[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969]
Floats, wharves, docks, and other harbor facilities may be maintained by the City, and such harbor facilities shall be available for the loading and unloading of passengers, supplies, and boating gear and for similar purposes in such manner as will best serve the public use thereof and avoid congestion and the blocking of such facilities. The Harbor Master is hereby vested with authority to control the use of such facilities and to regulate the time and manner of such use for the purpose of maintaining such facilities available to the public at all times.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969, as amended by § 2, Ord. 521, eff. December 4, 1969; § 1, Ord. 535, eff. May 5, 1971; § 9, Ord. 613, eff. December 17, 1975; § 1, Ord. 654, eff. December 4, 1978, and § 1, Ord. 680, eff. August 6, 1980; § 1, Ord. 798, eff. December 18, 1986; § 1, Ord. 829, eff. August 18, 1988; §§ 1 — 2, Ord. 882-92, eff. October 1, 1992; § 1, Ord. 994-01, eff. March 22, 2001; § 2-6, Ord. 995-01, eff. July 1, 2001; § 1, Ord. 996-01, eff. May 3, 2001; §§ 3, 4, 5, Ord. 1004-02, eff. March 21, 2002; § 1, Ord. 1023-04, eff. July 1, 2004; § 1, Ord. 1034-05, eff. October 20, 2005; § 1, Ord. 1108-11, eff. July 21, 2011; § 2, Ord. 1153-17, eff. March 9, 2017; Ord. 1171-18, eff. January 17, 2019; amended 10-20-2020 by Ord. No. 1191-20, effective November 19, 2020]
Wharfage, dockage, landing and use fees for the use of or impact upon any harbor or harbor-related facility owned or controlled by the City of Avalon shall be as follows:
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this article, for all boats, ships, vessels, airplanes or other transportation facilities carrying passengers for hire or charter, whether operating under the authority of the California Public Utilities Commission or not, which land, discharge, load, or embark passengers on, to, or from such City harbor facilities, $2.50 for each passenger so landed, discharged, loaded or embarked. Commencing on March 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2025, the fee shall be increased as follows:
$3 for each passenger so landed, discharged, loaded, or embarked.
Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (6) below, for all cruise ships, the fee as laid out in subsection (a) above, which fee shall be levied upon 100% of the manifest passengers, excluding persons employed upon the vessel. As used in this section "cruise ship" means a vessel which lists Avalon as a port-of-call and which anchors so as to permit passengers to disembark and to return to the same vessel. Commencing on July 1, 2017, the fee shall be increased as follows:
$3 for each passenger so landed, discharged, loaded, or embarked between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018;
$3.50 for each passenger so landed, discharged, loaded, or embarked between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2019;
$4 for each passenger so landed, discharged, loaded, or embarked between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020;
$4.50 for each passenger so landed, discharged, loaded, or embarked between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021;
$5 for each passenger so landed, discharged, loaded, or embarked on or after July 1, 2021; and
In consideration for a cruise line deploying a second ship to Catalina for 50 or more calls per year, the City of Avalon will pay to the cruise line an annual marketing incentive equal to 50% of the wharfage fees collected for the second ship, payable quarterly, in arrears.
For businesses engaged in the operation of excursion boats using such facilities for landing, discharging, loading or embarking passengers on, to, or from such facilities, 7% of the gross receipts of such business derived from such use. For the purpose of this section, "excursion boats" shall mean vessels operating from points in the City and returning thereto for sightseeing scenic tours or as pleasure cruises, and carrying passengers for hire, but not providing facilities for overnight stays.
For businesses engaged in the operation of "shore boats," as defined herein, and using such facilities for landing, discharging, loading or embarking passengers on, to, or from such facilities, 7% of the gross receipts of such business derived from such use, excepting therefrom receipts for transportation of passengers to and from "cruise ships," as defined in subsection (b) herein, or as otherwise provided in an applicable franchise agreement issued pursuant to § 10-2.410. For the purpose of this section, "shore boats" shall mean vessels carrying passengers or freight for hire to and from boats moored within or without City waters to the shore in Avalon, between such boats in City waters or between points on the shore in Avalon.
Operators of fishing tournaments whose participants use City harbor facilities during the course of such tournaments shall comply with the provisions of Title 3, Chapter 3-3 regarding admissions taxes as applied to entry fees charged for participation in such tournament.
