[§ 151, Ord. 452, as amended by § 3, Ord. 512, eff. September 12, 1968]
The Council, by resolution, is hereby authorized to determine upon what streets the parking of vehicles is prohibited provided appropriate signs are placed and maintained to give notice thereof.
The Traffic Engineer shall appropriately sign or mark, and when so signed or marked, it shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand, or park a vehicle at:
Any place established by resolution of the Council as a no-parking area; and
Any place where the Traffic Engineer determines that it is necessary in order to eliminate unusual traffic hazards.
The Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized to install and maintain parking space markings to indicate parking spaces adjacent to curbings where authorized parking shall be permitted.
[§ 4, Ord. U-1151-16, eff. December 20, 2016; § 153, Ord. 452]
No SmartForTwo, Scion or micro-car as defined in this Code that is wider than 61 inches may be parked in any Angled Parking Space within the City or in any designated full-sized space. "Angled Parking Space" means any designated and marked parking stall that is designed and installed at other than a right-angle to a curb, street, sidewalk or building, or parallel to a roadway.
When such parking space markings are placed in the highway, subject to other and more restrictive limitations, no vehicle shall be stopped, left standing, or parked other than within a single space unless the size or shape of such vehicle makes such compliance impossible.