term of the rental agreement to correct or cause to be corrected all code violations and make the regulated rental unit habitable for the occupant for the remainder of the term of the rental agreement.
If the occupant does not desire to remain in the regulated rental unit or the regulated rental unit cannot be made habitable for the occupant to relocate the occupant to a substantially similar rental unit for the remainder of the term of the rental agreement, to pay costs of relocation and to pay the difference in rent, if any, between the rent due under the rental agreement and the rent for the substantially similar rental unit.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see AO)]
If the actions of the occupant are a contributing factor to the nonrenewal, suspension or revocation:
If the occupant desires to remain in the regulated rental unit and the owner desires the occupant to remain in the regulated rental unit:
Direct the owner to correct immediately all code violations and make the regulated rental unit habitable for the occupants for the remainder of the term of the rental agreement;
Direct the owner to pay all fines, costs, fees, rates or rents of any nature whatsoever (except taxes) due to the Borough;
Direct the occupant to deposit some or all rental payments due during the remainder of the term of the rental agreement into an escrow account until the owner has corrected all code violations and made the regulated rental unit habitable for the occupants for the remainder of the term of the rental agreement or has paid all fines, costs, fees, rates or rents of any nature (except taxes) whatsoever due to the Borough;
Permit the occupant to use some or all rental payments due during the remainder of the term of the rental agreement to correct or cause to be corrected all code violations and make the regulated rental unit habitable for the occupant for the remainder of the term of the rental agreement.
Without regard to the desires of the occupant or the owner, direct the owner to bring in the appropriate forum and to prosecute in good faith an action to recover possession of the regulated rental unit from the occupant and to not permit the occupant to occupy the premises during the subsequent licensing period.
The Code Enforcement Officer, when recommending action, and the Borough Council, when applying action, shall consider the following:
The effect of the violation on the health, safety and welfare of the occupants of the regulated rental unit and other residents of the premises.
The effect of the violation on the neighborhood.
Whether the owner has prior violations of this Part and other ordinances of the Borough or has received notices of violations as provided for in this Part.
Whether the owner has been subject to disciplinary proceedings under this Part.
The effect of disciplinary action on the occupants.
The action taken by the owner to remedy the violation and to prevent future violations, including any written plan submitted by the owner.
The policies and lease language employed by the owner to manage the regulated dwelling unit to enable the owner to comply with the provisions of this Part.
In addition to the actions as set forth above, the Code Enforcement Officer may recommend and Borough Council may impose upon the existing or subsequent licenses reasonable conditions related to fulfilling the purposes of this Part.
[Amended 8-13-2009 by Ord. No. 1203]
Any of the following may subject an owner to discipline as provided for in this Part:
Causing or permitting a violation of a code at a premises.
Failure to abate a violation of any code at a premises within the time directed by the code, the Code Enforcement Officer or Borough Council.
Failure to pay any fines, costs, fees, rates or rents of any nature whatsoever (except taxes) due to the Borough.
Refusal to cooperate in the inspection of the premises by the Code Enforcement Officer as required by this Part.
Failure to take steps to remedy and prevent violations of any code by occupants of regulated rental units as required by this Part.
Failure to file and implement an approved plan to remedy and prevent violations of this code by occupants of regulated rental units as required by this Part.
Failure to bring in the appropriate forum and to prosecute in good faith an action to recover possession of the regulated rental unit from the occupant and to not permit the occupant to occupy the premises during the subsequent licensing period after having been directed to do so by the Code Enforcement Officer as provided for in this Part.
Three violations of codes within a license term. For purposes of this Part, there need be no criminal conviction before a violation can be found to exist.
[Amended 8-13-2009 by Ord. No. 1203]
Notification. Following a determination that grounds for nonrenewal, suspension or revocation of a license exist, the Code Enforcement Officer shall notify the owner and the occupant of the action to be taken and the reason therefor. Such notification shall be in writing, addressed to the owner or manager and to the occupant, and shall contain the following information:
The address of the premises in question and, if applicable, identification of the particular regulated rental unit(s) affected.
