[Ord. 672]
Maximum Fence and Wall Height in Required Side and Rear Yards.
Fences and walls erected within required side or rear yards of an interior lot or parcel of land, or the side yard along the interior side lot line of a corner or reversed corner lot or parcel of land shall not exceed a height limit of six feet except where required by this title, statute or law.
Fences and walls erected within a required rear or side yard on the street side of a corner or reversed corner lot or parcel of land, shall not exceed a height of 42 inches within five feet of the side lot line or a height of six feet when located within a required rear or side yard, and more than five feet from the side lot line.
Except as otherwise permitted in this title, fences and walls shall not exceed a height of 42 inches within the required front yard in any zone.
Hedges. All height restrictions applying to fences or walls shall also apply to hedges planted within required yards and forming a barrier serving the same purpose as a fence or wall.
Modification of Fence, Wall, or Hedges.
Sites occupied by an agency of the Federal, State, County, or City Government; or
Where required by any other ordinance, statute, law; or
Where topographic features, subdivision plans, or other conditions create an unnecessary hardship or unreasonable situation making it impractical to require compliance with the fence, wall or hedge provisions.
All modifications on a lot or parcel of land shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 9-8, Article 2 (Site Plan Review).
[Ord. 672; § 3, Ord. 1090-09, § 3, eff. December 31, 2010]
In all areas subject to landscaping as required herein the landscaping shall be developed in accordance with the provisions in this article, Article 2, Chapter 9-8 (Site Plan Review), and where applicable, Title 6, Chapter 6-12 (Water Efficient Landscape Regulations).[1]
Dimensions. Three feet shall be the minimum horizontal dimension of any required landscaped area, or any form of fixed planter box.
Screening. Where plants are indicated for screening, such screening shall consist of the use of evergreen shrubs, closely spaced and maintained at substantially the specified height of any required fences, walls or hedges.
Maintenance. Required landscaped areas and landscaping shall be maintained in a neat, clean and healthful condition. This shall include proper pruning, mowing of lawns, weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing, replacement of plants when necessary, and the regular watering of all plantings.
Irrigation of Watering. Required landscaped areas shall be provided with a suitable, fixed and permanent method for watering or sprinkling of plants. This operating water system shall consist of piped water lines terminating in an appropriate number of sprinklers and/or hose bibs to insure a sufficient amount of water for plants within the landscaped area. Where the watering system consists of hose bibs alone, these bibs shall be located not more than 100 feet apart within the required landscaped area. Sprinklers used to satisfy the requirements of this provision shall be spaced to assure complete coverage of the required landscaped area.
Editor's Note: Guidelines for Implementation of the City of Avalon Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance adopted by the City, may be found on file in the office of the City Clerk.