[§ 1, Ord. 1119-13, eff. July 4, 2013]
The purposes of this article are to (1) protect the public health, safety and welfare by establishing rules for the construction, operation, maintenance and connects to the public sanitary sewer system; (2) establish a means of providing adequate public sanitary sewers which are required for the development and redevelopment of the City; (3) establish a charge to be collected from property owners proposing to discharge to the public sanitary sewer; and (4) establish a fund in which such charges may be deposited and from which moneys will be available for the public sanitary sewer reconstruction program.
[§ 1, Ord. 1119-13, eff. July 4, 2013]
The public sanitary sewer shall be managed in accordance with a master plan adopted by the City to best serve the public health, safety and welfare. The master plan includes, but is not limited to, the City's sewer system management plan, its system evaluation and capacity assessment plan and its sewer capital improvement program.