For all other businesses not otherwise expressly provided for in this § 10-2.402 carrying passengers for hire by vessel from points in the City and returning thereto, or from one point in the City to another point therein, or engaged in the renting, leasing, or chartering of boats, paddle boards, rafts, or other floating watercraft for hire and using City harbor facilities, or whose patrons regularly use such facilities for launching, landing, boarding, unloading, embarking or disembarking, docking, or other similar uses, or whose business activities involve the use of such facilities, 7% of the gross receipts derived from such use.
The fees for the use of such facilities by those not falling within the classifications set forth in subsections (a) through (d) of this section shall be determined initially by a schedule adopted by the Council or shall be incorporated into the flat rental of any contract, permit, lease, franchise or other agreement entered into for use of the facilities.
Businesses which fall within subsections (c), (d) and (f) may exclude from gross receipts otherwise subject to harbor use fees: (1) gross receipts from the sale of marine parts; and (2) gross receipts from marine services rendered to the holder of a valid waterside permit issued pursuant to §§ 10-2.412 through 10-2.416.
The fees authorized by the provisions of this section shall be in addition to any rents paid to the City, and all other taxes, license and permit fees, if any, including those paid pursuant to the provisions of § 10-2.410 of this article. There shall be a credit of taxes paid, if any, pursuant to the provisions of Title 3, Article 3, Chapter 3-3 and § 3-1.204 subsections (b) through (f).
[§ 8, Ord. 1004-02, eff. March 21, 2002]
All fishing tournament operators required to pay the fees set forth in subsection (e) of § 10-2.402 of this article shall submit to the Finance Department a list of all boats charged an entry fee to participate in the tournament and shall pay the fees provided for in said section. The statement and use fee payment shall be submitted before the tenth day of the month immediately following the end of the tournament.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969; § 2, Ord. 816, eff. December 3, 1987; § 2, Ord. 996-01, eff. May 3, 2001]
All boats, ships, vessels, airplanes, or other transportation facilities carrying passengers for hire or charter and required to pay the fees set forth in subsection (a) of § 10-2.402 of this article shall submit to the Harbor Master or his deputy and to the Finance Director a monthly statement of the number of passengers landed, discharged, loaded, or embarked and shall pay the fees provided for in said section. Such statement shall be filed before the tenth day of the month immediately following each subject month.
In all cases where the wharfage, dockage, or use fees are based upon gross receipts or passenger counts, the business user shall submit to the Director of Finance, for his guidance in ascertaining the amount of the fees to be paid, a monthly written statement, on a form to be provided by the Director of Finance under oath or penalty of perjury, setting forth such information concerning the user's gross receipts or passenger counts derived from such use during the preceding month as may be required by the Director of Finance to enable him to ascertain the fees to be paid by such business user pursuant to the provisions of this article. Such gross receipts statements shall be filed on or before the last day of each calendar month for the preceding calendar month.
No statement of receipts shall be conclusive on the City but shall be subject to audit and verification by the Director of Finance, his deputies, or authorized agents of the City, who are hereby authorized to examine, audit, and inspect such books and records as may be necessary to verify or ascertain the amount of fees due.
All gross receipts, statements or estimates required by this article shall be confidential and are hereby declared not to be public records. Any unauthorized disclosure or use of such information by any officer, agent, or employee of the City shall be subject to the penalty provisions of this Code in addition to any other penalties provided by law.
