[Ord. 672]
The Special Commercial area is created to provide an area in which both small scale residents and neighborhood retail and services can coexist harmoniously. There is hereby created the following special standards for commercial areas easterly of Catalina Avenue (between Beacon and Third Streets); south side of Beacon (Catalina Avenue to Calle del Sol); and west side of Metropole (Beacon northerly to and including City Hall site).
[Ord. 672; § 3, Ord. 1131-14, eff. August 14, 2014]
Retail sales - excluding food and beverage.
Personal and professional sales.
Emergency Shelters as provided for in Chapter 9-16.
[Ord. 672; § 4, Ord. 788, eff. February 12, 1986]
Hotels, motels (subject to the standards of the "C" zone including employees housing requirements).
Residential structures (subject to HD Residential Building Development Standards, including the requirements for affordable housing).
Schools, churches, and public and semi-public uses.
Time-share projects.
[Ord. 672]
Minimum Permitted Lot Area. Each lot or parcel of land created after the adoption of this title, in the Special "C" Zone, shall have a minimum lot area of not less than 2,000 square feet.
Minimum Permitted Lot Width. Each lot or parcel of land, created after the adoption of this title, in the Special "C" Zone, shall have a minimum lot width of 50 feet.
Minimum Required Setbacks. The minimum required setbacks shall be three feet in rear; zero feet on all other sides.
Note: Any time a commercial development is proposed in a lot adjacent to a residential structure, notice must be given to the residential property owner, prior to consideration of said project.
Building Bulk.
Maximum Permitted Height: 28 feet.
Maximum Permitted Lot Coverage: 80% of gross lot area.
Maximum Permitted Floor Area: 140% of gross lot area.
Off-Street Parking. To be determined by the Commission.
Trash Storage. Sufficient enclosed, off-street trash storage areas shall be required to serve the use.