[§ 1, Ord. 448, as amended by Ord. 496, eff. September 16, 1967; § 2, Ord. 913-95, eff. February 2, 1995; § 1, Ord. 963-99, eff. June 3, 1999]
The Council hereby finds and determines that the following are privately owned and maintained streets and roads in the City, which streets and roads are generally held open for the use of the public for purposes of vehicular traffic and which so connect with highways within the City that the public cannot determine that such privately owned and maintained streets and roads are not highways:
Bird Park Road. From the southerly line of Falls Canyon Road to the southwesterly boundary line of the City;
Chimes Road. From Hogs Back to the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of Lot 1, Block 24, Town of Avalon;
Country Club Drive. From the southwesterly line of Tremont Street to the southerly line of East Whittley Avenue;
El Monte Road. From the northwesterly line of Las Lomas Avenue to the southwesterly line of Hogs Back Road;
Hogs Back Road. From the westerly line of Chimes Road to the Hogs Back;
Mt. Ada Road. From the southeasterly line of Clemente Avenue to the southeasterly boundary line of the City;
Pebbly Beach Road. From a point approximately 575 feet northeasterly from the northwesterly corner of Lot 95, Block 15, of the Official Map of the City to the southeasterly boundary line of the City;
St. Catherine Way. From the westerly prolongation of the northerly line of Lot 7, Block 26, Town of Avalon to the beginning of Hamilton Beach Road at the St. Catherine Hotel;
Tremont Street. From the northwesterly line of Sumner Avenue to the north westerly line of Metropole Avenue;
Upper Falls Canyon Road. From the southerly line of Country Club Drive to a point approximately 400 feet northwesterly of the City's warehouse;
Hamilton Cove Development. Beginning at the gated entrance to the Hamilton Cove Development, to and including all interior streets therefrom;
Pebbly Beach Road. Beginning at the gated entrance near the Cabrillo Mole and extending to its junction with Mount Ada Road;
Wrigley Terrace Road. From its junction with Pebbly Beach Road to its terminus at Clemente Street;
Bird Park Road;
Quail Canyon Road;
Pebbly Beach Village Road. From its junction with Pebbly Beach Road to its terminus, to and including all interior streets therefrom;
Eucalyptus Garden Apartment Development. From its junction with Eucalyptus Avenue, to and including all interior roadways and parking areas therefrom;
Tremont Apartment Development. From its junction with Tremont Avenue, to and including all interior roadways and parking areas therefrom;
Beacon Street. From its junction with the Canyon Terrace and Sol Vista condominium complexes, to and including all interior roadways and parking areas therefrom;
Country Club Road. From its junction with Tremont Avenue to its terminus, to and including all interior roadways and parking areas therefrom;
Fair View Terrace Development. From its junction with Country Club Road, to and including all interior roadways and parking areas therefrom.
[§ 2, Ord. 448]
Pursuant to the provisions of § 21107.5 of the Vehicle Code, the Council hereby declares that the provisions of the Vehicle Code and of the laws of the City relating to public traffic regulation and control now or hereafter enacted pursuant to the Vehicle Code shall apply to each and all of the privately owned and maintained streets and roads set forth in § 4-4.1301 of this article unless there is posted on any such road by the owner thereof the notice provided for in § 4-4.1305 of this article.
[§ 3, Ord. 448]
The Council further declares that so long as any of such privately owned and maintained streets and roads are not so posted, the City shall provide traffic law enforcement on such streets and roads, and each and all of the same shall be subject to the provisions of the Vehicle Code and of the laws of the City relating to public traffic regulation and control now or hereafter enacted pursuant to the Vehicle Code.
[§ 4, Ord. 448]
It is further declared by the Council that nothing contained in this article shall be deemed to constitute an acceptance of any of such privately owned and maintained streets and roads for public use, nor shall the City be deemed to assume any responsibility or liability for the maintenance or care of any of such privately owned and maintained streets and roads.
[§ 5, Ord. 448]
The provisions of this article shall not apply to any such privately owned and maintained road if and so long as the owner thereof shall post and maintain thereon, at or near the connecting point thereof with a public street or highway, a notice of such size, shape, and color as to be readily legible during the daylight hours from a distance of 100 feet. Such notice shall state that the road is privately owned and maintained and that it is not subject to public traffic regulation and control.