All persons engaged in business subject to the provisions of this article are required to keep such books and records as are necessary for the City to determine upon audit thereof the amount of fees due and to permit examination thereof for the purposes of this section. Where the City determines that a person engaged in business subject to the provisions of this article does not keep such books and records as are necessary for the City to determine the amount of fees due, it may direct the business as to the types of books and records which shall be kept by such business thereafter. Failure to thereafter keep such books and records as directed and failure to submit to an audit shall be grounds for suspension or revocation of a waterside permit held by such business as provided in § 10-2.415.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969]
All boats, ships, vessels, airplanes, transportation, or other facilities set forth in subsection (a) of § 10-2.402 of this article shall have and maintain an accurate written record of all passengers landed, discharged, loaded, or embarked, which record shall be made available on demand to the City or its duly authorized agent for audit. If such audit shall disclose an error in such record, which error would require an additional payment to the City and which is the result of improper or careless accounting practices, the owner or operator of such boat, ship, vessel, transportation facility, or business shall pay to the City the additional fees disclosed thereby and the reasonable cost of such audit, plus a sum equal to 10% of the additional amount of fees found due and owing by such audit.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969]
The Harbor Master or his deputy shall, from time to time, make an actual physical check of the passengers actually landing, discharging, loading, or embarking against the statement of the number of passengers landed, discharged, loaded, or embarked furnished to him by the owner or operator of such boats, ships, vessels, airplanes, or other transportation facilities or businesses.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969; § 2, Ord. 816, eff. December 3, 1987]
All fees required by the provisions of this article shall become due and shall be paid on or before the last day of the month immediately following each calendar month. If any such amount so payable is not paid by the last day of the immediately following month, there shall be added to such amount interest payable at the rate of 1/2 of 1% per month on the amount of the tax for each month, or portion thereof, from the date the tax is first delinquent. If such tax is delinquent and unpaid, there shall in addition be added thereto a one-time penalty in the amount of 10% of the amount of tax, computed from the date the tax first becomes delinquent.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969]
Any and all amounts due pursuant to the provisions of this article may be collected by the City by means of an action brought in any court having jurisdiction thereof, in which action the defendant shall be required to pay the costs of such action, together with such attorneys' fees as the court may find to be reasonable.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969]
It shall be unlawful for any captain, master, or other person in charge or control of any boat, ship, or vessel to land or discharge, or to attempt to land or discharge, any passengers at, on, or over the City facilities without the payment of the wharfage and dockage fees required.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1979; § 2, Ord. 654, eff. December 4, 1978; § 1, Ord. 726U, eff. September 7, 1982; § 1, Ord. 727, eff. September 21, 1982; § 1, Ord. 811, eff. October 1, 1987; § 2, Ord. 849, eff. October 19, 1989; § 2, Ord. 872-92, eff. April 2, 1992; § 6, Ord. 994-01, eff. March 22, 2001; § 7, Ord. 995-01, eff. July 1, 2001; §§ 5, 6, 7, Ord. 1004-02, eff. March 21, 2002]
The City facilities serve as a primary point of ingress and egress for large numbers of people and their relatively small size make necessary control and coordination of businesses operating on the City facilities to avoid undue congestion, to assure against hazard, excessive noise and traffic and to prevent confusion and injury.
It is necessary and vital to the safe and efficient movement of people through the City facilities that the number, nature and scope of businesses on the City facilities be regulated to protect the safety and welfare of all persons. The Council shall, accordingly, have the power and authority, in its discretion, to authorize the use or occupation of the City facilities or some portion thereof to any person by issuance of a waterside project permit. It shall be unlawful for any person, entity or business to use or occupy City facilities for any business purpose, including all land transportation services, without first being issued a waterside project permit by the City Council and entering into a permit agreement.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City Council may, in its discretion, award exclusive franchises for shore boat service and baggage handling service on the Mole, for a term not to exceed five years. Such franchises are vital and necessary to the public safety and welfare in that a proliferation of such services within the limited area available would make for excessive traffic congestion and confusion.
Neither franchisee need obtain a separate waterside project permit under this section but shall be holders of a City business license. The franchisee shall enter into a franchise agreement with the City which sets forth the terms and conditions of operation of such services.
For the reasons set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) above, it is necessary to establish limitations and restrictions on businesses providing nonvital recreational services in the harbor. The following regulations are designed to reduce congestion and to encourage safe, reliable, and year-round provision of recreational services:
No more than 114 watercraft rentals-without-operator vessels shall be granted harbor permits.
All businesses operating in the harbor, except those enumerated in paragraph (b) of this section and fishing tournament operators, shall maintain a shore base of operations or an office on Santa Catalina Island. Such office shall have a business telephone which is covered 24 hours per day. Any answering service or mechanical means of recording messages may be used provided messages are checked by the operator no less than three times per day.
All businesses operating in the harbor, except those enumerated in paragraph (b) of this section shall provide an insurance policy in compliance with § 1-6.01 of this Code, shall hold a City business license and shall hold all necessary permits, licenses, certificates or other similar approvals necessary under the law for the type of service performed.
In addition to the provisions of § 10-2.402, all businesses operating within the harbor, except those operating pursuant to a franchise issued by the City, shall:
In the case of new cross-channel carriers, obtain and keep in force a bond or bank letter of credit to secure payment of wharfage fees in the amount of $100,000. After five years of continuous operation, and once annually thereafter, the cross-channel carrier may request the City Council to eliminate or reduce the security. Upon consideration of such request, the City Council should give consideration to the carrier's history of timeliness of payments, any planned or foreseeable significant changes in operation which may impact expenses and revenues, the tariff schedule, a current statement of assets and liabilities, and business plan or other projection of revenues and expenses.
