[§ 1, Ord. 137]
The Council hereby finds and determines that it is dangerous to the public welfare to use, or to permit to be used, Eucalyptus Avenue between the southwesterly line of Beacon Street and the northeasterly line of Tremont Street, for the general traffic, passage, or use of vehicles thereon or thereover, such street having a width of 25 1/2 feet between curbs and 10 feet of such width being occupied by an ornamental parking along the center of the roadway, and being closely built along each side thereof with summer cottages, and having a large amount of pedestrian traffic, especially during the summer season.
[§ 2, Ord. 137]
It shall be unlawful for any person to ride, drive, or propel, or cause to be ridden, driven, or propelled any vehicle in, along, or upon said portion of Eucalyptus Avenue unless the Superintendent of Streets shall have issued a special permit therefor upon application. Such permit shall permit the holder thereof to go upon said portion of Eucalyptus Avenue at a time to be specified in such permit for the express purpose, to be therein stated, of delivering or hauling household goods or other heavy freight or for some stated purpose other than ordinary use.
[§ 3, Ord. 137]
The Superintendent of Streets is hereby authorized and directed to place signs at each end of said portion of Eucalyptus Avenue, which signs shall refer to the provisions of this article, and he shall also cause suitable movable barriers or posts to be installed across each end of the roadway of said portion of Eucalyptus Avenue. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove any of such barriers or posts without first having obtained permission to go upon such portion of such street as provided in § 4-4.1402 of this article.
[§ 1, Ord. 509, eff. June 6, 1968; § 1, Ord. 956-98, eff. September 3, 1998]
The Council hereby finds that the public interest and welfare require that, except as otherwise provided in §§ 4-4.1405 and 4-4.1406 of this article, the following designated streets be closed for the general traffic, passage, or use of vehicles thereon or thereover:
Crescent Avenue from, at, or near its intersection with Metropole Avenue to its intersection with Clarissa Avenue; and
Sumner Avenue from its intersection with Crescent Avenue approximately 140 feet to its intersection with Calle Del Paseo.
Catalina Avenue from its intersection with Crescent Avenue approximately 140 feet to its intersection with Calle Del Paseo.
[§ 1, Ord. 509, eff. June 6, 1968]
The Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be placed suitable signs and movable barriers or posts at the ends of such portions of the roadways designated in § 4-4.1404 of this article. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove any of such signs, barriers, or posts without permission first obtained from the Traffic Engineer or his designated agent.
When the Traffic Engineer shall determine that the public welfare requires vehicular traffic along and upon the streets or roadways designated in § 4-4.1404 of this article, he is hereby authorized to allow such traffic, either by special permit or by removal of the restrictive signs and barriers provided for in this section.
[§ 1, Ord. 509, eff. June 6, 1968; as amended by § 2, Ord. 559, eff. July 19, 1972; § 2, Ord. 956-98, eff. September 3, 1998]
It shall be unlawful for any person to ride, drive, or propel, or cause to be ridden, driven, or propelled, along or upon any portions of the streets, pedestrian malls, or roadways designated in § 4-4.1404 of this article, any vehicle, including, but not limited to, bicycles, roller skates, coasters, pushmobiles, motorpeds, or similar contrivances, except as follows:
Autoettes bearing a state or city issued "Handicapped" permit may travel on limited use streets solely for the purpose of conducting business at establishments along limited use streets which cannot otherwise be accessed by the person to whom such permit was issued, provided that a route is used which results in the least distance traveled on such limited use streets and provided that the vehicle remains only as long as necessary for the person to conduct business at such establishment;
Freight delivery vehicles bearing commercial freight permits may travel through and park on Catalina (on the southeast side only) and on Sumner before 11:00 a.m. for the purpose of loading and unloading freight;
Service vehicles which bear a special permit and properly indicate the address where service is being performed may travel along and park on Catalina (on the southeast side only), Sumner and Crescent for the purpose of servicing establishments located on such limited use streets provided that the service vehicle remains thereat only so long as necessary to complete the service.
Limited exceptions to the restrictions stated above may be granted by the Fire Department or the Sheriffs Department in their sole discretion.
[§ 3, Ord. 956-98, eff. September 3, 1998]
It shall be unlawful for any person in charge of any vehicle which is otherwise permitted to travel upon a limited use street pursuant to subsections (b) and (c) of § 4-4.1406 to stand or park on such limited use street unless cardboard, carpeting or similar material has been placed beneath the vehicle so as to prevent oil and other fluids from reaching the surface of the limited use street. Violations of this section shall be punishable as an infraction; provided, however, that a third or greater violation shall be punishable as a misdemeanor.
[§ 1, Ord. 1030-05, eff. May 5, 2005]
Whenever a menace to the public health or safety is created or likely to be created by impending flood, storm, fire, earth movement, explosion accident or other means, a sworn member of the Sheriff's Department and any full-time employee of the Los Angeles County Fire Department, the Los Angeles County Health Department, the Avalon Fire Department, the Avalon Harbor Department or the Avalon Public Works Department while acting in the performance of his or her official duties, may close the area where the risk to public health or safety exists or is impending for the duration thereof to any and all persons not authorized to enter or remain within the closed area by means of ropes, markers, or guards.
Editor's Note: Former § 4-4.1408.1, Limited Access to Pebbly Beach Road, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ordinance Nos. 1042-06U, 1043-06U, and 1044-06, was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. 1115-12.
[§ 1, Ord. 1030-05, eff. May 5, 2005]
The Sheriff's Department may close to any and all unauthorized persons the immediate area surrounding any emergency field command post or any other command post activated for the purpose of abating any calamity or other emergency, including but not limited to those listed in § 4-4.1408, and a riot or civil disturbance, whether or not the field command post or other command post is located near the actual calamity.
[§ 1, Ord. 1030-05, eff. May 5, 2005]
Any unauthorized person who willfully and knowingly enters an area closed pursuant to §§ 4-4.1408 or 4-4.1409 and who willfully remains within the area after receiving notice to evacuate, whether that notice is given verbally or passively by the posting of a sign or marker, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Verbal notice may be given by any full-time public safety employee listed in § 4-4.1408, any reserve member of those agencies, the Avalon Code Enforcement Officer, or any duly appointed volunteer of these agencies, so long as the person giving notice has been properly dispatched to the emergency and is working under the direction of a full-time public safety officer.
[§ 1, Ord. 1030-05, eff. May 5, 2005]
Nothing in §§ 4-4.1408 and 4-4.1409 shall prevent a duly authorized representative of any news service, newspaper, radio or television station or network from entering areas closed pursuant to such sections.