In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1976 Code have been included in the 2021 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. II.
Title/Chapter from 1976 Code
Location in 2021 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Ch. 1, General Provisions/Art. I, Construction and Penalties
Ch. 2, Administration
Art. I, Town Committees
Ch. 18, Boards, Commissions and Committees/Art. VIII, Town Committees
§§ 2-2 through 2-4, §§ 2-8 through 2-10
Ch. 66, Parks and Recreation Department
§§ 2-5 through 2-7
Ch. 18, Boards, Commissions and Committees/Art. III, Board of Parks and Recreation
Art. III, Planning Board
Ch. 18, Boards, Commissions and Committees/Art. I, Planning Board
Art. IV, Public Cemeteries
Ch. 18, Boards, Commissions and Committees/Art. VI, Trustees of Public Cemeteries
Art. V, Municipal Library Code
Ch. 18, Boards, Commissions and Committees/Art. V, Library Board of Trustees
Art. VI, Senior Citizens Association
Ch. 18, Boards, Commissions and Committees/Art. VII, Board of Directors of Senior Citizen Association
Art. VII, Engineering Section
Art. VIII, Police
Ch. 76, Police Department
Art. IX, Emergency Management
Ch. 26, Emergency Management
Art. X, Personnel
Ch. 71, Personnel
Art. XI, General Assistance
Ch. 43, General Assistance
Art. XII, Addressing
Ch. 230, Streets and Sidewalks/Art. IV, Road Names and Numbers
Art. XIII, Winslow Board of Assessment Review
Ch. 18, Boards, Commissions and Committees/Art. II, Board of Assessment Review
Art. XIV, Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Ordinance
Ch. 200, Property Assessed Clean Energy
Art. XV, Tax Acquired Property
Ch. 33, Finance and Taxation/Art. I, Tax-Acquired Property
Art. XVI, Financial
Ch. 33, Finance and Taxation/Art. II, Tax-Exempt and Tax Credit Obligations
Art. XVII, Agricultural Commission Charter
Ch. 18, Boards, Commissions and Committees/Art. IV, Agricultural Commission
Art. XVIII, Excise Tax
Ch. 33, Finance and Taxation/Art. III, Excise Tax Exemption
Art. XIX, Voluntary Municipal Farm Support Program (VMFSP)
Ch. 33, Finance and Taxation/Art. IV, Voluntary Municipal Farm Support Program
Ch. 3, Animals
Art. I, Dogs
Ch. 94, Animals/Art. I, Dogs
Art. II, Domesticated Chickens
Ch. 94, Animals/Art. II, Domesticated Chickens
Ch. 4, Building and Plumbing
Art. I, Building Code
Ch. 110, Building Construction
Art. II, Plumbing Code
Ch. 186, Plumbing Standards
Ch. 5, Businesses
Art. I, Solicitors
Ch. 213, Solicitors and Vendors/Art. I, Solicitors
Art. II, Junkyards and Automobile Graveyards
Ch. 156, Junkyards and Automobile Graveyards
Art. III, Exempted Businesses
Ch. 115, Businesses/Art. I, Operation on Sunday
Art. IV, Special Amusement
Ch. 90, Amusements and Entertainment/Art. I, Special Amusement
Art. V, Itinerant Vendors
Ch. 213, Solicitors and Vendors/Art. II, Itinerant Vendors
Art. VI, Innkeepers and Lodging Houses
Ch. 147, Innkeepers and Lodging Houses
Art. VII, Permit Required for Sale of Consumer Fireworks
Ch. 135, Fireworks/Art. I, Sale of Consumer Fireworks
Ch. 6, Floodplain Management
Repealed by Ord. No. 3-2020
Ch. 7, Mobile Homes, Manufactured Housing and Mobile Home Parks
Ch. 168, Mobile Homes and Manufactured Housing
Ch. 8, Morals and Conduct
Ch. 181, Peace and Good Order
Ch. 9, Parks and Recreation
Ch. 176, Parks and Recreation
Ch. 10, Sewers
Ch. 209, Sewers
Ch. 11, Streets
Art. I, Street Construction Requirements
Ch. 230, Streets and Sidewalks/Art. V, Street Construction Requirements
Art. II, Standards for Streets to Be Accepted and Deeded Town Ways
Ch. 230, Streets and Sidewalks/Art. VI, Standards for Streets To Be Accepted
Art. III, Street Excavations
Ch. 230, Streets and Sidewalks/Art. II, Street Excavations
Art. IV, Street Entrances
Ch. 230, Streets and Sidewalks/Art. III, Street Entrances
Art. V, Road Postings
Ch. 230, Streets and Sidewalks/Art. I, Posting of Weight Limits
Ch. 12, Subdivisions
Ch. 250, Subdivision of Land
Ch. 13, Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 275, Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 14, Zoning
Ch. 300, Zoning