In the case of waterside permit holders other than cross-channel carriers and other than fishing tournament operators subject to this article which have held fishing tournaments in Avalon prior to the effective date of this ordinance[1], pay to the City a nonrefundable use fee deposit of $1,000, payable in two installments of $500 each, the first installment on the inception of operations within the Avalon Harbor and the second on August 1. The use fee deposit may be applied against use fees due and owing under § 10-2.402 at such time that the permittee has made timely payment of use fees for 13 consecutive months.
Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 1004-02, effective March 21, 2002.
In all cases where the business operates seven or more months during any twelve-month period, pay to the City use fees under § 10-2.402 no fewer than seven months of any twelve-month period, and in no event less than the sum of $25 per month for each month the business is operating and reports sales receipts.
In all cases except fishing tournament operators, where the business operates fewer than seven months during any twelve-month period, pay to the City a use fee of $200 for each month the business is closed or does not report any sales receipts.
The charges authorized by paragraph (4) of this section shall be in addition to any payments pursuant to the provisions of any lease agreement.
All vessels over 16 feet in length operated for hire or used to conduct work in the harbor shall be equipped with a marine radio which shall be monitored at all times that the vessel is in operation.
All businesses operating in the harbor shall maintain all equipment, materials, facilities, machinery and vessels utilized in the operation of the licensed business in a good and working condition, and such businesses shall only employ workers who are qualified to conduct the duties appropriate to the licensed business.
For the purposes of this section, "harbor" shall mean that area from inside Cabrillo Mole to inside Casino Groin.
[§ 2, Ord. 736, eff. April 14, 1983; § 2, Ord. 872-92, eff. April 2, 1992]
No person, other than an owner or lessee thereof, may repair, replace, renovate, construct, install or otherwise service moorings in City waters without first having obtained a franchise therefor from the City. This franchise shall be in addition to any business license otherwise required by this Code, but shall satisfy the waterside project permit requirement of § 4-2.410.
Applications for mooring service franchises shall be submitted on forms provided by the City containing such information as is required by the City Manager. The City Council may grant a franchise for mooring services, if upon review of the application, the Council makes the following affirmative findings:
The applicant will operate the mooring service on a 24 hours per day basis for 12 months a year.
The applicant demonstrates the financial capability, skills, qualifications and facilities properly to perform mooring services.
The applicant has presented facts demonstrating a need for operation of the proposed business in City waters.
The proposed business will not have a deleterious impact on the public health, safety and welfare.
The term of any such franchise shall not exceed five years. The franchise shall enter into a franchise agreement with the City which sets forth the terms and conditions of operation of such service, including a franchise fee to be paid to the City.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969, as amended by § 1, Ord. 736, eff. April 14, 1983; § 2, Ord. 872-92, eff. April 2, 1992; § 2, Ord. 920-95, eff. August 31, 1995; § 3, Ord. 996-01, eff. May 3, 2001; § 1, Ord. 1004-02, eff. March 21, 2002; § 1, Ord. No. 1122-13, eff. September 19, 2013]
Permit Required. No person shall conduct any business or commercial enterprise in City waters or hold himself out as available to conduct any business or commercial enterprise which emanates from City waters, and including any business or commercial enterprise whose patrons use shoreboats to be transported to the enterprise's vessel(s), unless a waterside permit has been obtained therefor in accordance with administrative procedures adopted by resolution and on forms to be approved by the City Manager. Except with respect to businesses described in subsection (b), the application shall include, among other information:
The name, address and telephone number of the applicant and, if the applicant is other than a natural person, the names and addresses of all partners, officers or members of the entity and the name of the agent for service of process;
The names of vessels, a description of the business to be carried on by means of such vessels, and a reference to the business and other license(s), held by such applicant;
A description of the space on City facilities, floats, or landing stages that the applicant desires to use in carrying on such business; and
A statement to be signed by the applicant acknowledging that if such permit is granted, he will conduct his business in accordance with the laws of the City in relation thereto, the terms of the permit and all rules and regulations regarding City facilities; that the permit may be revoked at any time by the Council for violations of the foregoing, including failure to pay use fees; and that the decision of the Council as to the revocation of any permit shall be final and conclusive.
