[Ord. 672]
The R/R zone is established for the purpose of stimulating and allowing a variety of uses associated with the resort character of Avalon. The principal use of the R/R zone is that of resort hotel use and associated activities. As development is proposed for each planning area, a master plan will be required for each planning area, and if accepted by the Commission, will then become the standard for other development within the planning areas.
[Ord. 672]
Hotels, inns and lodges with fewer than four rental units with employees housing as provided in Chapter 9-11, as well as parks and mobile home parks.
[Ord. 672]
Premises in the R/R zone may be used for the following purposes, providing a conditional use permit has first been obtained pursuant to the provisions of this title.
Hotels, inns and lodges of four or more rental units with employee housing as provided in Chapter 9-11.
Recreational facilities, public and private.
Social and educational facilities.
Visitor-serving short-term rental housing.
Visitor-serving retail facilities such as travel agencies, delicatessens, newsstands, and curio shops.
Restaurants, bars and cafes.
Employee housing.
Other uses determined by the commission, however, to be compatible with adjacent uses.
Height limits may be exceeded for non-habitable accessory structures compatible with adjacent buildings.
[Ord. 672; § 1, Ord. 840, eff. April 6, 1989; § 7, Ord. 888-92, eff. December 3, 1992; § 9, Ord. 896-93, eff. June 3, 1993]
Standards of development shall be as provided in the "C" zone except as follows:
The following standards shall apply to Descanso Canyon:
Development of all new market-rate visitor-serving development within Descanso Canyon shall comply with the Access policies of the certified Land Use Plan, specifically Policies 2, 5, 6, 7, and 9, and with the Recreation and Visitor-Serving Facilities Policies, specifically Policies 1, 7, 9, 10, and 11 (Item No. 2) contained in the Avalon Local Coastal Land Use Plan.
Maximum Building Height: Seven stories;
Maximum Permitted Lot Coverage: 20% of gross lot area;
Maximum Permitted Floor Area: 140% of gross lot area;
New structures must be set back from mean high tide line at foundation of previous hotel structures or at a distance at which a seven story structure will cast no shadow on sandy beach greater than the shadow cast by the mountains, or otherwise preclude access and utilization of the sandy beach.
The following standards shall apply to nine and six-tenths acres of Sector 10 consisting of the hillside area southeast of Hamilton Cove Road in Descanso Canyon designated on the Land Use Map and Zoning Map as Resort Recreation:
Maximum Building Height: Four stories above existing surface and no building will have more than two unstepped stories;
Maximum Permitted Lot Coverage: 14% of gross lot area;
Maximum Permitted Floor Area: 19% of gross lot area;
The following development standards shall apply to structures adjacent to mean high tide line:
No new structures other than passive visitor serving view or rest areas, sidewalks, stairways, beach and boat access facilities or structures normally associated with routine shoreline maintenance or erosion control shall be permitted between the mean high tide line and the first major road directly landward of the mean high tide line, with the exception of the Cabrillo Mole and Casino Point areas, as described by a map;
New construction shall minimize obstruction of views to the bay from Crescent Avenue;
Structures shall be limited to one story, maximum 15 feet, although roof decks may be utilized for viewing, dining, or similar open uses. No structure on roof decks shall be permitted which obstructs viewshed to the bay.
[Ord. 672]
To be determined by the Commission.