A description of the violation which has been found to exist.
Notice that each day the violation remains shall be a separate violation and punishable under Part 3, Article F of this Part.
A statement informing the owner and occupant that he, she or it has a right to appeal the Code Enforcement Officer's determination by submitting, in writing, to the Borough Manager, within 30 calendar days from the date printed on the notice, a detailed statement of the appeal, including the grounds therefor and the reason(s) alleged as to why the determination of the Code Enforcement Officer is incorrect or should be overturned and a statement of the relief requested by the appellant, signed by the appellant.
The fee for filing an appeal and that the fee must be paid within 30 calendar days from the date printed on the notice.
The owner and occupant may appeal the Code Enforcement Officer's determination of a violation by submitting, in writing, to the Borough Manager, within 30 calendar days from the date printed on the notice, a detailed statement of the appeal, including the grounds therefor and the reason(s) alleged as to why the determination of the Code Enforcement Officer is incorrect or should be overturned and a statement of the relief requested by the appellant. Such notice of appeal shall be signed by the appellant.
There is hereby imposed a fee for filing of such appeals, the amount of which shall be determined and established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council. The fee shall be paid within 30 calendar days from the date printed on the notice.
If an appeal is not filed or the fee not paid within 30 calendar days from the date printed on the notice, the Code Enforcement Officer's determination shall be final and conclusive.
Upon receipt of such an appeal in proper form, accompanied with the requisite filing fee, the Borough Manager shall schedule a hearing to be held at the time and date of the next regularly scheduled Borough Council meeting not less than 10 days from the date on which the appeal is filed.
The owner, the occupant and the Code Enforcement Officer shall receive written notice of the hearing on the appeal.
The Borough Council or the members thereof present at the next regular scheduled Borough Council meeting, not less than 10 days from the date of when the appeal is filed, shall hold a hearing on the appeal which shall be conducted in accordance with the Local Agency Law. The appellant and all other parties having an interest may be heard. Based on the facts and arguments presented, the Borough Council shall make a decision either affirming, reversing, or modifying the action of the Code Enforcement Officer from which the appeal was taken. Such decision shall be rendered at a public meeting either immediately following the hearing or within 30 days thereafter. The decision shall be reduced to writing, stating clearly the factual and legal basis for the decision, within 45 days after the hearing. If the Borough Council deems it necessary or desirable, it may continue the hearing to a subsequent time and date not later than 30 days from the initial hearing, which time and date shall be openly announced at the initial hearing, and in such case, the time limits for rendering the decision and reducing it to writing set forth herein shall be calculated from the last hearing date at which the substance of the decision is orally announced.
Delivery of notices.
All notices and reports required under this Part shall be delivered to the owner or manager, and, when required, to the occupant, by personal service by an adult person, by any form of courier service that provides written proof of receipt, or by certified mail, return receipt requested.
In the event that the notice delivered by certified mail or courier is returned by the postal authorities, or the courier marked "unclaimed" or "refused," then the Code Enforcement Officer shall attempt delivery by personal service on the person to whom the returned mail was sent. The Code Enforcement Officer shall also post the notice at a conspicuous place on the premises.
If personal service cannot be accomplished after a reasonable attempt to do so, then the notice may be sent by regular first-class mail, postage prepaid: if to the owner or manager, then at the address stated on the most current license application for the premises in question, and if to the occupant, at the address of the regulated rental unit. The Code Enforcement Officer shall also post the notice at a conspicuous place on the premises. If such notice is not returned by the postal authorities within five days of its deposit in the U.S. Mail, then it shall be deemed to have been delivered to and received by the addressee on the fifth day following its deposit in the U.S. Mail, and all time periods set forth under Subsection 3A above, shall thereupon be calculated from said fifth day.