Fishing Tournaments. Persons or entities which conduct fishing tournaments within Avalon Harbor shall submit an application which includes the following information:
The name, address and telephone number of the applicant, and if the applicant is other than a natural person, the names and addresses of all partners, officers or members of the entity and the name of the agent for service of process;
The name of the tournament, a description of the tournament including the proposed dates therefor, the maximum number of participating vessels, and a reference to the business and other license(s) held by such applicant;
A description of the space on City facilities, floats, or landing stages that the applicant desires to use in carrying on such business; and
A statement to be signed by the applicant acknowledging that if such permit is granted, he will conduct his business in accordance with the laws of the City in relation thereto, the terms of the permit and all rules and regulations regarding City facilities; that the permit may be revoked at any time by the Council for violations of the foregoing, including failure to pay use fees; and that the decision of the Council as to the revocation of any permit shall be final and conclusive.
Renewal of Permits. All permits shall expire on December 31 but shall be renewable pursuant to the criteria set forth in § 10-2.416, according to procedures adopted by ordinance or resolution of the City Council.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969; § 2, Ord. 872-92, eff. April 2, 1992]
Where a waterside project permit is desired for a person to carry on business as an employee or agent for any person, the application for such permit shall be approved by the principal of such person, and such permit may be revoked at any time without notice to the holder thereof upon the request of such principal so to do.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969; § 2, Ord. 872-92, eff. April 2, 1992]
All waterside project permits shall be on forms to be adopted by the Council and shall include such terms and conditions, in addition to those set forth in this chapter, as the Council may determine from time to time to be necessary or advisable to preserve the public peace and quiet on the City facilities or to protect the public welfare, and all such terms and conditions included in any such permit shall be binding on the holder of such permit to the same extent as though expressly set forth in this chapter.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969; § 2, Ord. 872-92, eff. April 2, 1992]
Suspension. The Council may, in its discretion at any time, as a penalty for the violation of the provisions of any waterside project permit, suspend the same for a period to be fixed in such order of suspension.
Revocation. All waterside project permits issued shall be granted and accepted by all persons receiving such permits with the express understanding that the Council may revoke the same at any time if satisfied that any of the conditions of the permit or provisions of this chapter have been violated, or that such permit was obtained by fraudulent representation, or that the holder of any such permit is an unfit person to be entrusted with the privileges granted by such permit; provided, however, no permit shall be revoked without first giving the holder an opportunity to appear before the Council in his own behalf, except as to an employee or agent of some other person holding a waterside project permit who requests such revocation.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969; § 2, Ord. 726U, eff. September 7, 1982; § 2, Ord. 727, eff. September 21, 1982; § 3, Ord. 849, eff. October 19, 1989; § 2, Ord. 872-92, eff. April 2, 1992; § 2, Ord. 1004-02, eff. March 21, 2002; § 2, Ord. 1122-13, eff. September 19, 2013]
Except for business operations described in subsection (b), the City Council shall grant a waterside permit for use of or operations upon, in or affecting City waters, facilities, provided it is able to make the following affirmative findings:
The project will not result in a substantial alteration of the City's present or planned waterside uses of the Avalon Harbor;
With regard to transportation and circulation, the project (i) will not generate substantial additional boat trips, including shoreboat trips, or other movement within Avalon Harbor; (ii) will not have a substantial negative impact upon existing mooring, docking, or other anchorage facilities; (iii) will not have a substantial impact on other modes and systems of transportation; (iv) will not result in substantial alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods; (v) will not increase traffic hazards to swimmers, boaters, or other existing activities; and (vi) will not restrict or alter existing coastal access;
The project will not have a substantial effect upon and will not result in a need for new or altered governmental services, including but not limited to, fire, police, maintenance of facilities, and harbor department services;
The project will not result in the use of substantial amounts of fuel or other forms of energy or substantially increase the demand upon existing sources of energy or require the development of new sources of energy;
The project will not result in a need for new utility systems or a substantial alteration of existing sources or systems for power, natural gas, communications, water, sewage disposal or solid waste disposal;
The project will not obstruct any scenic vista or view open to the public, and will not result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site which is open to public view;
The project will not result in a substantial negative impact upon the quality and quantity of existing recreational opportunities or result in alterations or restrictions to coastal access;
The applicant is fit to be entrusted with the privileges of a permit, in that he has not engaged in prior violations of City's harbor regulations, including the provisions of this article, has timely paid any harbor-related fees and has not presented checks returned for insufficient funds.
The applicant has a license to do business in the City, in good standing and is current on all fees and charges due to the City;
The applicant can demonstrate compliance with all Federal, State, and local laws, including all applicable City zoning laws.
The City Council may deny the permit where the impacts listed in paragraphs (1) through (10) above are cumulatively significant, even though the individual impacts are limited. The City Council may approve a project where mitigation measures eliminating significant impacts are incorporated into the project, and the approval shall be conditioned upon the implementation of such mitigation measures. The failure to comply and maintain any mitigation measures shall be a basis for suspension or revocation of a waterside project permit pursuant to § 10-2.415.
The Harbor Master shall grant a waterside project permit for fishing tournament operations if he is able to make the following affirmative findings:
The tournament will not result in substantial harbor congestion or conflict with other previously scheduled events;
The tournament will be conducted after Labor Day and not prior to May 15 if the tournament is one which does not donate 50% or more of its gross proceeds to a nonprofit group or groups which primarily serve residents of Catalina Island; and
There are sufficient resources to accommodate the maximum number of vessels expected to participate in the tournament.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969]
It shall be unlawful for any master, owner, agent, or other person having the charge or control of any boat, vessel, or watercraft to lay at, remain alongside, or tie up to the City facilities, or any float, landing stage, or approach thereto in use in connection therewith, for any longer period than is actually necessary to take on board the passengers or freight in waiting on the City facilities or float and ready to be taken aboard, or than is actually necessary to discharge the passengers or freight of any such boat or vessel.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969]
It shall be unlawful for any master, owner, agent, or other person having the charge or control of any boat, vessel, or watercraft to lay at or remain alongside the City facilities, or any float, landing stage, or approach thereto in use in connection therewith, for a longer period than 10 minutes; provided, however, if it is impossible to receive on board all the passengers or freight in waiting on the City facilities or float for such boat or vessel, or to discharge all the passengers or freight from any such boat or vessel during such period, by using all reasonable diligence so to do, such period shall be extended until all such passengers or freight are taken aboard or discharged, as the case may be.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969]
It shall be unlawful for any captain, master, or other person having the charge or control of any boat, ship, or vessel to land or discharge freight or passengers upon, or to take on board or receive freight or passengers, from any public street in the City or from any portion of the beach or waterfront of the City under the control of the City other than the City facilities.
[§ 2, Ord. 519, eff. July 31, 1969]
It shall be unlawful for any person to land, or attempt to land, from any boat, ship, or vessel carrying passengers for hire, upon any public street in the City or upon any portion of the beach or waterfront of the City under the control of the City other than the City facilities, or to go aboard any such boat, ship, or vessel carrying passengers for hire from any public street in the City or from any portion of the beach or waterfront of the City under the control of the City other than the City facilities.
[§ 1, Ord. 726-U, eff. September 7, 1982; § 3, Ord. 727, eff. September 21, 1982; § 1, Ord. 973-00, eff. March 2, 2000]
The Traffic Engineer is authorized to determine and mark loading and passenger loading zones of Harbor facilities in accordance with Article 11 of Title 4, and may establish such parking, standing and loading, and other traffic regulations as are necessary for the safe and efficient use of the City facilities.
It shall be unlawful for any person, business or entity that provides transportation to or from the City facilities to leave baggage or freight unattended at any place on such facilities; except pursuant to an approved baggage handling service franchise agreement.
No person, entity or business shall engage in the business or activity of placing, removing, storing, loading, unloading or delivering to or from businesses and residences in the City any baggage or freight originating from or destined for passenger carriers using the Mole facilities. This shall not apply to any taxi operator or hotel operator providing courtesy bus service that handles personal baggage associated with the transport of passengers to and from the Mole, as long as the baggage and passenger are transported together.
The Traffic Engineer is authorized to establish a permitting system to control access to and parking at areas designated as "restricted access." It shall be unlawful for any person to drive on, stop, stand, or park at any area on the City facilities designated by the Traffic Engineers as "restricted access," unless pursuant to a permit issued by the Traffic Engineer.
It shall be unlawful for any person to ride, drive or propel, or cause to be ridden, driven or propelled any vehicle, including but not limited to bicycles, roller skates, coasters, pushmobiles, skateboards, motopeds or similar contrivances on any portion of the Cabrillo Mole where notice is posted prohibiting such vehicles, except as permitted by the Traffic Engineer pursuant to this section.